Facing everyone's persuasion, Ye Chuyun's expression remained unchanged. What

Wang Gang and the others said was indeed right.

According to his cautious character, he should indeed try the difficult level first.

But this was based on the premise that he had not cleared the Cemetery of the Swamp King.

In his previous life, Ye Chuyun had no idea how many times he had cleared the Cemetery of the Swamp King.

He had read no less than ten versions of the strategy guide.

And the most important thing is that no matter whether you clear the easy, normal, difficult, or hell level, the clearance reward can only be obtained once.

That is to say, if he clears the difficult level, he will not get the hell level clearance reward.

And he must get the hell level clearance reward.

Therefore, he can only choose the hell level.

Moreover, he is 100% sure that he can clear the hell level Swamp King Cemetery.

That's why he said that.

""That's enough, that's enough."

Wang Gang seemed to understand what Ye Chuyun meant, and immediately stopped others from continuing to persuade him.

"Since Ye Shen has made up his mind, he should be sure of it, so we shouldn't try to persuade him any more."

The others also shut up immediately after hearing this.

""Okay, then I'll go to the Hell Level to explore the way for you, and give you the first-hand strategy when I come out."

Ye Chuyun smiled and strode away.

Everyone watched him walk into the light gate.

"Good guy, go to the hell-level Swamp King Cemetery to explore the way for us, Ye Shen has to be you"

"But if Ye Shen can pass the level, we might be able to ask for information."

"Then shall we continue to fight? We just happened to have a healer."

"Why are we still fighting? Let's wait for Ye Shen to come out. If we fight now, we will waste our chance to revive."

"Captain, how about we wait a bit?"

Lei Chen asked when he saw Wang Gang didn't move.

Wang Gang nodded:"Well, let's not take any action for now."

"I want to see if Ye Shen can clear this hell-level Swamp King Cemetery."

【Tip: You are about to enter the cemetery of the Swamp King, please select the difficulty】

【Tips: The difficulty ranges from low to high, namely, easy, normal, difficult, hell】

【Tips: No matter it is easy, normal, difficult, or hell, you can only get the clearance reward once after clearing the level for the first time. Please be aware of this.】

【Tip: In the easy level, players can be resurrected five times in the Swamp King's graveyard】

【Tip: In normal levels, players can be resurrected three times in the Swamp King's graveyard.】

【Tip: In difficult levels, players can be resurrected once in the Swamp King's graveyard】

【Tip: In the hell level, players have no chance to revive】

【Please choose]

Ye Chuyun chose hell without saying anything.

Suddenly, the entire light gate turned from white to pitch black, like the entrance to the abyss.

A pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared at the entrance.

When the people standing in the distance saw these eyes, they immediately got goose bumps all over their bodies.

They felt the threat of death.

"My goodness, I feel like if I go into the hell-level Swamp King Cemetery, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat even the monsters inside."

Cai Kun said, rubbing the cold sweat on his forehead.

The two girls, Liu Qian and Wang Yun, couldn't help but hug their arms and shiver.

"I think what you said is very right. I feel a chill on my back now."

Ye Chuyun ignored the threat from those eyes and strode into the entrance of the abyss.

After entering, there was a dark forest.

Thick black clouds were pressing down on the sky, and there were lightning and thunder in the clouds, as if the world was coming to an end.

Ye Chuyun looked up.

He saw a ruined building vaguely appearing at the end of the forest, half-hidden.

And around the forest, some white bones were scattered from time to time.

Ye Chuyun had no expression on his face, and he walked towards the direction of the ruined building.


Suddenly, a roar came from the ruins.

The sound spread in all directions, causing the entire forest to sway violently.

Suddenly, large black shadows appeared in various parts of the forest, shaking continuously.

Countless forks appeared in the forest.

"Here they come!!"

Ye Chuyun's expression was stern.

The terrifying thing about the cemetery of the Swamp King is this forest.

This forest seems to have only one road leading to the ruined building at the end.

In fact, people who don't know the strategy will eventually get lost in this forest.

Wang Gang's team must be the same, thinking that as long as they walk out of this forest, it will be very simple.

But there are a total of thirty roads in the whole forest, and only one can lead to the location of the final boss.

The other roads are either blocked by elite leaders or stationed by a bunch of monsters.

If you go the wrong way, you will die if you can't beat them.

Moreover, these thirty roads will be refreshed every time you enter.

Even if you find the way out for the first time, the next time you come in, it will become another road.

However, the more times you pass the level, the more you will find it. , many people discovered the rules for finding the correct path.

Ye Chuyun naturally knew this rule.

However, he did not plan to walk out of the forest directly. If he wanted to truly pass the hell-level Swamp King Cemetery.

Then all these thirty roads must be walked once.

This is a hidden achievement.

So Ye Chuyun randomly chose a small path on the far right and walked over.

But before he had walked for long, five black shadows rushed out from the darkness of the forest and blocked him directly.

At this time, the dark clouds were wandering, and the moonlight shone down slightly, and the true face of the black shadows also appeared.

The black shadows turned out to be the rotten corpses of ferocious beasts.

Most of these ferocious beast corpses were rotten, like melted candles.

Ye Chuyun could no longer recognize what these corpses looked like when they were alive.

【Name: Corpse Beast

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 6000

【Features: Fearless, bloodthirsty, violent, sonic attack, weak to fire

【[Skills]: Ultrasonic LV5

【Talent: None

【[Explosion Rate]: 10%

"It is indeed a Hell-level dungeon. It is just an ordinary monster, but it has 6000 combat power and a high explosion rate."

"If you look at it this way, it basically corresponds to the strategy."

"It’s just right for me to practice with these corpse beasts and see how strong I am now!"

Ye Chuyun stared at the five corpse beasts in front of him.

""Heavenly Might!"

Suddenly his eyes turned silver, and a majestic and inviolable pressure surged from his body.

This was his first-level professional exclusive skill, Heavenly Might.

For the enemy he wanted to attack, it could directly weaken 30% of the attributes.

""Woo woo woo!"

The five corpse beasts felt a sudden threat of death approaching, causing them to tremble and their momentum was greatly reduced.

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