The city of Monkey King

Chapter 201: Destroy this Taolin for you! [Three more]

Wang Song’s cultivation is the top of the knot, and there are various kinds of demon sacred secrets in the body. It’s extremely deceitful to fight the law. Even if the grandson does not dare to fight with him, he can only use the enchantment prepared in advance. Stuck!


In the enchantment, the second floor of the pavilion, fiercely burst!

Among the smoke and dust scattered, Wang Song’s figure appeared, and the eyes were filled with anger!

After playing for so many years, the first time I was played, Wang Song is obviously not a taste!

However, this anger did not exist for a long time, so soon it was not suppressed, and then just stood still in the same place, not flustered, watching Qin Feng, eyes have a surprise color.

There are countless powerful people he has seen in his life, but it is the first time he has seen a avatar, and it is still so many avatars! The avatar of a foundation-based monk!

"This enchantment is enough to trap him for three months. When President Tan Qingzhu returns, he will take him to Xiange for investigation."

Gong Sun, who looked at Wang Song, who was settled in the enchantment, said with a sigh, that the person who can still be so calm in this situation is terrible.

Qin Feng nodded slightly and did not say much. How to deal with Wang Song is a matter of Gongsun.

In the mountains and forests not far from this pavilion, in the darkness, there are two people standing here, looking high.

Yu Yiming, Xiao Zhanyun.

"Yu, deputy dean, left him..."

Xiao Zhanyun saw Wang Song trapped in the enchantment and suddenly changed his face. Before, Wang Song said that he would take him to the Xiao family and help him to be the master!

But now Wang Song himself has been arrested, what about the position of his homeowner? !

"Don't worry about him, you will return to Xiao's family tomorrow. After you go back, someone will answer you, and the position of your homeowner is still you."

Yu Yiming faintly opened, and after he finished speaking, he turned away, leaving only a face of horror standing in the place of Xiao Zhanyun.

Respond? !

Does the Xiao family also have people who take the soul? !

Xiao Zhanyun is completely stunned. He is a core child of Xiao family. He grew up in Xiao family and grew up in Xiao family. He is familiar with the strong people in the family. He can't believe it. Those people... There will be people who take the soul of the soul!

Because of this, he is even more clear, if these people are chaotic, Xiao will be in a big mess!

At this time, there was a stream of light, coming from the sky, directly into the Faerie College, and fell in front of a building in Xuanjiefeng.

In the pavilion where Liu Man lived, Qi Linger’s anger was almost the same, but there was a sudden sound in his ear.

"Linger comes out, the second uncle is outside your door."

Qi Linger, a second uncle? ! Outside the door? !

Subconsciously ran to the door with bare feet, and when I opened the door, I saw a man wearing an ancient black hard coat, long hair, handsome, and about thirty.

"How did you come to the second uncle? How do you know that I am at Xuanjiefeng?"

Qi Linger was very surprised.

"You have a family mark on you, how can I not know that you are here, go, and come home with me now."

Qi Yan frowned and said.

"Ah? Why? I don't want to go home now~!"

Originally, Qi Linger was surprised to see her second uncle coming, but after seeing her dignified appearance, she had a bad feeling.

This man, that is notoriously chic, all day long knows to play outside.

He has not returned to the family for ten years, but now he has to come back with himself!

How can Qi Linger not be surprised!

Unless something is happening!

"Uncle, what happened? Go home, you can talk to Linger."

"Big brother is seriously injured."

Qi Yan frowned, and when he heard this, Qi Linger suddenly became a white face.

Qi Qi is holding a hand of Qi Linger, carrying Qi Linger's imperial weather into a stream of light and sky.

Qi Tong’s eldest brother is Qi Ling’s father, and Qi’s family is in harmony!

In the pavilion.

"Linger sister, I will give you a dumpling to eat~"

Liu Man came out with a bowl of steaming dumplings, and the living room was already empty.

And after half an hour.

From Xianling Mountain, another Changhong broke up.

Qin Feng stood on the top of a sword that turned into a captain and went straight to the direction of Jiangzhou.

He will go to Luo Haigen’s birthday banquet the day after tomorrow. Before that, he will go to Xiantaolin. His mother is there. If he doesn’t go to see it every day, Qin Feng’s heart is not at ease.

On the side of Xianling College, the soul has been trapped by the enchantment of Gongsun, and there are people on duty at 12 o'clock a day. There should be no major events without accident.

As for those who are controlled by the ghosts and hidden in the Faculty of the Faerie, how to ask, how to check, Qin Feng can not manage, it is the same thing.

Yu Jian is not the same, Qin Feng does not like to use gold hoops, but a person's words, Yu Jian is more comfortable.

Night, nine o'clock.

On the outskirts of Jiangzhou City, Xiantao Mausoleum.

A stream of light fell from the sky, after stepping on the ground, Qin Feng put away the sword of the sky, the flames in the eyes, the waste stone abandoned the forest and turned into a peach forest.

Qin Feng walked into the forest, ten minutes, when Qin Feng arrived at the center of Taolin.

The brow wrinkles.

Long hair and the ground, Yunling standing in the white skirt, standing on the edge of this Lingquan, the action, and Qin Feng before leaving, did not change.

I have been looking at the silver bell in my hand and I am in a daze.


Qin Feng shouted out, Yunling raised his head.

"You came."

Yunling eyes with doubts, with entanglement, looked at Qin Feng.


Qin Feng saw the tangled in the eyes of Yunling for the first time! This is the beginning of acceptance!

"Your mother is all well, don't worry."

Yun Ling looked into the Lingquan, Song Yu, who was covered by the fog, said absent-mindedly.

Qin Feng nodded and then walked to Yun Ling's side, and they stood side by side.

Sweeping through the rolling peach forest, the breeze passed, the peach blossoms danced in the forest, and the scenery was beautiful.



"I will ask you once again. You may want to go out and meet the world outside. You may want to go to your mother's grave to worship. You may want to... look at your biological father."


Yunling was silent, one second, two seconds, just looking down at the silver bell in her hand.

This string of silver bells told her that she also had a mother.

Qin Feng told her that she...and her father, and this father is still alive.

"But the master..."

Yunling’s words have not been finished yet.

"The life of the Master can't be violated. You don't have to say this again. I only ask you, think, or don't want to."

Qin Feng looked at Yun Ling in a biased way. In fact, this question, without asking, also knows that from Yun Ling’s eyes, he saw a bound soul, a soul that longed for freedom but was self-imposed.

"miss you."

Yunling bit her lip and bit her head.

"Ouyang's predecessor's life, can't be out of Taolin."

Qin Feng turned his head and swept through this piece of peach forest, revealing a decisive color in his eyes.

"In this case, I ruined this Taolin for you! That is, there is no such thing!"

As soon as I raised my hand, in the land above, the flames condensed and condensed, and a huge ice flame group appeared!

[The third is more, ask for a ticket! ! ! Official group number: 475, 670, 272] 2k novel reading network

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