The city of Monkey King

Chapter 894: Inexplicable familiarity

Peach blossoms, quiet and peaceful.

From the moment of being chased to the moment of transition to this state, for a time, Qin Feng actually changed a little, but in front of him, peach blossoms.

Between the subconscious, Qin Feng looks behind himself.


Already gone!

Brow, fierce!

"He is too weak, I am the owner and put him elsewhere to cultivate."

Yunshang faintly opened, a pair of cold eyebrows just twisted, she was very strange, why ... the peach tree of his sister's body will induce this strange man.


Yunshang suddenly noticed that the peach trees in the center of the peach blossoms had a ray of light, and she followed this breath to see the Qin Feng and the sorrows who were escaping.

Although Yunshang can determine that the peach tree is inductive, it has the ingredients that attract each other with the power of Shura.

This point, Yunshang no doubt.

After all, she has perceive the atmosphere of Ashura from the peach trees of her own body.

It’s just that she couldn’t figure out why, why... the man he had never seen before, but it would be the induction of his own body.

"Thank you."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and did not doubt the words of the cloud. After all, the two men were able to rescue themselves from the eyes of the four royal wolves, which shows that the strength of the woman in front of her eyes should not be underestimated.


Qin Feng stood up and swept his eyes around the peach blossoms. I don't know why, his heart has an inexplicable familiarity.

It’s like, I used to... I have been to this place.

Everything here, the flying peach blossoms, the breath here, are so comfortable for yourself.

"who are you."

Just as Qin Feng looked at all the sights around him, Yunshang asked her questions.


Qin Feng looked at Yunshang and looked calm: "In the next Qin, thank you for the girl's rescue, Da En does not say thank you, and the future will be reported."

This sentence is said to export, Yunshang...but it is no longer talking, just a pair of eyes, staring at the Qin wind tightly, as if to see people, Qin Feng feels no escape, and the eyes of Yunshang, calm Without any other mood swings.

"You, didn't lie to me?"

After a long while, Yunshang came up with this sentence.

The response of Yunshang also has eyes, so Qin Feng... is also very strange, he feels familiar with everything here.

But for this woman in front of him, he has no impression.

"I lie to the girl to do something."

Qin Feng faintly opened, and the corner of his eye swept the cloud behind him. Although he had seen it with Yunxiao, it was the first body used at that time, not the second evil body.

He vaguely remembers...

At that time, in the tenth fairyland, the identity of this cloud was the valley of Wanhua Valley.

In other words, the place here is Wanhua Valley!

Standing in the clouds behind the clouds, I did not recognize the identity of Qin Feng. After all, the Qin Feng at this moment, whether it is the appearance or the breath, is completely different from the original first body.

Yunxiao, I can’t recognize it.

"That's it."

The voice of Yunshang, a slight meal, and then on her side, there is a pink glow, peach blossoms, there is a beautiful woman.

The woman was dressed in a pink dress, and after she appeared, she owed a gift.

"See the Valley Lord."

Yunshang turned and walked toward the depths of Taolin. At the same time, a voice was cold and indifferent: "Take this guest down and have a good rest."


The woman who appeared this was also guilty of salvation.

"Second sister!"

Yunxiao looked at the clouds walking towards the jungle, and the sound was an opening. However, if he wanted to say something, he did not continue to say the second sentence.

His whole body, with peach blossoms flying in circles, imprisoned him.

"Small Valley Lord, you have thought about it here, maybe the day of the valley will let you out."

The woman who appeared later saw the cloud shackled in the same place and whispered a word.


The cloud sighed and sighed, nothing.

The woman who was hospitalized did not continue to talk to Yunxiao, but instead went to the side of Qin Feng, owing a gift and making a gesture.

"Guest, please here."

Qin Feng glanced at the clouds and looked very surprised. After all, in the tenth fairyland, the impression of the owner of Wanhua Gu Shaogu gave him.

It is a very deep generation of the city.

But now, it seems more like a ignorant child.

Another point is that Qin Feng’s heart is puzzled, that is... why is this Wanhuagu person, accurately speaking, just the valley owner of Wanhua Valley, to save himself!

What is her picture? !

There is absolutely nothing in this world to ask for, and since this Wanhuagu master has saved himself, it must have her plans.


Slightly nodded, now is not too much guessing, the first thing is to first meet with the cockroaches, and then repair the damage in their own body.

Qin Feng is the place to go to rest with the woman who is waiting for the hospitality.


Just at this time!

When Qin Feng is ready to leave!

Suddenly behind Qin Feng, the peach tree of the graceful woman, the scattered flowers above the peach trees, swayed down.

This scene, let the woman of the hospitality, as well as the cloud, directly look at it!

"A sister..."

Especially in the sky, there is an indescribable surprise in the eyes. This peach tree has not had a lot of peach blossoms since the day of its formation.

This is the first time!

‘Let me dance between you and this Taolin. ’

Qin Feng is a fierce glimpse, just the moment... In his mind, suddenly there is a sound, or more accurately, it is his memory...

Scorpion, suddenly condensed!

Is it...

This Wanhua Valley has one of its own ninth loves. Qin Feng can't help but think of the nine-day mysterious woman I had seen in Xianting. He subconsciously placed his target on Yunshang.

However, Qin Feng was even more confused because he did not feel the slightest touch from the previous woman.

"Guest, please."

The woman who was hospitality, although horrified by the peach blossoms, did not stop, leading Qin Feng, walking outside the Taolin.

Qin Feng slightly turned his head and looked at the peach tree behind his eyes...

Looking at the shape of this peach tree, this figure and the heart have a sense of familiarity that can't be said, and can't stop.


I will have such a familiarity with such a peach tree.

Taking a deep breath in the dark, Qin Feng did not continue to see, but turned away with the woman who was hospitality.

In the dense peach forest, above a large peach tree, Yunshang stood on the top of the peach tree branch, looking at the center of the peach blossom center, looking at the center peach tree that the peach blossoms fell, the brow... a little, A little wrinkled up. 2k novel reading network

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