Chapter 118: Smoke bombs!

The racecourse opened by Mofeng is well-known throughout Yunhai City.

One of the characteristics is that no one dares to fall back on the bill here!

And no one dared to control the horse racing secretly without Mofeng’s consent!

The reason why Mofeng was able to start from scratch at first was because he controlled horse gambling!

“Will your plan still work?”

Seeing that the horse racing was about to begin, Mo Feng was still a little strange in his heart.

Why does Lin Moyuan believe in Qin Chiyue so much? Doesn’t he doubt Qin Chiyue?

Lin Moyuan wanted to let the plan continue, that is to say, no matter which horse Qin Chiyue wins, he will definitely lose!

This makes Mofeng very confused.

The two had clearly negotiated and started cooperating. Why is this happening again now?

“Don’t worry, Brother Feng, just trust me.”

Lin Moyuan smiled and patted Mo Feng on the shoulder, and whispered:

“The two people in VIP room No. 3 belong to the Qin family, but they are here to monitor Qin Chiyue!”

“As long as we can deal with these two people, then the Qin family will definitely reprimand Qin Chiyue, so that he will fall to our side even more!”

Mo Feng suddenly realized that he nodded his head repeatedly to express his understanding.

Lin Moyuan turned around and left.

The room where Qin Chiyue was located was VIP Room No. 2, while Lin Moyuan chose VIP Room No. 1 as his place of stay.

At this time, the thirteen racehorses in the racecourse have arrived in the middle of the field, and the race is about to begin.

Qin Chiyue narrowed her eyes slightly when she looked at the horses on the track.

In any case, the only uncertainty now is whether Lin Moyuan will help him at all!

First of all, this time I came to bet on horses because Qin Chiyue really couldn’t accept the eyes of her father and her Big Brother. They had been suspicious of themselves, believing that they must be fighting for their status in the family.

The second is the distrust of Qin Rufeng, the Patriarch of the Qin Family. The account book matter is clearly not own fault, but they all agreed that this matter cannot be separated from them!

This is what disappoints Qin Chiyue the most.

So when Lin Moyuan appeared in front of Qin Chiyue and said that he wanted to cooperate with Qin Chiyue, Qin Chiyue wanted to agree to it in the first place.

Qin Chiyue has had enough of the style of the Qin family. Since this is the case, why should she work hard for an exhausted family?

Taking a deep breath, Qin Chiyue stood up and looked towards the racetrack along the crystal glass, his eyes slowly becoming appraised.

Qin Chiyue was betting on a white horse, which was obviously a thoroughbred racehorse, and was in a leading state from the very beginning of the race.

Not only Qin Chiyue, but many other spectators in the field also put their chips on this horse.

Seeing that this horse is about to reappear, an accident happened at this time!

This white horse was overtaken by a black horse when it was approaching the finish line!

Almost everyone did not expect this!

No one knew that at the moment when the game was over, such a scene would happen!

Obviously, this is Mofeng’s intervention.

After the game ended, Mofeng made a net profit of nearly 100 million!

It’s this kind of horse racing time and time again, that’s what Mofeng has today’s status.

No one knows who caused the ghost, even if they guessed that it might be Mofeng, they couldn’t say anything.

After all, betting on horses is a matter of willingness to bet. Since you have chosen to participate, you must be prepared to lose your money.

There will be two rounds of horse betting today, so there will be a second one in one hour.

Qin Chiyue also lost his money this time, and lost nearly 10 million in. Every time he bet on horses, Qin Chiyue would bet 10 million. For him, the starting point was 10 million.

Qin Chiyue’s status in the Qin family now is worse than one day, so there is not much money for him to squander, ten million is already a lot of money.

At this moment, Qin Chiyue’s cell phone rang.

Taking out the phone and looking at the caller ID, Qin Chiyue’s mouth pulled out a sneer arc.

It was a call from his Big Brother Qin Chiyang!

The meaning of Qin Chiyang’s call is already self-evident.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Chiyue got on the phone, Qin Chiyang Yin & Yang’s weird voice came from the other side of the receiver.

“I said, brother, are you going to bet on horses again?”

“If anything goes wrong with you, you can tell Big Brother!”

“But you bit the bullet and sent ten million to Mofeng, which is a bit too much!”

Qin Chiyue twitched at the corner of her mouth, and her sneer became more obvious.

“Who is the one that upsets me the most, don’t you have any points in your heart?”

“I earned this tens of millions from the bar street. I can spend whatever I like. I just gave it to the beggar. What can I do?”

“My money is my money, what does it have to do with you, Qin Chiyang?”

After speaking, Qin Chiyue hung up the phone directly, leaving only Qin Chiyang with a gloomy expression.

Qin Chiyang was sitting in an office at the group headquarters at this time, or more accurately, sitting in Qin Chiyue’s original seat.

Why is there a problem with the ledger?

Of course it was Qin Chiyang’s hands and feet!

Since childhood, Qin Chiyue is much smarter than Qin Chiyang, so Qin Chiyue is more often valued by the family.

Before Qin Rufeng took the post of Patriarch, Qin Chiyue was highly optimistic.

But after Qin Rufeng took office, everything changed.

Qin Rufeng is not optimistic about the capable Qin Chiyue, but is very optimistic about Qin Chiyang, who can only flatter and flatter.

This may be the reason why smart kids are mostly unpopular.

Qin Chiyue didn’t believe that Qin Rufeng was really ignorant of the account book. It was a big group. Without Qin Rufeng’s instruction, who would dare to change the account book privately?

Think about it and know it’s impossible!

So behind this incident, there is clearly Qin Rufeng’s shadow!

This bar street is equivalent to Qin Rufeng’s last gift to own…

Thinking of this, Qin Chiyue couldn’t help but clenched her fists!

If he could, he really didn’t want to be born in Qin’s family!

But thinking of Lin Moyuan’s plan, Qin Chiyue’s mouth once again showed a smile.

No matter what, he will definitely make Qin Chiyang pay the price!

According to Lin Moyuan’s statement, all Qin family members, including Qin Rufeng, will regret their offenses of own!

Lin Moyuan sat in the VIP box, looking at the racecourse below, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Would he really believe Qin Chiyue so simply?

Of course not!

Seeing that Qin Chiyue is pleasing to the eye, in the final analysis, he is still a member of the Qin family!

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