The city of Monkey King

Chapter 862: Star in the eye

Hey~! Hey~! Hey~!

There are bells, from the world, spreading hundreds of circles, there are countless monks, from these hundred circles whistling out, a long line of Changhong galloping, are all desperate to escape.


Time, there is a bound, broken.

And this is just a beginning, bang! Bang! Boom! Along with the sound of the bells, one interface after another collapsed, and countless boundaries flowed, all toward the most central place.

Maple border.

Before the withered big maple tree, the Qin Feng in the illusion of the East Emperor Bell, at that moment, the eyes... violently opened, the purple light, like two vortexes flowing.

From all sides, with a surging force to gather in his body, the power of the ‘Tianba’ that he scatters is madly enhanced, constantly impacting the shadow of the Eastern Emperor Zhong Zhong.

There was not much movement in the East Emperor Zhongyun shadow. At this moment, the surface began to tremble madly, and the fine cracks began to appear on the surface of the shadow of the East Emperor.

However, at this time...!

"this is…"

The eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and Qin Feng suddenly noticed that his body was tumbling, like... There was a force that was sealed and began to wake up slowly.


A long-distance vicissitudes of voice appeared in the mind of Qin Feng.


Qin Feng is very clear that this ‘wind child’ is not calling him, but... the last master of this evil body. ‘Wind’.

This evil body is the blood of the royal family.

As long as you can freely calculate it, you can know that the evil people of that year were all annihilated, but the only remaining one is evil, and its identity is obvious.

It must have been the son of the king of evil.

The voice that sounded at this moment should also be the voice left by the king of evil. After all, as the king of evil, the king of evil, it is impossible to leave behind.

And his backhand is better than his own son.

"Cang Jiuyi is one, ten stars are holy."

"Wind... you have to remember."

A sentence made Qin Feng feel the inexplicable eight-character reverberation, after that... it was silent.


Just when Qin Feng thought this was the end!

The massive boundaries of the original storage in the body, the madness of the moment ... more accurately, is a position in the body.

That is...eye!

In his eyes with a whirlpool of purple, suddenly... In this swirling vortex, one star after another shines!

One, two, three...

At the same time, the crazy power poured into his body, the hundreds of interfaces around the maple world, the boundaries of the power, and collapsed, became a void.

At the moment, the maple world is more discolored, and the sky is overturned. The clouds in the entire sky are flowing at a rapid speed. It is turned into a purple color and the sky is dim!

The Emperor Zhongyun, who was surrounded by Qin Feng, crashed when his fifth star appeared in his eyes.

In the center of the Qin Feng position, an astonishing storm is rising. The void of the entire maple world is in the collapse of no target. It is the whirlpool of the gods and the whirlpool, and absorbs various auras.

The power of ‘Tianba Shenluo’ is crazy!

Outside the maple world at the moment, the Ling Zhou used by the previous Qin Feng has already collapsed. The Red Su volley is in this precinct, and looks at it all with horror.

The boundary of this large piece is like a collapse, where the interface collapses, the void collapses, and countless surging forces are rushing toward one side, and outside the maple world, there are countless The purple vortex appeared, and the forces that came from the square were all immersed in this vortex and disappeared.

The purple vortex that appears, the red sue is naturally known, that is... the power of evil spirits!

The changes in the boundaries here have led to another urgent report to the direction of Xianxian Xianting. However, at this moment, the Jade Emperor did not have the leisure to manage these.

Xianjie, Xianting.

Above the Lingxiao Temple, at this moment, the Lingxiao Temple...the group of immortals gather, the Jade Emperor is on the top of the seat, even the 'Nine-tailed King of the Titans', this time is also in the Temple of Lingxiao, and the Jade Emperor is obviously very Give the face and give him a chair to sit.

But at the moment...

All the group of immortals are staring at two people, all of which are headaches.

In the center of the Lingxiao Temple, the nine-day Xuan female glared at the jade emperor, the posture, the daring to give the Jade Emperor a living.

The Donghua Emperor around her is a bitter smile on his face, but he did not say anything. The reason why he personally followed, the attitude is already very obvious, that is to help the nine-day Xuan women support.

Today, no matter how to solve it.

All must let the nine-day mysterious woman get mad, if not... This Lingxiao Temple is afraid to turn over.

"A Xuan, the remnant soul of Nangong has been taken by the brother, you can toss it here, don't make things big."

The corner of the mouth was slightly moved, and a voice fell into the ears of the nine-day mysterious woman. I was able to feel the anger of the nine-day mysterious woman, but the nine-day mysterious woman still had no tendency to stop.

As previously believed by the Emperor of Donghua, the nine-day mysterious woman came to Xianting, not just for the Nangong Yiren, but also for the ‘焱’.

"The Jade Emperor, who handed over the people of the Tenth Immortal World, the deity can leave immediately."

Nine-day Xuan female said head-on, tone and attitude, did not put his identity under the Jade Emperor, and no one in the temple said anything.

After all, for the ancient **** of the nine-day mysterious woman, the Jade Emperor... is indeed only a peer.

"I don't know who the Xuan Zun wants."

The jade emperor above the high seat, looking at the nine-day mysterious woman, with a calm smile on his face, in the pretense of confusion, he ... naturally will not pay!

The nine-day mysterious woman wants to help the child, and the helper is the confidant of the Jade Emperor, and the helper has the most sacred cult, and there is no trace of the Buddha's background. This kind of person is absolutely for the Jade Emperor. Affiliation.


Now the situation in Wanjie, if he can't keep his emperor even his own subordinates, how can he let others follow him with confidence.

However, in the next moment, the voice of the nine-day mysterious girl rang in this Lingxiao Hall, and the atmosphere and the moment of the entire Lingxiao Hall fell to the freezing point.

The group of immortals in the temple listened to these words, all of them were fierce in their hearts, and they looked at the Jade Emperor subconsciously. I don’t know what the Jade Emperor would react to.

"Zhang Bairen, you have to sit down as a child in the old ancestors, don't give your face a shame."

The nine-day mysterious woman suppressed the anger and opened her mouth. The beautiful eyes looked at the jade emperor who was seated high. This time... obviously it was not the same position as the jade emperor.


Thoroughly squinting, direct contempt!

There is no disguise for this jade emperor who is now supreme in the world! 2k novel reading network

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