The city of Monkey King

Chapter 193: Not convinced to beat me? ! [Request for tickets]

Xianlingtai, with the words of Zou Hua and Qu Yi provocative.

The entire Quartet stands are beginning to talk.

Especially the group of the spirits who hated and hated Qin Feng. At this moment, Qin Feng was silent and thought that Qin Feng was afraid, and all of them were sneer.

"I thought that this kid is a lot more, and it started to smash."

"Twenty, Zou Hua's two brothers are so radical, it seems that they want to report their brother's hatred."

"I don't know what the vice president of Gongsun is watching this kid, and he maintains this kid everywhere."

"The bull is blowing, it will always be dead, hey, look at how this kid will die."


Above the west stand, Xiao Zhanyun hugged his hands and had no expression on his face. He just looked at Qin Feng on the middle and high platform.

After the World Championships in the winter, his edge was a lot of restrained.

This is also the beginning of a person becoming terrible.

On the side of his body, Shao Qiang and a younger brother, they laughed one by one and wanted to see Qin Feng.

North stands.

Wang Song is mixed among a group of spirits, but whoever talks to him is full of enthusiasm for the spring breeze, with a smile in his eyes.

Looking at the scene in the field at the moment, there was a glimmer of cold in the eyes of the smile.

He is constantly analyzing the extent to which Qin Feng’s strength has reached.

After all, he is very clear that this person must not judge the strength from the repair alone!

The last time, he was miscalculated, and this made Qin Feng run, and it made the situation suddenly subtle.

This time, he will never allow this kind of mistake, or else he will not shoot, and he must win with a shot! Completely solve this hidden danger!

East stand.

"How can he not talk to his brother?"

Qin Chuxue looked at this scene in the field, and there were constant comments from around the city, and he couldn’t help but get nervous.

"Don't worry about Xiaoxue, your brother is fine."

Lin Yuexi is very calm, Qin Feng can be dealt with the link of Dan Xiaopin, the last time in the Qin's Manor, Qin Feng incarnation of the 100-meter giant scene, she still remembers!

It is absolutely impossible for these two opponents to be Qin Feng’s opponents.

As for Qin Feng not speaking, she believes that Qin Feng has its own reasons.

"The kitchen knife wind is like ink. If you change me, you can serve the dog directly, and you can punch a slag."

The **** dog squatted under the railing, and the **** tail was swaying back and forth, squatting.

Above the sky, Gongsun is a little anxious to see. He doesn't know what Qin Feng is doing, why not talk? !

Just when he wants to make a clearance.

A voice rang in this fairy platform. This is the voice of Qin Feng. No one thought that Qin Feng would say such a sentence.

"You can roll it when you say it."

The voice of Qin Feng is very light, but the monks are present at the scene. It is naturally clear, and the scornful eyes of Qin Feng are a perfect match.

Thorough contempt.

The reason why he did not speak before, but stared at the two goods.

That is because Qin Feng is judging the identity of these two people and wants to see if they are also being manipulated.

And just now he came to a conclusion, no.

Since it is not, then Qin Feng did not have the interest to accompany them to play, where did his mother go to Laozi where to go, and then continue to 瞎 bb, I am a stick.

"Qin Feng, are you looking down on me and so on?!"

Qu Yi and Zou Hua were furious. They thought that there were many expressions and answers from Qin Feng under this provocation. But I never thought that would be like this!

"Qin Feng, you and his mother have planted a fight with us, only know the species to avoid!"

The first sentence is the meaning of the song, and Zou Hua is also following the second sentence.

Now what the two people said is straight enough!

Don't wander around, don't play anything to hide people, that is to directly smash your mother! There is no such thing as greetings!

Qin Feng above the high platform, stood up at the moment, licking the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and squinting the two goods with his eyes.

Even the words are lazy and said, directly telling the two goods with their eyes.

I am looking down on you, Lao Tzu? !

Not convinced to beat me? !

The eyes and discourse of Qin Feng’s arrogant domineering and blasting of the sky directly detonated the people who eat melons in Xianlingtai.

"Wow, the Qin Ling teacher is cool! I like this kind of person who has a few words!"

"He is so forced to go, isn't he afraid of being beaten on the road?"

"I feel that Qu Yi and Zou Hua are going to blow up."

"The good play is about to begin, haha, but fortunately I brought the seeds."

"Grass... divide me."

"Hey ~ Qin Ling teacher is overbearing, I love you ~!"

"Don't you be fucking?! Ah?! I am standing beside you, you are going crazy!"

"Hey~ you fierce me~..."

"I... I can't get it, you are amazing, you won."


There are many discussions on the four sides.

One of Qin Feng’s eyes completely detonated the temper of the song and Zouhua’s anger!

I have seen people who have looked down, I have never seen such a look down!

In any case, these two are the spiritual masters of the academy, and they are the foundations of the foundation and the prestige. The at least half of these tens of thousands of students have listened to their teachings.

Now in front of these people, people are so despised, if they are still shrinking, it will be too embarrassing!

What's more, the two of them were originally holding the heart of killing Qin Feng!

Since Qin Feng does not agree to contest!

Then they will come hard, even if the Gongsun is looking for trouble afterwards, they will not hesitate!

"Qin Feng, you are deceiving too much!"

The song jumped, and a flying knife appeared under his feet. There was a big knife in his hand and went straight to the Qin wind above the high platform.

He, shot!

However, the work of one second, the song is already in front of Qin Feng.

"go to hell!"

The song is screaming, and the big knife is held in both hands. The knife in his hand has a blue thunder bloom at this moment, and the knife is turned into a three-meter big. It is cut down toward the Qin wind!

Everything is just between the electric and the flint, see this scene!

Suddenly, the audience exclaimed!


In the next second, something that made everyone horrified happened.

The knives of the songs have fallen, and they are unbiased. It is indeed cut on the head of Qin Feng, right in the center, not at all biased.

Only the injured objects were swapped.

It is reasonable to say that the injured should be the head of Qin Feng, but the head of Qin Feng is intact, and even the roots are not lost. This knife is cut out of a gap, the shape is just the arc of the Qin Feng brain.

"How... how, how..."

The song looked at the knife in his hand, and he was surprised to stutter. He thought that Qin Feng could not escape, and he would succeed. This happened when his heart was about to be happy.

I can't believe it at all!


Qin Feng fainted, the mouth smacked with smoke, slightly raised his eyes, the cold eyes fell in the eyes of the song, the shocked song could not help but squatted. 2k novel reading network

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