Chapter 63: Setting up the game!

Although Yan Kexiang has two brushes, he still doesn’t look enough in front of real racers.

The limited edition GTR50 in his hand naturally fell into Lin Moyuan’s hands.

This duel between the dudes of the two cities ended with the defeat of Jiangzhan City.

Unexpectedly, after three years, Yan Kexiang made a comeback and contacted Ji Kun on his own initiative.

After recalling everything, Ji Kun showed a smile on his face.

“Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the defeated Xiao Yanzi!”

“What? You want to take your GTR back? That’s really embarrassing. My Young Master won’t agree to it!”

“If you want me to say you’d better call my Young Master directly!”

While talking, Ji Kun was about to hang up.

Just kidding, this kid made it clear that he was not at ease!

Do I really think Ji Kun is a fool?

But immediately, Yan Kexiang’s voice rang on the other side of the phone.

“Don’t hang up, Young Master Ji Da, I didn’t have any malice this time, I just want to simply compete with you again!”

Another match?

When Ji Kun heard these words, he immediately raised his brows!

What kind of medicine does this kid buy in Calabash?

But after thinking about it carefully, since I have nothing to do now, it’s better to just take a look at what Yan Kexiang wants to do!

As for the competition…In the past few years, I have also honed my driving skills!

Not to mention reaching the professional level, but at least not under Yan Kexiang!

“I listened to your tone, I was dissatisfied with the loss? What’s the matter, race with us, are you ready for the car?”

When Yan Kexiang heard Ji Kun’s tone, he immediately squeezed the phone in his hand!

Why did he lose back then? Isn’t it because these two shameless guys have hired professional racers?

Otherwise, how could he lose to these two guys?

Apart from other things, just looking at the technology, Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun, who Yan Kexiang is confident about, can’t even see the taillights of his own car!

So this time Yan Kexiang came to Yunhai City, it can be said that he has made enough preparations!

His goal is not only to get back ownGTR50, but also to get the Lamborghini hardtop poison in Lin Moyuan’s hands!

Lin Moyuan’s car was tailor-made by the manufacturer!

And the whole body is bulletproof, high-density materials, heat insulation and fire prevention!

There are only three cars in the world for this type of design!

Yan Kexiang promised to compete with Lin Moyuan in order to get this car!

As long as Ji Kun is tricked out, the next thing is very simple.

Yan Kexiang took a deep breath and tried to stabilize own’s emotions, then smiled and said:

“Ji Da Young Master, what you said is wrong. I’m here this time just for a pure discussion, but it seems that you are serious?”

“That’s okay, after all, I wanted to get my car back a long time ago. Why not, I am in Yunhai City, Jianjing Garden, you come to me, let’s talk in person, how about it?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun gave a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said:

“Since you have this idea, it’s better to be respectful of that Young Master!”

After determining the time to meet, Ji Kun hung up the phone.

Originally, Ji Kun planned to tell Lin Moyuan about this matter, but after thinking about it, let’s forget it.

Young Master is very tight lately, this little thing, Ji Kun himself can handle it!

At this time, Lin Moyuan was sitting in a restaurant, opposite Qin’s Miss, Qin Yexuan.

Qin Yexuan received a call from Lin Moyuan ten minutes ago, saying that he was going to invite himself to dinner, which made this big Miss very surprised!

Lin Moyuan took the initiative to invite himself to dinner? What does it mean?

After seeing Lin Moyuan, Qin Yexuan became more and more interested in this so-called young master.

There is internal news that Lin Moyuan has actually reached a cooperative relationship with Mofeng on the manor side!

As soon as this news came out, the big Miss was even more shocked.

What kind of character Mofeng is, the business district of Yunhai City is clear.

Mofeng’s hands control several safe sea routes. For some companies that have import and export trade needs, it is simply a good thing that you can’t change!

But what Qin Da Miss didn’t expect was that Lin Moyuan said that he was going to invite himself to dinner, but it was not a star-rated hotel or a western restaurant, but a simple small restaurant on the roadside!

The dishes cooked here are home-cooked dishes, which are often visited by ordinary people.

“I said Young Master Lin, are you here to invite me to dinner? Are you too insincere?”

Seeing Qin Yexuan’s helpless gaze, Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“What’s wrong with this place? I still like it very much, after all, you can see the human touch here!”

Human touch?

Hearing this word, Qin Yexuan’s eyes instantly became a bit deep.

A big Miss from a family like her, has to fight for her own status and her freedom every day, just to achieve her own ideals.

And this will inevitably face all kinds of intrigues on the commercial battlefield, and the word human touch has long been bearish.

But looking back at Lin Moyuan, he didn’t have these worries at all!

Because of the Lin family, he is the only one!

Does the company still have to think about who it is handed over?

Lin Moyuan’s father doesn’t ask Lin Moyuan to be so competitive, as long as Lin Moyuan sits in the chairman’s chair at that time, someone will naturally take care of everything for him!

However, from Lin Moyuan now, Qin Yexuan could see a lot of things that he couldn’t see before!

For example, hope!

Let Qin Yexuan escape from the hope of the Qin family!

“Miss Qin Da, I have met your father.”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Qin Yexuan was stunned suddenly!

“When did you see it? Why don’t I know?”

Lin Moyuan picked up a pickle with chopsticks and chewed it in his mouth, then said:

“In Mofeng’s manor, he also went to Mofeng, and wanted to annex Mofeng’s manor.”

Qin Yexuan frowned upon hearing this!

Qin Rufeng wants to annex the manor? It’s not surprising to have this idea.

However, the entire Qin family has no news at all!

This is very strange!

“Then what did you say to him?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“You don’t have to worry about that, anyway, Patriarch Qin’s complexion shouldn’t look good!”

“Then there is, the marriage contract between us, the Qin family’s chief is starting to be anxious.”

Whenever the word marriage contract was mentioned, Qin Yexuan’s cheek flew up with a blush.

“Why do you say that?”

Lin Moyuan’s eyes became a little strange, what happened to this big Miss?

Isn’t your head usually smart? Why can’t I understand such a simple question now?

“Of course it’s because of the manor!”

“Don’t the original intention of the Qin Family Master want to control my Qin Family through you?”

“As long as the two of us are married, even if we are engaged, Patriarch Qin can get this manor and casino through you!”

After listening to Lin Moyuan’s explanation, Qin Yexuan also suddenly realized.

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