After listening to Luo Yun's words, Hu Yunyun couldn't help but be shocked!

She didn't expect that this young boy in front of her would have such a broad mind!

She didn't know if she would be so broad-minded and share with investors across the country that the share price of Xingrui Coffee would continue to rise.

She also didn't know if she would take the initiative to release the news and be willing to take the initiative to help every Chinese investor to open a U-country stock account.

And Luo Yun's words"What's the point of fighting in the nest? If we want to make money, let's go together and make money from the U-country people!" made Hu Yunyun even more excited!

She really didn't expect that a boy in his twenties could actually do this!

After all, people are selfish.

But in fact, if you think about it, even if you help these Chinese investors to open U-country stock accounts, so that they can also make money from the rising share price of Xingrui Coffee, for Xiangyun Investment, there is actually no loss. On the contrary, it will win an excellent reputation!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an investment company.

But the difference between being able to think of this and being able to do this is really huge!

Hu Yunyun can now foresee that in the next period of time, Xiangyun Investment Company will definitely become the most famous and also the most reputable investment company in the country!

And Hu Yunyun's action ability is naturally not to be underestimated!

After interviewing Luo Yun, she immediately returned to her company.

Working overtime, she rushed out three reports in a row and published them directly on the entire network!

《The boss of Xiangyun Investment Company said: We recommend all shareholders to buy Xingrui Coffee stocks as soon as possible!》

《The stock price of Xingrui Coffee will continue to rise!》

《Xiangyun Investment can unconditionally help stockholders open a U-country stock market account! 》

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

These three articles directly exploded on the entire domestic Internet!

"Brother, are you going to charge?!"

"I think...You can rush!!"

"Go, go, go! This Xiangyun Investment is really awesome! I think I can definitely follow his footsteps!"

"Brothers, I was suffering from the lack of channels to open a U.S. stock market account before. Now, Xiangyun Investment has put a great opportunity in front of us. If we don’t keep up with its pace, wouldn’t it be too ungrateful! ?"

"My dear friends, I opened a U.S. stock market account two years ago. I will make a deposit to show my respect!"

"Go, go, go!! Why bother with him so much! I am extremely dissatisfied now, but I am convinced by Xiangyun Investment. I am willing to go with him even if I lose money!!"

"Hahahaha! The guy upstairs is really irritable! But his temper suits my mind! I'm going to rush in too!!"

All of a sudden, in the entire domestic stock trading circle, all the investors who have a little bit of strength took action! Those who have a U-country stock market account just rushed in!

And those who don't have a U-country stock market account, either try to find channels to open an account.

Or they don't care about the distance and just fly to the Magic City.

Go straight to Xiangyun Investment to seek help.

And Luo Yun naturally accepts everyone who comes. The operators below also work overtime to help the investors who come to seek help to open U-country stock market accounts!

Just as Luo Yun said, he wants to take everyone to make money from the U-country people!

And The next week was a crazy week!

A total of more than 400,000 stockholders, led by Xiangyun Investment, rushed into the U country stock market!

Even some large domestic companies and capitalists invested in the U country stock market!

And just as Luo Yun said, the share price of Xingrui Coffee rose wildly within a week!

From the lowest point of 0.09M gold, it went all the way to 69M gold!

It doubled seven hundred times!

This is destined to be the darkest week in the U country stock market!

However, it was a crazy carnival week for domestic stockholders!

On Elhua Street, a A depression.

Billions of dollars of wealth evaporated in a week!

More than a dozen financial institutions on Erhua Street that participated in this financial war declared bankruptcy!

Other Erhua Street financial institutions that participated in this financial war could only survive and barely survive.

The Shuihun Organization even announced its dissolution due to the loss of too much money!

This notorious organization that ruined several ** companies finally collapsed under Luo Yun’s strong targeting!

However, the worst hit in this financial war were not the financial institutions and Shuihun Organization on Erhua Street.

It was the stock and securities exchanges of the U country!

Until now, No one could calculate how much money Xiangyun Investment had swept from the U Securities Exchange through the stock of Xingrui Coffee!

No one could calculate how much money ** shareholders had swept away from the U stock market!

But everyone also knew that this was definitely an astronomical figure!

Even some shareholders from other countries participated in it and took advantage of the fire!

And this scene was naturally what Luo Yun wanted to see! After all, only when more people entered the market could the muddy water be stirred even more!

And he could also get out of the market more easily!

And as time passed.

A week came quietly!

"Chen Bin, give the order now, all traders, all take action! Sell all the stocks in all accounts!"

Luo Yun's eyes were sharp, and with a command, Xiangyun Investment started to operate frantically again!

It's time to finally reap the spoils!


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