The city of Monkey King

Chapter 166: Mad to no side!

"Maniac, you are moisturizing this day! Is the bed in the compartment good?"

In the office of the chairman of the board, on the sofa next to the floor-to-ceiling window, Zuo Yingjie looked at the Nangong Yiren who stood behind the Qinfeng sofa. He said that the eyes were obviously suggesting something.

"Stop your thoughts."

Qin Feng naturally knows what Zuo Yingjie said about the ‘moisture’.

"What is yelling, this is a man's true color!"

Zuo Yingjie smiled.

The Nangong Yiren who was behind Qin Feng heard the dialogue between the two men and his face was reddish. Of course, she also understood what Zuo Yingjie was saying.

"I, I am going to make coffee."

Slightly blushing, and quickly went away.


Qin Feng nodded.

"Look at you, the face that people say is red."

Qin Feng looked at the goods in front of him, smiling without a word.

"And, you will change your clothes after work, and pick up your gold necklace. Are you coming to work or fighting?"

Zuo Yingjie still smiled and said: "Attention, you must pay attention next time."

Just when Qin Feng still wants to talk to Zuo Yingjie about other things, suddenly...

The crowd outside is very strange, and they are looking up. Many screams are heard. Qin Feng is very sensitive. It is not comparable to mortals, and naturally it can be heard.

Subconsciously glimpsed out the window, suddenly the eyebrows wrinkled!

Above the sky in the distance, there is a huge black cloth, standing on top of it, about five hundred!

This black cloth, so swayed through the city, floating in the sky, but everyone who saw it could not help but be shocked!

"Hey? What's the stuff? Giant black magic carpet?"

Zuo Yingjie also saw the black cloth floating above the sky outside, and could not help but hold it. He lived for so many years and saw this kind of thing for the first time.

"How does this thing seem to be coming to us?"

There was a surprise in his eyes, and Zuo Yingjie stood up.

"Fat, you go back first."

Qin Feng also stood up and snorted.

"Maniac, what happened?"

"Listen to me, go back."

Qin Feng repeated it again, this time Zuo Yingjie did not ask why: "Good."

Then he turned and walked outside the office door.

When Zuo Yingjie left, the Nangong Yi people who were making coffee also rushed over.

"what's wrong?"

Standing on the side of Qin Feng, the Nangong Yi people can also see, the huge black cloth in the distance, covering the sky, and the black-pressed people on the black cloth, suddenly a slight white.

"Iraeli, go to the front lobby, let all the staff in the lobby go to the second floor, and strictly, no one is allowed to go downstairs without my order."

"Oh oh oh, good!"

Nangong Yi people never ask Qin Feng why, she will only be obedient, because she knows that all the decisions of this man, whether correct or wrong, will stick to the end.

So big fanfare...

Qin Feng scorpion micro-condensed, looking at the rapid black cloth, arrogant arrogance.

From these people, Qin Feng saw a familiar shadow, around the robes, with the word "hub" ‘one’.

This is the representative, this is the first rudder of Tianshutang.

Turned around, Qin Feng walked toward the door.

At the moment, in the lobby of the Qin Building, with the order of the chairman, all the front desk ladies and other employees were evacuated to the second floor.

And the entire staff of the Qin Building received orders, and no one was allowed to go to the following building without the permission of the chairman.

The entire lobby became empty within a few minutes.

Three minutes later.

With the sound of an elevator ‘叮’, Qin Feng came out of it.

Over the city center of Jiangzhou.

A huge black cloth, plus the people on the black cloth, this news is simply a blockbuster, countless citizens are watching this black cloth horrified, talking about the city.

Photos, videos, and more are beginning to spread on the Internet at a rapid rate.

All kinds of conjectures have come, what aliens, cultivated, high-tech...

On the black cloth, Chen Yuanliang, the fat bald head, is extremely proud, with a arrogant arrogance, overlooking many civilians in the city. In his eyes, these people are a group of ants.

"A group of garbage."

Sneer, when the black cloth passed over a building, watching the many white-collar workers gathered around the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chen Yuanliang went to the building a little!


Dozens of layers, a large piece of glass, under the finger of Chen Yuanliang, all shattered!

Most of the white-collar workers who stood by the glass were shocked and fell to the ground. They were covered with blood and were not killed or injured.

Many people lost their glass at a time and fell directly into the building and fell into meat.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! A bunch of waste! Garbage!"

Chen Yuanliang laughed, and many of the seven-star disciples behind him were equally arrogantly laughing, watching all the civilians with a disdainful look.

In their view, these ordinary people can only look up to themselves!

In the past, there were strict rules that could not be used to kill mortals, but now it is different!

Strictly lifted, possessing the power of his life and death, enough to make them mad.

"The rudder master is coming."

At this time, a deacon came to Chen Yuanliang's side and whispered.


"Yes, the rudder master."

Chen Yuanliang looked at a building in front of him, and he had a proud eye in his eyes.

This is the Qin's building, the Qin's building, Qin's employees, also looked at the arrival of this black cloth with horror.

They also saw the scene that happened just now, not far from the building, the glass that exploded in an instant, it was shocking to see it in the eyes.

What makes them even more tremble is that this black cloth... seems to be the ultimate goal, the Qin Building!

Seeing the black cloth that landed in front of the Qin's building and seeing that the black cloth was completely different from the ordinary people, all the Qin staff were panicked.

The technical department, this time is equally heart-wrenching, Zuo Yingjie is also standing in the window watching this scene, holding a cigarette, frowning.

"Boss, is this a good thing? Can you fly? We are so well-informed, have never heard of this high-tech!"

The king of size and size stood on the side of Zuo Yingjie. This was what Xiao Wang said.

"You know a fart. This is definitely a remote operation. You don't see the shadow area under the black cloth. It is definitely a remote sensor."

The king scorned and said a word.

"Remote fart, you will blow a few."

Xiao Wang also licked his mouth.

"stop fighting."

Zuo Yingjie opened his mouth and he knew very well...

This floating thing in the sky is definitely not a high-tech!

Nima, this is the only imperial flying in the novel!

After all, his fat boy was also a lover who read a few novels in the past, and this situation is familiar to Nima!

Malki, there are people in the world who are really special? !

The surprise in his eyes was hard to conceal. He couldn’t help but think of Qin Feng. He thought of this brother who was in the air. 2k novel reading network

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