The city of Monkey King

Chapter 818: I missed the grass and spirits

Red maple leaves and floating on the main hall square.

When the last red maple leaf slowly fell, Qin Feng’s hand lifted slightly, and the last one was held in the palm of his hand.

He has not seen the figure of Nangong Yiren.

The sky above, there is no longer the shadow of that illusory red maple.

‘Ira, I will find you, please... trust me. ’

The heart made a vow, this moment... The last maple leaf in the hands of Qin Feng was slowly turned into a star of autumn red, and then floated to the sky.

Love between life and death, the love of Nangong Yiren, so that everyone present is a feeling of rising in the heart, especially... people with affection.

Yu Ya looked at this scene from beginning to end, and even... she clearly saw the former Nangong Yi people rushing to Qin Feng.

The corner of her eye is slightly reddened. At this moment, she looks at the helper. She thinks that she can be like the Nangong Yiren, and she can express her love in such a frank manner.

There is no longer a difference between the top and bottom, no more honourable, no more... any obstacles.

If there is such an opportunity, it will die.

Leaves, drifting into nothingness.

Take a deep breath...

Qin Feng, once again stood up straight, raised his eyes... Looked at the helper, there is no hate in his eyes at this moment, Qin Feng is very clear about everything.

The whole thing, there is no such thing as awkwardness.

In fact, there is no right or wrong in anything in this world. Discussion is right or wrong... This is a ridiculous thing.

The shot of the only child who helped the child was that the Nangong Yi people were willing to give up for themselves.

On the contrary, he is very grateful to Fu Tong, who is willing to make the strongest blow to fight against himself when he has the power to crush himself.


Although all this Qin Feng knows!

But he can't forgive this person!

Walking away from Chu Wanqiu, it is even more likely that the Nangong Yi people do not know life and death, and the souls return to the fifth world Taoist philosophers, all of which are unbearable by Qin Feng!

He wants to help the child and pay for it all.

Slowly... Close your eyes.

The wind, messed up his long hair, long hair in the ink, and swayed behind him, flying.

Xianwei Palace underground palace.

Nangong Yiren's soul is turned into a soul, and naturally does not care about the so-called swearing of heaven and earth. She used her last strength and used the last soul she could mobilize to bring the spirit of Qin Feng to here.

Tell him... what she always wanted to say.

it's here…

Qin Feng found the people and things he had never been able to find.

The body of the gods is condensed.

The lush green earth and the dancing palace, the ancient wooden long piano that was violently impacting the seal, at this moment... suddenly stopped.

The sudden stop, let Chu Wanqiu look down on the subconscious, the right... is the look of the body of Qin Feng.

He was so happy that he stood up and rushed to Qin Feng. He rushed to the arms of Qin Feng, but it was penetrated. This is the body of Qin Feng’s gods, and naturally it is impossible to touch.

"Don't worry."

Qin Feng has thousands of sorrows in his heart. At this moment, he can only be pressed in his heart. Chu Wanqiu also sees the sadness in Qin Feng’s eyes. The little face looks nervous and has no excessive words.

After looking at Chu Wanqiu, I found that Chu Wanqiu did not suffer any damage. Qin Feng was in the heart of Enron.

"You will stay here first, after a while, I will pick you up."

After Qin Feng finished saying this, the body of this god... is dissipated in place.


There will be a war that will shake the entire Tenth Immortal World. This underground palace of Xianwei Palace is indeed a relatively safe place.


Chu Wanqiu originally wanted to say something, she has been in these days...

However, Qin Feng left too fast, and has not finished Chu Wanqiu’s words, but at this time... Chu Wanqiu discovered that the guqin in the center of the palace.

The sound of the music 铮铮 铮铮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

With emerald green, it scatters from this guqin.


This emerald green gas condenses into a humanoid appearance. This humanoid eyes are covered with a white cloth. When you see this figure, Chu Wanqiu is a glimpse.

The memory that belongs to that world is like a tidal wave.


Step by step, Chu Wanqiu walked toward the figure.

The shadow of ‘Su Ze’, with a smile on his face, slightly extended his hand toward Chu Wanqiu...


The square before the main hall of Xianwei Palace.

Qin Feng slowly reopened his eyes, and he could feel the awakening of Gu Mu Changqin.

And just at this time...

The entire Xianwei Palace began to surge, and the flowers and trees that had stopped growing were like crazy, rising to the sky.

Some towering giant trees have even jumped to the height of a thousand feet.

Strong to the ultimate vitality, with Qin Feng as the center, swept out!

"This, this is..."

"what happened?!"

"The power of the wood! This is the law of wood!"


The crowds are all vacant, and under them, countless giant trees rise to the sky, there is no place where they stand.

The entire Xianwei Palace is in the midst of extreme shaking, as if it would break apart at all times.

Helping the child, at this moment the brow wrinkled, squinting at the changes around it, feeling the power of the rich wood between the heavens and the earth, whispering.

"A thought and a grassy spirit, if you want to die, this is the law of wood."

"This guy…"

The hand lifted slightly, and when the 钧 钧 ’ rifle returned to the hand, the child’s eyes had a tight color, and things became troublesome for him.

Towering giant tree...

One of them, the tree is still growing wildly, and countless branches are separated from the trunk, and above a branch of the tree.

Yunxiao held a glass of wine in his hand and looked at it calmly. The brow... It was the first time it wrinkled slightly, as if he had guessed and made mistakes.

"No, how can it be wood, it should be... wind."

Boom ~ bombardment ~ bombardment!

Numerous giant trees were born, and the entire Xianwei Palace began to become fragmented. There were countless gravels, splitting from the sky, and falling from the sky.

And in the most central place of all this.

Qin Feng...

Slightly lowered his head, behind him... with an emerald figure, his fourth ‘Suze’!

The soul of the ninth, every world, is actually sealed in the soul of Qin Feng.

Only when that world wakes up, the soul of that world will be completely integrated with the soul of Qin Feng.

And once merged...

That is to say, when the Taoist returning to the future, this is the enlightenment plan of Qin Feng’s first world!


There is a vigorous music, echoing between the heavens and the earth, behind Qin Feng, this blindfolded green figure, little by little, began to merge with Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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