The city of Monkey King

Chapter 188: From time to time, the game of victory and defeat!

On the second day, the news that Qin Feng came to Xianling College was like the wind spreading between the five peaks of Xianling!

For a time, the entire Faerie College was a fryer.

The shock that Qin Feng brought to them on the day of the winter crown once again appeared in the heart.

The return of Qin Feng is more representative of one thing, he wants to start as a spiritual teacher!

Whether it is a college or a spiritual master, I am very much looking forward to the next Qin Ling teacher's class!

Although these people have different ideas, most of them are uncomfortable and want to see how Qin Feng is ugly this time.

But those students are different...

Especially the fans who were convinced by Qin Feng on the day of the winter, after hearing the news one by one, they were full of excited peach blossoms.

In Xianling College, if you want to take a class of a spiritual master, it is necessary to go to the four peaks of the homework in advance to report, just today, the four peaks are usually deserted to the home of the temple, a sea of ​​people.

Temple of Heaven's homework.

The two registered spiritual masters looked at the long queues outside the temple, and the scalp was numb. They were too busy to stand up from morning till now.

Among the enrolled students, there are eight women in ten.

This appeal is simply more powerful than the traffic that is so popular!

The purpose of these people is only one, that is to choose the class of Qin Ling.

"Old horse, starting from 8 o'clock, now there are more than 2,000 people in the Guangtian step, this is less than two minutes, and then continue, I estimate that the four peaks add up to tens of thousands, where are our colleges? Such a big church?"

"You ask me who I am asking? How many people are in charge of it, we just have to remember it, and where we are in class is not what we should manage."

The two responsible spirits are ugly at the moment.

The arrangement of the original teaching hall was arranged by the homework hall, but now this situation, they are too lazy to manage, can not control.

"Linger is good~ I have to choose the class of Qin Lingshi."

The female student who was discharged, the sweet voice sounded.

In this sentence, they have listened to them for countless times, and their ears have to be blind.

And outside the home of the homework.

Xiao Zhanyun didn't know whether he was passing by or deliberately coming. He stood in the distance and looked at the queue of long-tailed dragons. He had a bonfire in his eyes and his face was iron and blue. Obviously it was extremely unhappy!

At this time, suddenly there was a majestic voice that circulated the entire college.

"In the five days (14:15), Qin Lingshi will hold a lecture at Xianlingtai. It is not necessary to report with the homework hall. All the students of the four peaks of the college can go."

This majestic voice is familiar to everyone!

One of the three vice presidents, Gongsun Tong!

The deputy dean personally came to give a spiritual teacher a class time, which made people stunned, especially many spiritual masters, all of whom were shocked and could not close together.

Because Gongsun used the word ‘speaking’, it was only qualified by the school’s immortal (Jie Dan), but now it is used on the head of Qin Feng.

"Xiao Ge, do you see that we will not go to the lecture tomorrow?"

Behind Xiao Zhanyun, Shao Qiang whispered, after all, the recent temper of the big cockroach was really bad. One sentence angered him and he was estimated to be violently beaten.

"Go, I want to see if this guy can teach others to practice, even open a lecture!"

Xiao Zhanyun snorted and stared at the temple.

At this moment, the crowds of the homework class are also scattered. After all, there is no need to report it. What are you waiting for? Just go to Xianlingtai tomorrow.

"Tomorrow can see the Qin Ling teacher! Ah ah ah ~ look forward to it!"

"Qin Ling is very good, the first lesson is a lecture~ I have never heard of a spiritual teacher to open a lecture~!"

"What do you say Qin Ling teacher will say?"

"It must be very powerful. You look at the last winter crown, the usual war of Xiao Zhanyun. After a few moments, he was knocked down by Qin Lingshi."

"I also think ~ look forward to ~"

"Hey~ Why is the Qin Ling teacher so hot!"


Three female students happened to walk past Xiao Zhanyun, and these words were introduced into the ears of Xiao Zhanyun.

Xiao Zhanyun had no expression, and Shao Qiang behind him was angry and screamed at several younger brothers.

"Mom, go get me the couple of women, and I have to light them up tonight to let them know the consequences of talking."

"Forget it."

Xiao Zhanyun was cold-faced, with no expression at all, faintly opening, and then turned and left after he finished.

‘As long as you join the soul sorcerer, you can get everything you want, power, resources, women, strength, the power to step him on the ground! ’

In the mind of Xiao Zhanyun, recalling Wang Song’s words, there is a decisive intention in the eyes!

As a core child of the Xiao family, he is not lacking in power, not lacking women, not lacking resources. What he lacks is power! A tremendous strength!

Strong enough to put that person on the ground!

He is going to find Wang Song!

He has to agree to the conditions given by Wang Song!

Even if you sell your soul, what about? !

Soul, moral, what? !

He Xiao Zhanyun, who has lost the qualification to become the owner of the Xiao family, has lost the qualification to enter the dean, and has lost the glory of the past.

There is only shame on him!

He has been jealous of the laughing stock in the eyes of others!

And ruined him all, in the view of Xiao Zhanyun, that person... that is called Qin Feng!


The peak of the order, in the home of Qi Linger’s pavilion.

Qin Feng sat on the sofa and took the cigarette. Next to him, Qi Linger sat cross-legged, his white legs glared, holding a bag of potato chips in his hand and eating while playing with his mobile phone.

On the sofa next to it, Gongsun Tong is sitting here, a cup of tea floating on the coffee table.

Such a vice president of Xianling ran to the student's residence, which was a matter of easy criticism. Therefore, Gongsun was secretly coming this time.

"Qin Lingshi, your friend and sister, I have arranged in Xuanjiefeng, arranged the best single-family pavilion, including the background and name used to record the trainee's roster, you can rest assured, absolutely no People can connect them with you."

Gong Suntong was very happy to say that he went back to the last night to enlighten the Qin dynasty to him, and the whole person was full of excitement and stayed up all night.

As for the arrangement of two people to help Qin Feng, it is only a matter of words for him.

"There is the vice president of Lao Gongsun."

Qin Feng shook the ash.

"It's okay, it's a small thing, but now that you are in college, what happened to the three spiritual masters before?"

Gongsun and his brow wrinkled, Qin Feng has come to Xianling College, and the hidden snake should also be out of the hole.

"Just tonight."

Qin Feng spoke, with affirmation in the words.

"So fast?"

"It will change when you are late. In this matter, that person should be more anxious than you and me."

Qin Feng has a killing flash in his eyes.

"In the afternoon, the teaching of Xian Lingtai will definitely lead people to test first. At that time, the vice president of Gongsun will pay more attention to it."

"Reassured, I will be there in person, no details will be let go."

Gongsun and his face nodded stunnedly, and there was a killing in his eyes.

Xianling College has a ghost inside. As the chief vice president of the three vice presidents, he is absolutely intolerable!

Qin Feng also nodded slightly, the smoke in the corner of his mouth.

In the afternoon, Xianlingtai is not just as simple as a lecture.

This lecture is also the temptation of the people behind the scenes, and after the temptation, it is lore!

In the evening, it is the game of victory and defeat.

The result was only two. One was that Qin Feng died.

Second, this is the bureau that has been laid out for hundreds of years, destroyed once! 2k novel reading network

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