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"What the hell!? One billion in team reserve funds!? Are you trying to buy UZI!?"

Originally, when Luo Yun said that the bid amount he offered was 100 million, no one felt anything.

Now the price of LPL team names is about 100 million.

But when everyone heard Luo Yun mention 1 billion in team reserve funds, they were dumbfounded.

What the hell!?

Are you still going to play or not?

1 billion in team reserve funds!?

Even if you buy all the players like TheShy, Rokie, and UZI, you won't need 1 billion!!!

Even if A Shui joined TES before, TES was already a sucker, but it only took out 60 or 70 million!

Luo Yun came up with 1 billion in team reserve funds all of a sudden!

What are you trying to do!?

However, what they didn't know was that

Luo Yun really wanted to buy UI!

LPL is going to change!

Suddenly, countless e-sports people had this idea in their minds! 1 billion in team reserve funds!

And���It's just the reserve fund!

Who knows how much more money Luo Yun will invest in the team later!

This is no longer building a galaxy battleship!

This is building an aircraft carrier! ?

"One billion team reserve funds! What the hell are we going to do?"

The representatives of the other four companies looked at each other and saw the despair in each other's eyes!

Not to mention one billion, they couldn't even come up with 200 million team reserve funds! Sure enough

, Luo Yun was not bragging when he said that as long as he made a bid, others would have no chance....

They really have no chance!

"cough cough...So it seems that no one is bidding anymore, right?"

Bo Cheng also looked helpless.

The LPL system has been reformed for two years.

The bidding has been held for four or five times.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. As soon as

Luo Yun made a bid, the game was killed....

"In that case, congratulations to Mr. Luo on his successful qualification as an LPL team. Mr. Luo, please report the team's name, address, contact information, base address, team players and coaching staff within one week! Prepare to participate in the LPLS10 Summer Season!"

Cheng Bo also knew that the other four companies no longer had the desire to bid.

He could only helplessly announce the auction results in advance.


Luo Yun also smiled and nodded.

Although he didn't prepare anything now, he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, he had plenty of places, and the players could just buy them. As for the most difficult coaching team, there were system rewards.

Soon, after the last performance, the auction was completely over.

Luo Yun didn't stay for long, but before leaving, he exchanged WeChat with PDD and others.

After all, if he wanted to build a full live broadcast platform in the future, he still had to build good relationships with anchors like PDD, Da Sima, and Wei Xiao.

At that time, he would recruit them together. The traffic will definitely explode!

And in the next period of time , Luo Yun also got busy.

First, he registered an LPL team that truly belonged to him. Luo Yun named it XYG!

Xiangyun Team!

Then, Luo Yun recruited a group of workers and personally led them to empty the 31st floor of Fengheyuan, preparing to build the most luxurious team base in the country!

And Zhong Jiawei was naturally not idle.

First, he contacted LNG and finally bought Saint Spear Brother with a high transfer fee of 30 million!

As for RNG, although they had contacted each other, RNG, which even ignored Principal Wang, naturally would not have any good feelings towards Zhong Jiawei.

He said directly,"UZI is a commodity and is ready to retire!", directly rejected Zhong Jiawei!

At the same time, the news that UZI was ready to retire began to break out on the Internet!

Suddenly, the entire network's attention was focused on RNG and UZI.

It has to be said that the RNG club is really a god of operation.

Even UZI's retirement was turned into a heat-absorbing event by them.

Suddenly, countless netizens and fans began to speak out to retain him, hoping to prevent UZI from retiring.

But after seeing RNG's lineup this season, UZI really didn't want to continue the meaningless battle.

If he can't win the S championship, it's meaningless!

Either transfer or retire, these are the two paths before UZI himself!

At the same time, Luo Yun is also taking action!

Chen Bin's progress in acquiring the Huya platform is even more gratifying.

After all, in this day and age, although the live broadcast platform is very popular, it has spawned many big anchors with annual incomes of tens of millions and millions.

But the live broadcast platform is really not very profitable.

It has a high market value, but it is even operating at a loss every year.

It is all burning investors' money.

Don't you see Principal Wang's Panda has a lot of handsome men and beautiful women, outdoor anchors, and PDD, a great god, sitting in the office.

Isn't it bankruptcy?

So the boss of Huya Live, at this time, can't wait to sell Huya Live for a good price!

And at this time, Luo Yun appeared.

At this stage, the market value of Huya Live is 40 billion RMB!

To be honest, for Luo Yun, it is not as valuable as an 18-year-old Liu Yubai.

Of course, in the process of purchasing shares, the money paid must be a little more expensive than the market value.

After all, people also want to make money.

But under Chen Bin's operation, in three days, 30 billion funds were used to purchase 70% of Huya's shares!

And they are still constantly acquiring other shares!

From then on, Xiangyun Investment is the largest shareholder of Huya!

Luo Yun, the real boss of Huya Live!

As soon as he acquired the Huya platform, Luo Yun asked Zhong Jiawei to contact UZI privately.

Regardless of whether RNG will continue to hold the contract, a key condition for recruiting UZI into XYG is that UZI himself continues to play games.

Moreover, he is willing to play in his new team!

Of course, Luo Yun believes that with UZI's current thoughts, as long as there is a glimmer of hope to hit the S0 championship, he should not give up!

Sure enough, after Zhong Jiawei contacted UZI privately, UZI immediately responded eagerly!

And took the initiative to meet Zhong Jiawei for a detailed discussion!

He really longed for an S championship!

Especially this year's competition held in his own home, Shanghai!

Thinking back to the semi-finals of S7, he fought five games and finally lost to Aker, the great devil, in five games, Galio!

Missed the Bird's Nest!

And now, it's another S game at his doorstep. If he retires and cannot participate in person because of the contract problem, it would be a pity!

So even if XYG is a new team.

But when Zhong Jiawei said that there was a way to help UZI solve the live broadcast contract stuck by RNG and Huya, UZI was immediately moved!

What can a new team do! ?

Just like last year's FPX!

Just like ROX back then!

It is no longer the era of competing for team foundation!

RNGEDG and other old teams can't even go to the Intercontinental Championship and the Mid-Season Championship.

Maybe the new team will create a miracle!

"Boss, UZI wants to meet us this afternoon! As long as we can reach an agreement, maybe we can really buy UZI!"

After getting UZI's answer, Zhong Jiawei ran to Luo Yun with excitement and said excitedly


Luo Yun was delighted when he heard this!

"Get ready! In the afternoon, I will meet with UZI in person!"


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