Chapter 139: Bait

After Sophie’s phone rang three times, Lin Moyuan was connected.

“Hello? Sister, what’s the matter?”

Lin Moyuan tried hard to make his own voice sound normal, but it was still a little low.

Sophie did not realize this, but continued:

“Qi Yanyu and they have returned to the hotel, what should I do now? Follow?”

Lin Moyuan replied immediately:

“Follow up now, and remember, don’t be discovered by anyone!”

“Especially that Ye Feng! You must be wary of this person!”

“There is a very important document about our Lin Group in the Yunhai City Hotel. During the last meeting, the old man fell into his suite. I will take it back now!”

document? Or is it an important document?

This sentence immediately made Sophie very curious!

“what document?”

Lin Moyuan’s voice suddenly seemed a little rush, as if he was getting dressed and preparing to go out.

“Don’t ask, if this document is discovered by Ye Feng, it will definitely be used by him as a restraint to check and balance our Lin Group!”

“I am rushing towards the hotel now, remember, I must not let Ye Feng know!”

After saying this, Lin Moyuan hung up the phone, and the expression on his face returned to calmness.

This passage is obviously fishing bait.

And now, Lin Moyuan has arrived at the hotel!

Yunhai City Hotel has two directions, east and west two hotels, one is on the east side of Yunhai City, and the other is on the west side.

The two hotels are connected by Metro Line 3!

To get to the west from Dongyunhai Hotel, you only need to take the subway for 20 minutes.

No matter what direction you look at, this route is the fastest.

Lin Moyuan was already standing in the fire escape of the hotel. He walked out of the second floor and pulled his own collar indifferently before getting on the elevator and preparing to go to the 31st floor.

The thirty-first floor is the suite where Lin Moyuan’s father, Lin Shengtian lived.

Lin Moyuan was holding a document in his hand, packed in a kraft paper bag.

Where are the documents? Even if it did, how could he be absurdly left in the hotel according to Lin Shengtian’s personality?

Everything is just bait.

In order to test Sophie, what choice will Ye Feng and the entire Lin group make?

Lin Moyuan quickly arrived on the 31st floor. After opening the door of the suite, he put the paper bag in his hand into the drawer of the study, and then turned around and left the suite.

The 31st floor of the entire hotel seemed quiet, as if no one had ever been here.

Lin Moyuan had already arrived in the own room, on the twenty-eighth floor of the hotel. He just opened the door of the room and saw Ji Kun’s figure.

“Boss, you are back!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then looked at the laptop placed on the desk and asked in a low voice:

“How is it? Are you ready?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun smiled and turned on the computer. The picture that appeared was Lin Shengtian’s suite on the 31st floor of the hotel!

“No problem, the camera signal is good!”

Lin Moyuan let out a breath, then reached out and patted Ji Kun on the shoulder.

“Next, let us see what choice my Big sis will make!”

Ji Kun frowned, his cell phone rang as soon as he wanted to talk.

Ji Kun sighed helplessly, and took out the phone from his own pocket.

It turned out to be a foreign number! When Ji Kun saw this, he immediately connected the phone.

“Hello? This is Ji Kun! Is there news about that matter!”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Could it be that Sophie’s affairs abroad already have eyebrows?

Ji Kun listened carefully to the person on the other side of the phone, did he frown, and looked very solemn.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere in the room also became more solemn.

A few minutes later, Ji Kun hung up the phone, his face became a bit heavy again.

“Boss, you have to be mentally prepared!”

Lin Moyuan frowned when he heard the words, and was mentally prepared? What kind of psychological preparation do you do?

“Say it quickly, your kid is dying again?”

“Don’t worry, I’m already prepared in my heart!”

Ji Kun said:

“Sophie has lived very peacefully in the past few years abroad and in the first few years. Basically, she was in university and her grades were very good. Later, when her school organized a trip to Africa to conduct research on wild animals, she encountered Here comes the poachers!”

“Seeing that the whole class was going to die under the guns of those people, it ended up encountering a group of soldiers! And it was our army!”

“One of the captains rescued Sophie. Sophie had a secret affection for him, but Sophie didn’t see the face of the person who rescued her at the time, so this matter has been buried in her heart!”

team leader? Can’t see the face?

Recalling the surveillance video he had watched, Lin Moyuan suddenly realized!

It turned out to be like this!

No wonder Sophie’s attitude will suddenly change! No wonder that after Ye Feng showed Sophie something, Sophie immediately changed her heart!

It turns out that the problem is here!

Such a bloody plot will happen to own side!

It’s too unlucky for yourself as a traverser, right?

People have all become the protagonist when they pass through. There are a lot of fans around me. How can they be replaced by themselves, but they have become villain?

Lin Moyuan sorted out some messy thoughts in his heart, then looked at the screen again, seeming a little helpless.

Look at Sophie, what kind of choice will he make?

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Lin Moyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was a little bit lucky, the door of the suite on the 31st floor was actually opened!

A figure that Lin Moyuan didn’t want to see appeared in the room!


This matter, at this point, has reached a conclusion.

After all, Sophie chose to betray the Lin Group, Lin Shengtian, and Lin Moyuan, thus choosing Ye Feng.

son of luck, worthy of being son of luck!

Looking at the screen, Lin Moyuan cautiously approached Sophie toward the desk. He stretched out his hand and patted Ji Kun, who was also unsightly, and whispered:

“Come on, let’s go and see, my Big sis!”

“I want to ask her face to face why she did this!”

Ji Kun heard the helplessness and disappointment in Lin Moyuan’s voice. In fact, Ji Kun felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, this feeling of betrayal, no matter who it is on, is the same helplessness.

What Ji Kun can do is to pat Lin Moyuan on the shoulder.

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