The city of Monkey King

Chapter 868: Being a wife and being a mother.

Heaven, the most central place.

There is one person, sitting next to the wall in this prison, wearing a prison uniform, his face is all scum, the hair is messy, the long hair is scattered, but the eyes are still sly.

This person is Li He, the famous and famous Megatron, and the Tota King.

"Li Tianwang."

At this time, there was a person who led dozens of soldiers. Before coming to this dungeon, came here... It was Li Huanzhang, who was under Yang Lan’s hands.

The same name is Li, Li Huanzhang sees such a look of Li Jing, the heart can not help but give birth to a sense of compassion, to know the one who has been in front of him, that is the absolute power of the people.

In just a few days, it has become the present appearance, how can people not feel embarrassed.

Li Huanzhang did not let people go to Li Jing, nor did he personally enter, but let people open the prison door of the dungeon, standing very respectfully, and the soldiers who came to the detainees were also listed outside the prison. On the side, the left hand is straight and straight, and the right hand is on the chest, respecting the highest etiquette.

Li Jing looked up at Li Huanzhang slightly, and saw the dozens of soldiers who came here. The look was very calm. He just stood up and walked out of the prison.

"Li Jing, you have it today, deserve it! Hahahaha!"

"Tota King, rabbit dead dog cooking, haha, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"I don't think about Li Jing, you will die before us!"

"To loyalty to the Jade Emperor for a lifetime, in the end to fall like this, sadly sigh..."


In other prisoners in the dungeon, although some people sigh, most of the most wicked people are sinister words, and the sound of ridicule echoes throughout the heavens.

"Give me shut up!"

"Who dares to say more, and decide on the spot!"

Li Huanzhang looked awkward and drank toward these prisoners. He was not laughing. Today, Yang Lan controls the power of the birth and death of Sendai. As a confidant of Yang Lan, he said that he was jealous of these prisoners. That is 斩Now!

A word of stern drink, obviously these death row prisoners are a lot of peace, are issued a cold laughter, no more words.

Li Jing was at the forefront, Li Huanzhang was behind him, and there was a team of Heavenly Soldiers. This was not like going to the road to Sendai, but it was like... the generals went out.

When the team traveled to the gates of Heaven, Li Jing’s footsteps were slightly stopped.

"Give me the father."

"Give me the father."

There are two voices coming from the dungeons on the side. It is the two sons of Li Jing, Jin Hao and Muxi.

Just, just staying alive, Li Jing's footsteps continue to move forward. When he walks to the door of the prison, there is already one person, hands and feet, and don't wait for the imprisoned.

One of Li’s four great devils, Mo Lishou.


The magical life is very calm, and when I see Li Jing, I am saluting.


Li Jing did not say much, walked past the magical life, calm and indifferent, not like rushing to the execution ground.

"Magic life, follow the order."

In the eyes of Mo Li Shou, there is a arrogance that no one else has. It is the pride of being a Lijia four demon. It will never be copied by hands and feet. It will never change because of the fact that it is going to be sent to Sendai.

The door to **** is open.

In addition to this hell, two people have been waiting here, Kang Anyu and Zhang Boshi among the six friends of Meishan.


When they saw Li Jing, they both bowed their hands.

Li Jing did not stop, went straight ahead, and went to the direction of Sendai.


Before Huaqing Palace.

Here, I was decapitated, and I didn’t sleep, and even I didn’t know how many Yin’s mothers had already squatted. This moment... my heart suddenly slammed.

With your hands on your heart, you can't breathe.

‘cough! Cough and cough! ’

Suddenly coughing, a spit of blood spit out.

"What happened to Ten Niang?"

"Oh, Ten Niang, I have already let you not continue to smash. This Huaqing Palace has a mother-in-law, and how can you stand this for a long time."

"Get up quickly, Ten Niang, you can bear it, we will take you to the Temple of Medicine."


The fairies around the busy, when they saw Yin Shi Niang vomiting blood, they all gathered up and held Yin Teniang.

Yin Shi Niang is modest and helpful. These fairies are very good in relationship with Yin Shi Niang. At this time, I saw Yin Shi Niang, but there is no worry in her eyes.

"No, no, no... Jing Ge, Jing Ge... I am going to find Jing Ge!"

His eyes were flustered and the blood of his mouth was wiped out. Yin Shi Niang was going to the right side of Huaqing Palace. This is the direction of the prison. However, she has not waited for her to go two steps. She has a fairy yelling.

"Hey, where are you going to go to the Ten Mothers? Just after the news came from Sendai, Li Tianwang has been taken to Sendai, and it is useless to go to Heaven."

When this was said, Yin Shi Niang’s footsteps slammed into place.

"Who did you listen to? Li Tianwang was taken to the Sendai Station?"

"Yeah... just sent out, even Yan Xia led Wan Xian to go to Sendai, and it is said that His Majesty is to be personally monitored."

"This... how about the two sons of the golden cypress?"

"I don't know, I just heard about it..."


These fairy gods are a sentence for me, and Yin Shi Niang is fiercely turned around, toward the left side of Huaqing Palace, running wildly.

The land of Xianting has a strong prohibition against the air, and it is difficult to achieve long-term volley even to Shengzhong.

"Ten Niang, your wounds!"

"Ten Niang!"


Many fairies saw the back of Yin Teniang’s crazy running. All of them were shouting, and one by one turned their heads to the former fairy who scolded.

"You talk about you, when the pot is not open, which is so pitiful, you have to let Ten Niang hold hope to go to hell, not to tell him that Li Tianwang was taken to the Sendai ""

"Yeah, yeah, oh... Li Tianwang and Shi Niang are husbands and wives for thousands of years. The two have loved the ancients and the past, and they have many people in the world."



After saying it, after the talk, these fairies couldn’t help but shook their heads and sighed.

In the Huaqing Palace, it is already the mother of the mother of the palace gate, slightly lifted, looked at the direction of Yin Shi Niang's departure, but also could not stop a long sigh.

She is the mother of the mother, the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law, but she is also a man who is a wife and a mother.

Tossing the identity of the mother is not to be said. As a wife and a mother, she feels sorry and sad for Yin Shi Niang.

However, as a mother, she had to see all that she saw in front of her eyes as she did not see it.

This time, the immortality of Li, who was not in the gold raft, was already the last point she could make for Yin Shiniang in front of the Jade Emperor. 2k novel reading network

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