“Nani?!” Not only Mao Li, but others were also surprised.

“Are you trying to say that the prisoner used stealth?” Lost Cang suddenly sneered, obviously scoffing at Dongma’s words.

But Fuyuma just glanced at him with a smile, and then explained: “Don’t be so surprised, the prisoner just took advantage of people’s blind spots, and while we were paying attention to the color change of the water surface on the balcony, we moved to the tea room opposite, just pass under this wooden bridge.” ”

“What… What the! Maori was shocked, and the others also showed surprised looks.

“Just hide in the grass next to the wooden bridge, and then wait for the opportunity to get under the wooden bridge.” Swimming along the wooden bridge to the tea room opposite, this becomes something that anyone can do. Climbing up the corridor from the entrance on the west side will not attract anyone’s attention. Then he called out the grandmaster and cut his wrist with a knife…”

“So, who is the prisoner?” Henggou hurriedly asked, now it was time to enter the critical moment.

“Our lord is the murderer, and at the time of the crime, he made a seemingly ordinary act, but now it is very strange to think about it…” said Fuyuma with a smile.

Hanazaki immediately pointed the finger at Mimura, “Miss Mimura, it’s you!” You must be lying when you say that you have something private or something! ”

“What words! Do you want to say that I am the murderer?! Mimura sneered unhappily.

Henggou also seemed to think that Sanmura was the murderer, so he also shouted and asked: “This time, you can always explain to us the reason why you went out!” Where the hell have you been! ”

“At that time, I just went outside to get this thing.” Saying that, Mimura picked up the box road that he was about to take away just now.

“It should be a valuable tea set, right?” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“How do you know?” Mimura was surprised.

“Because after the grandmaster said that he would retire today, he was afraid that the next grandmaster would be handed over to the lost warehouse to inherit, so he hurriedly went out to find someone to buy this set of tea sets that were more expensive than the one sent by the lost warehouse.” Fuyuma asked.

“Well…” Sanmura saw that he couldn’t hide it, so he could only say truthfully: “Because if I inherit the name of Grandmaster, most of the property of this family will fall into my name, of course, I will be a little greedy!” ”

“In my opinion, she should be telling the truth, because once you go out, even if you want to sneak in, it will trigger the anti-theft sensor anyway.” I remember when Mimura was in Mimura, Mrs. Hanazaki must have always gone to the door and brought her upstairs, right? Fuyuma casually patted Mimura’s.

“So it’s a pity that Miss Mimura didn’t have time to go to the tea room and mention the crime.” Therefore, at least Miss Mimura is absolutely impossible to commit the crime. ”

“So who is the murderer?” Maori asked suspiciously.

“This prisoner knows very well that the grandmaster is preparing for the tea party in the evening, so he will definitely ask people not to approach the tea room. After calculating this, he deliberately used that special knot to complete the secret room technique… A special knot that is usually used by anglers when fishing in the river to keep the boat from being swept away by the river. ”

“Fishing?” Thinking of this keyword, almost everyone’s eyes turned to Ryoichi Aonoki.

Ryoichi naturally noticed this and immediately shouted, “It’s not me! ”

“Don’t be impatient, I didn’t say it was you…” Dongma smiled and waved his hand, “Because the murderer swam all the way to the tea room from under the wooden bridge…”

“Ah! In this way, the prisoner should have been fully shid at that time! Maori suddenly shouted.

“So in order to cover up this, the prisoner went to take a shower after the murder… Yes, so the murderer is you, Mr. Lost! Fuyuma stretched out his hand and asserted at the lost position covered in cold sweat.

“When you were gathering here, you deliberately criticized Miss Mimura who just went out because of an insignificant matter, I think your purpose is to let us come and dissuade you, at least focus your eyes and attention on you…”

Dongma looked sideways at the window of the tea room facing the balcony behind him and said, “Because at that time, it was just when the body of the grandmaster was slowly raised by your organs, and you naturally didn’t want us to see this scene.” ”

“No wonder I said why you suddenly lost such a big temper, originally with your personality, you should not have shouted in front of you like this!” Sanmura also said abruptly at this time.

“You talk nonsense! This is a frame-up! You don’t have any evidence at all! Lost Warehouse shouted in panic.

“Didn’t you already send us the evidence?” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“On the pillars of the tearoom corridor, that obvious moss handprint… If you check it carefully, you can quickly lock the fingerprint. ”

“I thought it was a seamless plan…” said Lost, dejected, and then explained the reason for the crime.

Before this, Aonoki Ryozo had been engaged in illegal projects of forging antiques, and the two also made a lot of money from it, but Lost Position did not expect that after building the tea room, Aonoki Ryozo seemed to have discovered his conscience, and wanted to retire and turn himself in.

So in desperation, the loss of the warehouse can only move the killing intent, “It would be good if I didn’t build that tea room in the first place…”

After the case was over, Ryoichi did not have his father’s persecution, and naturally went to continue his hobby, even if he did not receive all the property because of this, but the only ones legally left to him were enough for him to spend his life.

And after the only two competitors went to jail and went fishing, the name of Grandmaster Aonoki was naturally inherited by Mimura.

In order to repay Fuyuma for plucking her rival, Fuyuma got a famous Japanese tea ceremony female grandmaster as a woman she could summon at any time. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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