The city of Monkey King

Chapter 125: Call your chairman!

The next day, at 10:30 in the morning, the blue sky and white clouds, the warm sun is shining.

Qin Group Building, President's Office.

"Call your chairman!"

The noise was loud and loud, and the arrogant voice came out of the office. Many passing people heard this and they were embarrassed.

This is the first time I heard this voice from the president's office.

That posture is not good for the students in the school. The teacher pointed at the student’s nose and said, ‘Call your parents’, the tone is exactly the same!

For a time, the employees of the group talked about it.

"what's up?"

"Which company is so arrogant! Even Deng always dares to swear!"

"I don't know very well, but I heard that it is a consortium outside the city. I am so arrogant. You didn't see them entering the building this morning. That line... oh."


"Just the general secretary of Deng came out to pour coffee, listened to her, because it was because of the contract signing, the few people inside had to sign the Qin Dong personally, saying that the president is a fart, the sign is useless, I am also drunk. Who does not know that Qin Dong has given all the decision-making power of the group to General Deng."

"As I said, these guys are coming to the market. How can I sign such a contract?"


The entire Qin Group, up and down, employees of various departments, even the cleaning aunt are discussing this matter.

Because this group of guys came from 9:00 in the morning, and then stayed in the president's office for a full hour and a half, making the department heads who are looking for Deng Qing's approval, and many project meetings that require the president to participate. It was put on hold and could not progress.

CEO's office.

Deng Qing sat in his position, his face was blue, and he looked at the unreasonable guys in front of the three canes.

He didn't understand it. It wasn't just signing a contract. As a president, he has the full authority to represent the Qin Group, and he has explained it many times! Your signature will take effect!

Why are these three guys just not listening!

What makes Deng Qing speechless is that he proposes to put things down. He has to go to several emergency meetings. These three goods are also dead and dead to let him go!

I really want to kill people.

Can be biased... Deng Qing is not good.

This time, the partners have a background. Deng Qing has been involved in the business for so many years. He is also deeply unaware of a hidden force that cannot be provoked.

The power that Deng Qing thinks is the comprehension of the comprehension world.

It’s just that Deng Qing is not clear. It’s just a set of identification systems that he has explored based on his own experience.

"I don't care, this contract must be signed by your chairman, or it will not end today!"

Opposite Deng Qing, a 20-year-old Maozi dressed in a hip-hop costume, with a red beats earphone on his neck, a tripod on Deng Qing’s desk, next to him, two middle-aged people They are all sitting and drinking tea, completely regardless.

Deng Qing looked at the arrogant guy in front of him and frowned.

Strong pressure on the heart of the fire.

"You are waiting for Zhang."

Deng Qing got up and walked out of the president's office. He had been listening to a lot of busy employees outside the office. When Deng Qing came out, they all dispersed and pretended to pass by.

Qin's Manor.

Villa living room.

Qin Feng is handing over the medicinal herbs brought back from Xianling College to Lin Yuexi.

"Brother, what is this? Is it delicious?"

Qin Shixue played a small bottle of blue and white porcelain, which contained sixteen white Dan pills, which is the most common condensate.

"Xiaoxue, you remember, you can't eat more, you have to listen to the arrangement of the New Moon."

Qin Feng handed over all these medicinal herbs to Lin Yuexi, letting her control the frequency of Song dynasty and Qin early snow swallowing medicinal herbs.

"Oh, okay!"

"The scorpion stuff, not so good... ah!"

Qin Feng’s words just finished...

The **** dog on the side of the sofa made a sound, and Qin Feng glanced at him. He almost slaughtered him.

This product directly pours a bottle of condensate into the mouth, let's take a few mouthfuls and swallow it, and still say it is not good.

However, this cargo is a nine-tailed swallowing wolf, swallowing a bottle of such a small remedy, and it really did not respond.

While Qin Feng wanted to hit him when the phone rang.

Deng Qing’s phone.

Generally, Deng Qing does not call himself or make a phone call. It must be an important matter.

"Hey, Deng Shu."

"Chairman, can you come to the group? This is the case..."

When Deng Qing finished the matter to Qin Feng in the quickest time, Qin Feng’s eyes were wrong. Mom’s, crossed the head of Laozi? !

"Dun Shu, tell him, I am going to the group after half an hour."

After talking about the Qin wind hangs, confessed a few sounds, went out and drove straight to the group.

What **** family, **** consortium, and Lao Tzu also dare to sprinkle on Laozi's site, this Nima is alive and tired!

Lamborghini, fast gallop!


Tianhe Liangchen.

Zhou Hong, at the moment...

In his room, the entire villa, except for an empty house, the furnishings, including the tables and chairs, everything is clean.

The black bugs have all disappeared.

Only Zhou Hong sat alone on the floor, and the black lines on his face disappeared completely.

Eyes, slowly opened.

The pupils are black and black, and they are constantly flashing black and white. After more than ten consecutive flashes, they gradually recover from the Qingming, which is no different from ordinary people.

In Zhou Hong’s body, there is a disorderly atmosphere in shock.

This is the repair of the foundation.

"Qin Feng, you are waiting for me!"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Zhou Hong closed his eyes again. He wanted to smooth down the disordered atmosphere so that he could use it as he pleased.


Qin Group Building.

Security guards at the gates, and some employees who took care of the leaders and stole them to buy things, concentrated their attention in the same direction.

At the end of this street in front of you, a handsome and dark-colored Lamborghini galloped, and the low roar of the whole street rang through the street.

"Wow! Good car~ I don't know which guy is handsome. If I can sit up, I will be fine~"

"Hey, let's go to the dream of marrying the giants, silly ball."

"I don't think about it!"


Many people started to discuss, especially girls, who want to see who the owner of this car is.

At this time, the car actually stopped in front of the Qin building!

Everyone, especially the staff of Qin's family, is always on the bright side, thinking that there are people in the company who drive such awkward cars? !

As they expected, Lamborghini’s car door rose like a wing, and a man came out of it.

Black denim, white vest, black jacket, hands in the trouser pocket, carrying a cigarette, slightly messy hair across the corner of the eye.

Qin Feng!

When I saw Qin Feng, the Qin staff who were still outside the door were so scared that they rushed to the building, especially the two women, and the milk tea in their hands fell.

Now it’s still time to work, do you dare to sneak out to drink milk tea? ! 2k novel reading network

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