Chapter 130: Conflict!

When Ye Feng’s figure appeared at the entrance of the hotel lobby, Lin Moyuan immediately realized that it seemed that the matter of Shengtang Technology Co., Ltd. to discuss cooperation with the Lin Group was already known by Ye Feng!

But Ye Feng, what are you going to do?

Lin Moyuan frowned slightly, and then said to Sophie:

“Sister, pay attention to the hotel here, stare at the movement of Qi Yanyu, once she leaves the hotel, immediately notify me!”

“I’ll follow this bodyguard first and see what this kid wants to do!”

Sophie nodded. Although she didn’t understand why Lin Moyuan had such a strong hostility towards Ye Feng, since Lin Moyuan regarded Ye Feng as an enemy, she was bound to stand with Lin Moyuan.

Lin Moyuan got out of the car and followed Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng’s figure had come to the bus stop sign, he stood still among the crowd.

Lin Moyuan slowly narrowed his eyes, looking at the signs of the bus stop, this kid should be going to the airport!

What are you doing to the airport? Of course, I’m looking for someone from Shengtang Company!

According to the development of the plot, Ye Feng must use his family background to put pressure on Shengtang Company!

Lin Moyuan knew all these routines.

So is it possible, through this matter, to reach a united front with Shengtang Company, and the two sides will join hands against Ye Feng in a phase?

The more Lin Moyuan thought about it, the more it was possible!

Looking at Ye Feng’s back, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth.

Come to Xiaoye’s site, do you still want to be like a fish in water? dream!

On Ye Feng’s side, after getting on the bus bound for the airport, he found a seat near the door and sat down, watching the scenery along the way, slowly narrowing his eyes.

Not long ago, Ye Feng learned a piece of news from Qi Yanyu’s mouth.

The rival of Qiyun Shengshi Company, Shengtang Company, has to come to Yunhai City to discuss cooperation issues with Lin Group!

After learning the news, Ye Feng looked at Qi Yanyu’s melancholy expression, and Ye Feng realized that it was time for him to play!

So Ye Feng immediately made an excuse and left the hotel.

Before leaving, he told Qi Yanyu that he had a comrade-in-arms who was washing the dishes, who was also in Yunhai City and wanted to visit him.

After Qi Yanyu heard the news, she frowned slightly. Now that the company is nervous, what kind of friends does Ye Feng go to visit?

This is not putting the company To put in one’s eyes!

Originally, Qi Yanyu wanted to get angry, but after thinking about Ye Feng’s background, he sighed and let it go.

Originally, Qi Yanyu did not regard Ye Feng as his own fiancé. The marriage contract between the two was nothing more than a farce in Qi Yanyu’s eyes.

Ye Feng of course saw Qi Yanyu’s thoughts, but he didn’t mean to explain it. It’s fun to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

After the matter of Shengtang Company was resolved, Qi Yanyu learned that this matter had something to do with him, and that he did it by himself. At that time, Qi Yanyu would definitely feel guilty in his heart!

This is what Ye Feng wanted.

At this moment, the bus stopped. This stop is Dongshan Road Station. There are seven or eight stops away from the airport. However, Dongshan Road is one of the most prosperous commercial districts in Yunhai City, so many people take the bus. .

In an instant, the bus was filled up, and there were many passengers, all old men and women.

The economy of Yunhai City is very developed. Similarly, the diversification of transportation modes is also at the forefront of Long Country.

Many young people choose to take the subway, or use taxi-hailing software, and share mopeds to travel.

Most of the bus riders are elderly people.

An old lady with gray hair was pushed to Ye Feng’s side by the crowd in the bus.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said with a smile:

“Grandma, just sit on my side!”

While talking, Ye Feng held the grandmother to avoid sudden bumps in the bus.

When the old grandma heard Ye Feng’s words, she smiled and said:

“Thank you, thank you, boy, you are such a good boy!”

At this moment, Ye Feng didn’t notice that not far in front of the bus, a young man wearing a baseball uniform and a mask turned his gaze to this side, with a somewhat unclear expression in his eyes.

This person is a pickpocket!

He had been eyeing this old lady just now, and originally planned to get some money out of the old lady’s handbag without attracting attention, but he didn’t expect the young man to give up his seat to the old lady!

The pickpocket suddenly felt a little aggrieved!

Today’s business is really bad. I have been wandering around Dongshan Road since 7 o’clock in the morning. As a result, I didn’t find any targets to start!

The pickpocket’s heart is infinitely depressed, what’s the situation?

Could it be that I didn’t read the almanac when I went out today?

However, the pickpocket gritted his teeth and decided to seek for wealth and danger!

This kid who gave up his seat to the old lady looked thin and weak, but he was bulging in his pocket, either a cellphone or a wallet!

As long as he gets close to this kid, he can definitely get the things in his pocket directly without him knowing it!

But what this pickpocket didn’t notice was that just as he was about to move forward, his wrist was caught!

The pickpocket’s heart suddenly alarmed, and he tightened the knife in his sleeve!

But a voice rang behind him, and after hearing this voice, the pickpocket was suddenly puzzled.

“Boy, I know what you do. Now there is a big business for you to do. Do you want this opportunity?”

Big business? The pickpocket frowned slightly, and he glanced back at the person who was talking to him. He was obviously younger than himself, and he looked like he was in his early twenties, but he didn’t look like an ordinary person.

At first glance, it’s the son of a company boss, or someone like the rich second-generation or official second-generation.

How can such a person negotiate business with himself?

Subconsciously, the pickpocket regards this person as a liar, or it is possible to rectify his own person!

Thinking of this, the pickpocket suddenly became vigilant!

“Who are you? What business?”

Hearing the pickpocket’s question, the seemingly wealthy young man shrugged his shoulders and said:

“The question about who I am is not very important. The important thing is whether you want money or not?”

Do you want money?

Is it necessary to ask such an obvious question?

Of course I did!

Is there anyone in this world who can’t live with money?

“Of course, what do you mean?”

The young man who didn’t wear anything cheap, smiled and spoke almost in a low voice. After the pickpocket listened, his eyes became a little puzzled.

“You have a holiday with that kid?”

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