The city of Monkey King

Chapter 191: The mountain spirit bells, stepping down the wind!

Xianlingtai, the lower left corner of the east stand.

In this area, the crowd was separated by hundreds of guards wearing white robes, and thousands of people around them were talking about it, watching the dog that was separated from the open space.

In their view, there will be a good show here.

The battle between the white tiger and the **** dog!

"Oh... it’s really annoying."

The **** dog saw the appearing high-ranking man, especially when he saw Gao Han’s cold and ice-filled face, and it was very boring to stand up again.

Walking slowly toward Gaohan, Fang Yi raised his dog's head and was preparing to solve it with a dog king. It was just when everyone thought that the good play was about to start.

A scene that everyone can't think of happened!

Gao Han, a burly one-meter-nine body, was a taller than Xiong Guang. He raised his hand fiercely and pressed it directly on Xiong Guang’s head. He did not say anything, and fiercely pressed him to the ground.

With a splash, Xiong Guang was caught off guard and went straight to the **** dog.


Xiong Guang suddenly stunned and wanted to look up, but he was forced to move his head.

Don't say that Xiong Guang's face is so aggressive, that is, the **** dog can't understand what is going on? I wonder if this big man’s hometown custom has to be smashed before the fight.

If you are not good, let the person next to you replace it? !

"I rely, what is going on?"

"I don't understand!"

"High Tiger, is this a ritual soldier?"

"Haha, Xiong Guang, I can laugh for a year when I am walking the dog."

"Oh, don't make a noise, look carefully."


The surrounding people are also whispering, one by one is very strange, after all, it is too strange to make this action with the high tiger's hot character. It is normal to play it directly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Xiong Guangqian, Gao Han pressed his head with one hand, did not say a word, waited until the third second, grabbed Xiong Guang’s hair, dragged him away in Xiong Guang’s shouting. .

Although other spiritual guards are very aggressive, after all, the behavior of today's boss is too abnormal, but they did not think much, and they followed behind Gao Han.

Gao Han is indeed a fierce, no matter who you are, even if you are a child of the Nine Family, as long as you have committed something in the college, no matter who pleads, even if the dean comes, Gao Han will not give a little face. What should I do?


Among the Faeries College, the face of a single person, Gao Han can not help!


Gao Han is a disciple of Gong Suntong!

You can be embarrassed, you can be selfless, but you must not respect the teacher!

Xianling College, in all seasons, except for a few cases, will only produce two consecutive championships, three consecutive championships, and so on. Many times, the winners of each season are different every season.

And those who win the championship, in addition to four consecutive championships, can get a power, that is, to enter the courtyard under the door of the immortal.

When Gao Han was still a student at the college, he won three consecutive championships. When Gongsun met him, he was able to make it, and he received his own door.

Just last night, after Gong Suntong arranged for Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue, he even greeted Gao Han in the night and gave Gao Han a look at the pictures of Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue.

It is very serious to tell him that the safety of these two people can not be the same!

Master’s words, of course, Gao Han did not dare to defy, respectfully lead the way!

However, just finished yesterday, I met it today, and I still took the initiative to find my own. Gao Han looked expressionless, and my heart was already burning in anger. I thought about going back and gave this rabbit a donkey.

Gao Han dragged Xiong Guang away, but the crowd started to fry the pot!

The high-truth tiger, known as the iron face, has actually released water? !

This, this this, how is this possible!

The first time in decades!

However, things really happened. The people around them looked at Qin Shixue and Lin Yuexi with a horrified look. Of course, more eyes were focused on the **** dog.

"What do you mean by the scorpion?"

The **** dog swayed his tail, turned and walked to Qin Xuexue, and continued to squat.

In the east stand, this corner is boiling.

However, it is such a small place to boil, compared to the entire Xianlingtai, it is not worth mentioning!

If you look down from the sky!

At this moment, Xianlingtai is already crowded with people, and there are still people who are constantly in the market!

There is only one purpose for these people to come here, and that is to listen to the lecture of the Qin Ling teacher.

Whether it is a class that has no class in the afternoon, all the students are coming!

Because there are classes that are useless, the spirits who attended the class basically ran to Xianlingtai.

"Qin Lingshi, your call is more powerful than my vice president. I have been in the college for hundreds of years, but I have never seen anyone who has held a lecture to have such a grand occasion."

In the clouds above the fairy-spirited platform, Gongsun stood with the imperial wind, and said with a smile, Qin Feng and Qi Linger were at his side, and the two were on a small sword boat.

Looking down from here, the entire Xianlingtai is indeed lively and extraordinary.

Tiandi Xuanhuang, Wufeng students almost came.

"It’s almost five o'clock!"

Qi Linger on the side reminded him.

Qin Feng nodded, his mouth still smoked, overlooking the entire Xianlingtai, with a cold color in his eyes. In these crowds, there must be that guy!

The guy hidden behind the scenes!

The guy who wants to kill himself!

Just at this time, oh~!

The bell came out and echoed between the five peaks!

This is to show that the lecture is about to begin!

Gongsun Tong’s indeed gave Qin Feng’s face, and even the mountain clock that symbolizes the Faculty of the Faculty is used by people.

When the mountain bell rang, the original noisy Xianlingtai suddenly became quiet.

Everyone knows that you have to start! Everything is looking to the center of Xianlingtai, waiting for the coming of that person!

On the west side of the stands, Xiao Zhanyun, in his ten-meter range, is a few of his younger brothers who are standing in a sparse manner. Other students simply dare not approach.

As the old saying goes, the dead camel is bigger than Ma, even if Xiao Zhanyun has lost his face in the winter crown, but he is still Xiao Zhanyun, the younger brother of Xiao family, and the strength of the battle is far more than other students!

There are not many people who dare to provoke him on the bright side.

On the north side of the stands, there is a group of college spirits gathered here, standing together in threes and threes, one of them has a look, looks like thirty, laughs like a spring breeze, giving people a gentle meaning.

His name is Wang Song.

"How is your brother still not coming?!"

In the east of the stands, Qin Chuxue was slightly anxious, looking forward to look around.

"It should be coming soon."

Lin Yuexi is also a little nervous, watching the center of this fairy Lingtai intently.

And it is at this time!

From above the sky!

A figure appeared, the corner of his mouth was smoky, his face was calm, and in the gaze of tens of thousands of people, stepping down the wind!

Qin Feng! 2k novel reading network

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