The avatars of many people in the chat channel are constantly jumping.

The avatars show the truest appearance of each person, and next to each person's name.

Cai Kun:"This stone ape beast is too strong. I thought this beast was alone and I could take advantage of it. Who knew that this beast was as hard as a turtle? Our team of five was almost wiped out, but fortunately we found that although this stone ape beast is hard, its movements are very slow. If you encounter it, remember not to be reckless, just slowly drag it to death."

Wang Gang:"I have also encountered this stone ape beast. Fortunately, Zhuang Liang discovered its weakness in advance. With the help of Liu Qian and others, our team killed one without any injury, and also exploded a stone ape beast's spirit. Eating it can increase strength by 3 points."

Huang Li:"Wow, you are worthy of being the big guys. You can kill the stone ape beast so easily." Feng Yu

:"By the way, I just found the body of a stone ape beast, and there is a green treasure chest next to it. Could it be that this stone ape beast was killed by the big guys?"

Zhuang Liang:"Treasure chest??? We didn't kill it. There was no treasure chest next to the stone ape beast we killed."

Huang Peng:"Good fellow, which team probably killed it again? Our Novice Village is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, with so many big guys. By the way, what level are the big guys?"

Wang Gang:"I'm already level 2, and my combat power is 189 now."

Cai Kun:"Oh my god, big guy, you're already level 2? My five-man team has killed more than 10 level 1 beasts, and we still need more than half of the energy value to upgrade."

Zhao Qiang:"It seems that your team should be the strongest elite team in our District 118."

Wang Gang:"Haha, you're too kind."

Zhuang Liang:"You guys are too kind. I still believe that there are people who are better than you. There are always better things."

Cai Kun:"Big guy is too modest, hahaha."

Ye Chuyun just quietly dived and peeked at the screen without making any comments.

He was not surprised that Wang Gang was promoted to level 2. After all, in his previous life, Wang Gang's team was the first echelon team in District 118.

It's a pity that if they hadn't encountered [that incident], their District 118 would have developed very well.

But now Ye Chuyun is still concerned about the level.

Now Wang Gang's level is 2, which is the highest level in District 118.

After reaching level 3, the level ranking list will be opened.

The first one to reach level 10 will get a golden treasure chest.

Ye Chuyun will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

The higher the level of the treasure chest, the more difficult it is to obtain.

It is said that in the previous life, the man named Nakamura Tian sacrificed thousands of lives in order to get this dark gold treasure chest.

Now as long as Ye Chuyun reaches level 10, he can get a golden treasure chest. The difficulty of this way of obtaining it is simply too low.

Thinking of this, he quickly took out the treasure chest detector, intending to find a treasure chest while looking for a lone beast to upgrade.

Northeast of the Poison Mist Swamp

【Kill level 1 green claw beast, gain energy points +10】

【Kill level 1 green claw beast, gain energy points +10】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it. 】


A cold light flashed, the body of the green claw beast separated, and the body fell to the ground with a plop.

At the same time, there were three green claw beast bodies on the ground, and the bodies were also separated.

Ye Chuyun held the green claw machete in his hand and looked at the corpses on the ground, panting.

He followed the treasure chest detector all the way from the southeast of the poisonous fog swamp to the northeast, and has not found any trace of the treasure chest for the time being.

But on the way, he found four green claw beasts resting.

Using tactics, he lured a single green claw beast over, and then immediately killed it, and then repeated the process. In less than ten minutes, the four green claw beasts were wiped out by him.


Four white lights poured into Ye Chuyun's body.

Ye Chuyun felt warm all over, and a level progress bar appeared in his mind.

Level: Level 1 (80/100)

It seems that he only needs to kill two more green claw beasts to be promoted to Level 2

【Tip: The upper limit of the Green Claw Beast's essence that can be taken is (9/10)]

Killing four Green Claw Beasts also gave him four [Green Claw Beast's Essence], which increased his strength by 8 points after swallowing. He also got three Green Claw machetes, and he strengthened them decisively.

【Green Claw Machete +5: Attack Power +25, Strength +10, Tier 1 Equipment】

【Tip: Your Green Claw Machete has reached the upper limit of the enhancement level and cannot be enhanced again. 】

The combat power has increased again, reaching 217, which is better than Wang Gang at level 2.

In addition, Ye Chuyun also obtained 20 God and Demon Coins, a skill stone, and a skill book.

【Strength Amplification: First-level skill, strength +20 points within 30 seconds after use, cooldown time two minutes. 】

Now he has 3 skills that can be used in battle. With these 3 skills, he can even fight against level 2 beasts.

After getting rid of the green claw beast, Ye Chuyun came to a bubbling swamp.

In the swamp, there was a half-foot-tall purple six-petal grass.

Ye Chuyun directly threw an identification spell over it.

Name: Purple Star Grass

Grade: First-level spiritual grass

Effect: If taken directly, it will cause paralysis of the whole body, and can be used as medicine to make pills

"It is indeed the Purple Star Grass!"Ye Chuyun was delighted.

The reason why he wanted to kill the four green claw beasts was because he saw this spiritual herb.

If he had an alchemy furnace, he could collect spiritual herbs to make pills. In his previous life, he was an intermediate alchemist.

Working in a second-rate force [Shadow], he specialized in making pills for others, and could only earn more than 10,000 God and Demon coins a month.

Alchemy is definitely one of the top three professions in the world of gods and demons, a real panacea.

This time, when he was reborn, Ye Chuyun would also choose to become an alchemist. Alchemists can continuously refine pills, which can not only be taken by themselves, but also used to train younger brothers.

A master-level alchemist can even cultivate a third-rate force, which is absolutely not an exaggeration.

Therefore, Ye Chuyun cannot miss these spiritual herbs. He can collect them and use them to improve his proficiency after he becomes an alchemist.

After collecting the purple star grass, Ye Chuyun took out the treasure chest detector and detected it again.

【Ding, detection completed. A treasure chest is detected 83 meters to your right.】

"Found it!"

Ye Chuyun's face lit up with joy, and he walked quickly in the direction indicated by the treasure chest detector.

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