Chapter 98: Qin Yexuan’s Accident

Qin’s house, Shengjing Garden.

Today is the same sunny weather as before, but the atmosphere in the Shengjing Garden is very solemn.

The birth of Qin Rufeng, the Patriarch of the Qin Family, is coming soon, and the number of bodyguards in Shengjing Garden has almost doubled.

In addition, several drones can be seen hovering in the sky, obviously monitoring everything in the community.

In Qin Rufeng’s villa, Qin Yexuan was tasting the meal delivered by the butler. Although it seemed to make people appetite, Qin Yexuan was not in the mood to taste the food.

Tomorrow will be Qin Rufeng’s birthday party. Once it arrives, Lin Moyuan still has no choice but to do so, then he is in danger.

At this time, Qin Yexuan’s cell phone rang suddenly, and Qin Yexuan saw that the caller ID was Lin Moyuan’s number and immediately connected.

Qin Yexuan didn’t notice, but now he has gradually regarded Lin Moyuan as the backbone of his own.

“Hello? Have you thought of a way?”

“Tomorrow is Qin Rufeng’s birthday party!”

Lin Moyuan immediately smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, I have found a solution, but I am afraid that the wall will have ears. At the birthday party, I will tell you more!”

Qin Yexuan was suddenly surprised when he heard Lin Moyuan’s words!

“You mean, you want to take me out at the birthday party?”

“But how is this possible! Do you know how many people there will be that day?”

“Do you know how strict the security will be?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and replied:

“Of course I know, but I will also participate, and I will participate in a fair manner!”

“When I get to the villa, I will naturally find a way to find you, so don’t worry.”

Qin Yexuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Moyuan’s very determined tone. Lin Moyuan didn’t seem to be a ranting person. Since he had ensured this, there shouldn’t be a problem.

At this time, Lin Moyuan’s voice rang in the earpiece again.

“There is another thing. I got a video about the Qin family by accident. I found it in the Qin family’s database, but I couldn’t understand it.”

“I’m sending it to your mailbox now. See if you can see any information. Remember to tell me!”

After speaking, Qin Yexuan responded, and Lin Moyuan hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yexuan received an email from his mobile phone mailbox.

The email contained a video of more than a minute, apparently from Lin Moyuan.

Qin Yexuan frowned, and then directly clicked on the video.

The first twenty seconds of the scene were very calm, until the scene of a car crashing into a tree appeared in front of Qin Yexuan’s eyes, Qin Yexuan was stunned!

Why does this car look so familiar?

Since it was night, the car hit the book in an instant, so Qin Yexuan couldn’t see the license plate number at all.

It’s just that Qin Yexuan feels that he has definitely seen this car from nowhere!

Afterwards, Qin Yexuan suddenly remembered the abandoned BMW car in the garage of his hometown!

Originally, Qin Yexuan was not a native of Yunhai City, and had lived with her mother in Jinjiang City not far away.

In Jinjiang City, Qin Yexuan’s mother had an own manor, but in the garage inside the manor, there were only two cars, both of them BMWs.

One is white and the other is black. The black BMW looks tattered. At first glance, it had been in a car accident. Qin Yexuan was very young at that time, so he always pulled her mother’s sleeves and asked this. Who owns the car.

My mother always avoided this question and never said anything about Qin Yexuan’s father until after the mother and daughter were taken to Qin’s house in Yunhai City, her mother brought her to Qin Rufeng’s face and told She, this is her father!

In fact, before seeing this video, Qin Yexuan had long been skeptical, but Qin Yexuan did not find any strong proof that Qin Rufeng is not his biological father!

But after watching this video, Qin Yexuan suddenly understood something!

There is a very terrifying possibility, slowly rising in Qin Yexuan’s heart.

Could it be that his real father has…

But the mother of own, why would Qin Rufeng be the father of own?

Qin Yexuan wished to leave this villa now, and immediately went to find Own’s mother and questioned her face to face!

Qin Yexuan stood up from his seat and rushed straight towards the door!

Just opened the door of the room, the four bodyguards instantly turned around and reached out to stop Qin Yexuan!

“Big Miss, sorry, you can’t leave this room!”

Qin Yexuan calmed down after hearing this. There is absolutely no way to leave by himself. If he wants to leave, he can only rely on Lin Moyuan!

Now the only one who can help own is Lin Moyuan!

Thinking of this, Qin Yexuan didn’t say anything, but silently closed the door and returned to the room.

Holding the phone tightly, Qin Yexuan dialed Lin Moyuan’s number again.

Dongsheng Huating Villa, the gym on the second floor.

Lin Moyuan frowned as he looked at the equipment all over the floor.

Each of these equipment has its own use, and Lin Moyuan has a plan already in his mind.

The biggest problem now is that Lin Moyuan is not familiar with these equipment at all!

Know how to use it, this is not difficult, but the difficulty is to be able to use it proficiently!

Lin Moyuan knows a little bit about rock climbing. Rock climbing in his previous life can be regarded as one of the ways for Lin Moyuan to relax.

According to the architectural design drawings obtained by Yang Donghua, the outer wall of Qin Rufeng’s villa is six meters high, and there is a 360-degree camera with no dead ends on the wall. This is the most serious problem.

Nowadays, many wealthy people like private residences, so more and more villas use this kind of structure that combines the villa body with walls.

Lin Moyuan’s villa in Dongsheng Huating is of course also designed in this way.

So Lin Moyuan thought of a way to practice his hands directly with own villa!

Just after making up his mind, Ji Kun walked in from the door of the gym.

“Boss, it’s noon, don’t you want something to eat?”

Lin Moyuan clapped his hands and said with a smile:

“What to eat, I’ll talk about it later!”

“Akun, take your earphones over, then go to the concierge and stare at the monitor. I will tell you what to do in a moment!”

Although Ji Kun didn’t understand what Lin Moyuan meant, he nodded to show that he understood, turned around and handed Lin Moyuan a pair of headphones before leaving the villa.

Lin Moyuan put on a nylon rope and a rope gun on his back, and left the gym.

The rope gun was a good thing that Lin Moyuan found after digging through the boxes and cabinets. This thing is rare in the market.

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