Chapter 470: Xiaobai’s Bumpy Heart

Xiaobai was lying in a ward, looking at the wind chimes on the ceiling, not knowing how long this state had lasted.

Xiaobai has been on the street since he was a child. In short, he did some part-time jobs and chores. There was only one old mother in the family. Later, the old mother also got sick and left.

Little Bai, who grew up alone, barely went to school. A few years ago, at the door of a high school, Xiao Bai was squatting at the door of the school selling pancakes. In fact, Xiao Bai is already a Dage-level figure on two streets. Yes, but at first I just wanted to sell pancakes safely.

This college is not an ordinary college, but a well-known aristocratic school. The people who go to school here are either rich or noble. They are all at the Young Master Miss level. In fact, the reason why Xiaobai is here is setting up a stall. There are many reasons, one of the most important is that this is the closest place to the school.

Xiaobai wanted to go to school when he was a child, that is, after finishing junior high school, when high school had to pay tuition, there was actually not much money in the family, and Xiaobai was sensible, so he went out to run errands every day to earn some extra money for the family. I haven’t even seen the gate of the high school.

Later, Xiaobai often saw some small vendors being bullied and collecting protection fees. They couldn’t make much money in one day. Most of the money was given to these little gangsters on the street, but Xiaobai didn’t have a hot mind. Just go up and help.

Because he knows that this society will not reason with people like him, and no one cares what kind of life a person like him is living. As long as he goes up, he might be crippled by these little gangsters. .

Where is there so many brave things in this world? The bravery to see righteousness is also to be judged by strength, like Xiaobai, a family who has almost eaten this meal and didn’t have a meal, it is impossible for him to work hard to save people.

Later, after Xiaobai’s mother left, Xiaobai borrowed some money and set up a pancake stall, selling pancakes at the school gate. Every day, watching these Young Master Miss go to school and after school, I want to say that I don’t envy it. fake.

Xiaobai’s pancakes are also very popular. Although it is a small pancake stall, many students in this noble middle school like to eat them. Among them, two people come most, one is Ji Kun and the other is Lin Moyuan.

To be precise, it was Ji Kun who took Lin Moyuan to eat together every day. Lin Moyuan at that time was certainly not Lin Moyuan now. Although Lin Moyuan at that time didn’t like this pancake stall very much, what was his relationship with Ji Kun? Can you say no?

Ji Kun bought a pancake every day, every time he had to add more sausages, and Lin Moyuan sometimes came to one. In this way, Xiaobai’s pancake stall was quite lively. What are the identities of Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun? ? Don’t say anything else, just say a word with these two people, that’s all very face-to-face things!

Lin Moyuan didn’t really care about this. There were really not many friends around him, but there were quite a few doglegs.

Then one day there was a little conflict. The group of people who collected protection fees came to Xiaobai’s booth and opened their mouths for 10,000 yuan. If you can’t get it out, don’t do it here!

Where did Xiaobai get 10,000 yuan at that time? He was only five or six hundred, and he didn’t have that much money at all, but in the eyes of these punks, Xiao Bai was hiding it. Ji Kun and Lin Moyuan both came here to eat every day. Can you have no money?

So without a word, he smashed the stall.

Xiaobai couldn’t help it this time, and immediately returned his hand when he came up! Picking up the roadblock on the side of the road, directly smashed the leading gangster to a bloodshed!

Xiaobai has seen what these people do when they collect protection fees, and knows that they can never be subdued!

Once the service is soft, there is the first time and the second time! Although his life is not as good as Ji Kun and Lin Moyuan, it is definitely not something that anyone can bully casually!

Afterwards, things were very simple. As expected, these were basically bluffs. I had never seen a little bastard in the world. Seeing Xiaobai’s crazy spirit, I was shuddered and never dared to provoke him again.

After these people refused to accept, they wanted to put Xiaobai into a sack to clean up when Xiaobai was closing his stall at night. They never wanted to be chased by Xiaobai holding two kitchen knives for two streets, almost losing his life. NS.

Xiao Bai doesn’t want to cause trouble, after all, who doesn’t want to live a good life? What is easy to do these days? But this group of people didn’t want Xiaobai to live well, so of course Xiaobai wanted to stand up and fight back.

Later, these little gangsters were looking for things again and again, but they were all resolved by Xiaobai and learned a lesson. They simply recognized Xiaobai as Dage, and worked diligently to help Xiaobai set up a stall every day, but they were rewritten. Right now.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The last time Xiaobai dealt with Xiaobai, what Xiaobai said was like a blow to the head and woke them all up.

“You can compete with a hawker who is not influential to me, why not compete with a dog-blooded society?”

It was such a sentence, very plain, but the meaning contained in it was to make these little gangsters wake up in an instant.

When Ji Kun saw that there were so many people in the pancake stall, he was actually very strange, so he asked in passing. Of course, these little gangsters answered the question tremblingly, and Ji Kun suddenly became more and more impressed with Xiao Bai. A few people just came and went to get acquainted.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Lin Moyuan. Ji Kun always took Xiaobai with him, but later brought Xiaobai into the company. Judging from Ji Kun’s background, this is not a problem.

The rest of the matter is basically clear. Xiaobai and the people who drove with Xiaobai have all become drivers and have good benefits. All this is because of Ji Kun and Lin Moyuan, Xiaobai has always remembered In my heart.

Later, when Lin Moyuan transferred Xiao Bai to Chang Jing as a security guard, in fact, Xiao Bai was very reluctant in his heart. How easy is it to be a driver? Be a bodyguard for a girl? Why?

But this was what Lin Moyuan meant after all. Lin Moyuan was the boss, and Xiao Bai had to bite the bullet and agreed.

The rest of the matter is actually very clear. After Xiaobai went to the South China Group, he saw all kinds of bullying by the old clappers against Chang Jing. He couldn’t pass it, so he began to prepare various ways to fight back. Chang Jing has some understanding. Although this woman looks cold, she still cares a lot about people and she asks a lot of questions naively.

Lin Moyuan regarded Chang Jing as Little Sister, and said the same to Xiaobai, protect my sister!

This gave Xiaobai a chance to repay his gratitude, and it was also a reason to desperately.

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