The city of Monkey King

Chapter 180: The battle of Qin Fengyunyun! [Three more]

Messy manor.

Qin Feng looked at the almost maddening sky and the clouds were tightly wrinkled.

He didn't quite know what was happening here, and he didn't know what it was because the **** dog would suddenly become like this.

He only knows that the **** dog is dangerous now!

Lin Yuexi, who was slightly behind his eyes, and his mother and sister, although he would like to see if they were injured.

But the **** dog in front of me is already rushing.

Without saying anything, Qin Feng waved out with a stick.

The golden hoop became bigger and fell directly on the **** dog, hehe!

The body of the **** dog was smashed by tens of meters, but it did not suffer any injuries. When the party stopped, the **** eyes looked at Qin Feng and fangs roared!

Qin Feng’s face was tight, and the subconsciously put the golden hoop on the surface of the water, bang!

In the sky above Qin Feng, it seems that if something falls, the emptiness of the sky is as heavy as a mountain, and the golden hoop becomes a long one, and it is supported.

Air bomb!

And this is just the beginning!

The **** dog slammed up and inhale, and in his mouth, a white flame began to condense into a group.

From there, there is a horrible pressure to spread out.

Seeing this scene, the best solution was to move quickly to avoid, but Qin Feng... can't hide!

Behind him is Lin Yuexi, his mother, his own sister. If he is hiding, this group of white fires is enough to burn the three of them to ashes!

"Brother... little black..."

Qin Shixue’s face was white, and he saw the fierce battle between Qin Feng and the **** dog. His eyes were in a hurry.

"Little snow does not cry, everything is given to your brother, believe him."

Lin Yuezhen looked at the back of Qin Feng and made a firm opening.

"Hmm... um!"

Qin Shixue nodded heavily.

And it is at this moment!

The **** dog exhaled, and the white flame in the mouth suddenly flew out. The original fire group of half a person’s size, when it was disguised, turned into a three-story building!

Where the white flame passes, the void is completely distorted.

The inflammation of the void, the power of space!

Qin Feng’s nephew tightened and looked at the huge fire group that came here, taking a deep breath.


As soon as the hands were lifted against the fire, the figure went back a few meters, and then the white flame was blocked!


When the blue veins burst, Qin Feng fiercely bite his teeth, and the golden hoop on the side is flying directly into the sky, turning into a big one, and squatting toward the fire!

boom! The fire group broke!

The figure of Qin Feng is at this moment, rushing directly from the flame.

"French heaven!"

The heart is low-drinking, and the building of the base is used for repairing. The shape of Qin Feng is directly transformed into a height of 100 meters!

Really giant word!

Step by step is to come to the front of the **** dog.

A fist slammed toward the **** dog, this fist is a **** dog, the whole body is huge, hehe!

The **** dog was under this punch and flew hundreds of meters backwards and crashed into a small grove in the manor.

Qin Feng raised his hand and turned it into a golden hoop with a hundred meters to return to his hand.

He is very clear that at this moment, the **** dog is not his own opponent. The third tail of the **** dog is now only a lot of power.

Hundreds of meters of body shape, Qin Feng Jianmei looked at the woods, holding a gold hoop in his hand.

Everything... far from over!


Instantly start from the forest!

The rolling grove, under the white flame, began to burn wildly and quickly became a powder!

The sound of wolves, echoing between heaven and earth!

In the grove, the shape of the **** dog is rapidly increasing until it is turned into a hundred-meter giant wolf, almost the same as the Qin wind!

After turning into a hundred-meter giant wolf, there was no pause, and the **** dog went straight to the Qin wind.

Qin Feng originally wanted to continue to swing a stick, but turned to think that he was afraid of hurting the **** dog, that is, the golden hoop was put away, the body shape was on one side, the left hand grasped the front paw of the **** dog, and the other hand held it. His neck.

"Little black, you calm down!"

Qin Feng locked the **** dog and screamed.

"Hey! Hey!"

The **** dog licks his teeth, and only the killing in the **** scorpion!

A fierce turn, a paw stroked down, Qin Feng can not dodge, a long mouth was drawn in front of him, blood dripping.

Qin Feng figure regressed and looked at the tail of the **** dog, and the third tail began to solidify a lot!

The power of the **** dog is improving!

If the three tails open again, the current Qin Feng is probably not an opponent!

"Little black, sorry."

Qin Feng made up his mind, and the golden hoop in his hand appeared again. He now has only one way to make the **** dog seriously injured and completely knock him down!

If not, continue to develop, once you can't control him, the consequences are unimaginable!


The **** dog is directly this time, and one spit is a group of white fires. Qin Feng has a stick of smashing, and then it is a group, one group after another, endless in general!


The **** dog saw his white fire repeatedly being beaten, and the violent madness again, the illusory third tail behind him, actually was a little solid again!

Yang Tianxiaoxiao!


Qin Feng’s eyes shrank, and he said nothing, turned and went straight to Qingchi.

However, in a second or two seconds, just arrived, directly squatting, completely shrouded this clear pool underneath!

Boom! Boom! !

The entire manor, including those villas, all the facilities, are under the air bomb, all burst into gray!

Only this clear pool is completely intact.

Because all the air bombs in this part are all leaking, they all fall on Qin Feng's body.


Qin Shixue looked up at Qin Feng.

The same is true of Lin Yuexi, his eyes are shocked...

"Don't worry about Xiaoxue, my brother is fine."

Qin Fengwei smiled, but this moment... his 100-meter figure was rapidly shrinking and returned to the original appearance.

Standing beside the big stone, the body violently trembled, the body swayed again and again, the subconscious half squatted to the ground, wow, the blood spit out.

The **** dog is indeed not the opponent of Qin Feng. At least Qin Xi’s full force, the **** dog can’t hold it, but it doesn’t mean that Qin Feng can resist such a lot of air bombs!

Even if it is a monk under the knot, the bombing just now is dead and can no longer die!

This is still Qin Feng has ** Xuan Gong, plus is the body of the heavens and the earth, or else it will not be simply vomiting blood.


Qin Shixue saw Qin Feng vomiting blood, eagerly desperately crawling to Qin Feng, the tears on his face screamed, Lin Yuexi was standing in the same place, she was the first to see such a weak Qin wind.

She panicked, she didn't know... what should I do!

This man is like a day in her heart, now the sky is going to collapse, she doesn't know what to do!

At this time, the **** dog surrounded by the emptiness of the whole body, the 100-meter figure came, the **** scorpion, with tyrannical killing!

The wolf's mouth opened, and a huge white flame was formed in his mouth! 2k novel reading network

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