The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1168: Peach Lotus Pool, ruthless purgatory.

Ling Xiao Temple.

The empty temple of the land, with white gold light, one after another stream, floating back and forth within this hall, full of a very mysterious atmosphere.

Outside the temple, there are many Heavenly Soldiers stationed there.

At this moment, they were all shivering, and they didn’t even dare to look at the Lingxiao Temple. They included the captain of the Tianbing Guard, who couldn’t stop falling from the forehead.

As for the immortals who waited outside the temple, this time they all changed a lot.

See you? !


These people have long had no glimpse, they want to know, their jade emperor... in the end, what are they doing!

I am alone in the same place, I don’t know what to do.

At the moment, the center of the main hall.

Jade Emperor, Zhang Bairen.

A robes of the emperor, flying with arrogance, his eyes, this time has been completely turned into a platinum color, his ears, with a voice of the road came.

These sounds come from the lotus pond, from the monks in the lotus pond.

He can hear the curses and roars of the monks in the lotus pond, and each sentence is directed against his supreme Jade Emperor.

However, these are not important.

He doesn't care at all.

At this moment, in the eyes of Zhang Bairen, there is only one thing he cares about!

"You have been sleeping for too long, too long."

"It should be awake."

Zhang Bairen’s voice whispered out.


Hand, fierce to the next pressure.

The dazzling white gold light came out from the palm of Zhang Bairen's hand, and fiercely entered the center of the law, the entire Lingxiao Temple... madly shaken up.

'Roar! ’

'Roar……! ’


A sound of dragons and dragons sounded in this Lingxiao Temple. There is a soul of true dragons. From the body of Zhang Bairen, it rushes out of the sky and echoes the entire fairy court.

When, the moment of the dragon's sound is full.


Those who are squatting because of the appearance of the Quartet Platinum Array have stopped their embarrassment in their mouths. The eyes of these people are concentrated in the direction of the Lingxiao Temple.

Looking at the soul of the true dragon hovering in the sky, like the pressure of the coming of heaven, descending on the land of the entire Xianting, these monks... are all feeling, what is the emperor!

"Jade, Jade Emperor... think, what do you want to do?!"

"The soul of the real dragon!"

"Being here is old!"



The crowd, when the time was a mess.

Because these monks were discovered by themselves, the soul of the dragon that hovered from the top of the Lingxiao Temple, at this moment, was in the direction of the lotus pond, whistling.

boom! boom! boom!

One sound, another loud noise, these souls of true dragons, infused into this platinum matrix.

In an instant, we can see that on the four sides of the Platinum Array, all sides of the array, all with dragons condensed out, these dragons are branded on the wall, just like a living dragon, wandering Above this wall.

The wind and the whistling.

One of the three eyes of the lotus pond, in the hall where the Ziwei Emperor is located, this large hall is also filled with platinum light.

At the moment, the Ziwei Emperor, the scorpion is slightly condensed.

The hand, one after another, a mantra, after the appearance of these curses, did not disperse, but surrounded by the body of the Ziwei Emperor.

"Your Majesty, are you... really want to be like this."

Muttering, Ziwei Emperor, himself talking to himself.

In fact, he has shaken.

After all, this is the refining of the heavens, and these things have never happened before and after the ancient times, whether in the wild or in the days of the heavens.

This day, the ancients will be remembered by future generations.


A long sigh, the last trace of hesitation in the eyes of Ziwei disappeared, and turned into a very firm color.

He followed the Jade Emperor.

Since it is the thing that the Jade Emperor has to do, the only thing he can do, and the only thing he wants to do, is to help the Jade Emperor...made!

In the hands of the print, the moment stops.

When he stopped, the eyes of the audience were also exploding, almost at the same time, the other two eyes, the Houdi Emperor, the Shanggong Emperor, and the choice of Ziwei Emperor. It is exactly the same.

Including the main line of the Jade Emperor Lingxiao Temple, one main and three auxiliary, four lines of eye, Qi Qi burst into the sky!


At this moment, Xianting, nearly half of the Xiantai Pavilion, was shattered.

From these collapsed Sendai pavilions, there are countless immortals, condensed in the refining and chemical array that envelopes the Platinum Lotus Pond.

"Jade Emperor... Jade Emperor wants to refine me!"

"The biggest thief of the heavens is Zhang Bairen!"

"Refining and refining Wan Xiu, Zhang Bairen, you are bound to be ravaged by the heavens! No bones!"



The repairs are finally no longer stupid and look forward to it.

The land of the lotus pond, from the Quartet Platinum, has the first refining power to emerge, when this refining force has passed through the entire lotus pond.

The entire land of the lotus pond, all the monks who were repaired under the Taiyi Xuanxian, were Qiqi and turned into fly ash.

It is transformed into spiritual power and absorbed by this refining.

Between the moments.


Then there was the sound of roaring.

"My grandson! Zhang Bairen, the old man is not the same as you!"

"Jinger, you... you... ah ah!! Jade Emperor, this hatred does not report, swears not to be human!"

"Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, you are not worthy of the co-owner of the heavens and the earth, sinful and sinister, all the heavens and the world, everyone can get it!"



Being able to participate in the Peach Blossom Festival, even if it is a remote place, it is also a big force. It comes from the helm of each family. These people, when they are allowed to participate in the Peach Blossom Festival, often bring their most optimistic descendants. The younger brother came.

In their opinion, bring these children who are optimistic about themselves.

First, but open up the horizon, after returning, how to say that people who have participated in the feast of peaches are enough to have a long time and accumulate capital.

Second, you can eat peaches. For these later generations, a peach, even the lowest level peach, is an unparalleled gift.


None of them thought that they would bring their most optimistic children, just... to die.

Most of the strengths of these later generations are under Xuanxian, and they have been shocked by each other. These 'geniuses' 'Junjie' 'up-and-coming talents' are all made by the refining force and turned into a fly ash to dissipate. A spiritual power is absorbed by this refining.

Even a trace of traces has never been left in this world.

The wind blew through the lotus pond.

The colorful lotus is swaying from the wind, but it is no one to appreciate this beautiful lotus pond, and to appreciate the graceful lotus.

Peach Lotus Pool, ruthless hell. 2k novel reading network

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