The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1154: a breath



Still maintaining the original noisy state.

The mother of the mother appeared, but the Jade Emperor still did not appear. This... let the whole lotus peach pool become more and more confusing.

No one knows what will happen next.

Many people are looking at the land of the Taoist and Buddhist circles, where the lotus pavilion is located. However, from the two lotus pavilions, there is no sound.

The crowd is noisy, but the center of the lotus pond is quiet and terrifying.

In the center of the lotus pavilion, the mother-in-law sits in the lotus pavilion. A pair of phoenix eyes look calmly at the front, and the light wind blows up, waving the colorful lotus.

On her side, Yin Shiiang slightly lowered her head and stood on the side of Wang’s mother. She did not speak.

From the lotus pavilion of the Queen Mother, look to the left.

That is the Buddha's world, the lotus pavilion where Sakyamuni is, at this moment... among the lotus pavilions.

Sakyamuni, kneeling on the stone bench, slightly closed his eyes, his mouth slightly moving, is chanting, and the golden scorpion beside him stood in the same place, his eyes deep in the front, no slight movement .

As if, everything that happened in this Taolianchi pool has no relationship with them.

From the lotus pavilion of the mother, look to the right.

Then, the land is located in the lotus pavilion.

The situation in this lotus pavilion is the opposite of the lotus pavilion in the Buddha world.

Tongtian teaches the Lord, this time his face has been extremely bad, and he snorted: "The shelf of this hundred-bearing child is getting bigger and bigger. It is actually waiting for me to dry here."

"The younger brother is in a hurry."

On the side of the Taishang Laojun said, his white eyebrows, slightly wrinkled, apparently... In the eyes of Taishang Laojun, this jade emperor has not appeared for a long time, and must have something happening.

And this thing will happen in this stall.

It must be related to this peach festival, or... it is related to the people at this peach festival.

Behind Laojun’s body, Lu Dongbin, holding the sword in his hands, his eyes tweeting, looking out from the lotus pavilion, seeing the blue waters of the lake, is the blossoming lotus on the lake.

There is another direction. It is also a lot of lotus pavilions at the core of this lotus pond. It is the power of all parties. The people inside are all the holy monks.

There is a place in the front, among the lotus pavilions surrounded by colorful lotus, the eyes of the nine-day mysterious woman, constantly sweeping through the crowds in this lotus pond.

However, she still did not find the person she was looking for.

There are so many people in this lotus pond.


Even though she is concerned about that person in her heart, this situation is also clear in the natural heart of the nine-day mysterious woman. This time, the peach festival is not simple.

From the point of view of the development of the current situation, it really is... not so simple.


Condensation opening.

Suddenly, on the lotus bridge, I was watching under the lotus, and the Nangong Yi people who swam the small fish in the lake heard the voice of the nine-day mysterious woman and quickly ran back to the lotus pavilion.

"Master, are you calling me?"

Nangong Yi people have joy on their faces.

Apparently, she did not realize the depressing scent of the lotus pond hidden in the wind. In her eyes, only the lotus in the lake had the small fish at the bottom of the lake.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

She is amazed at the beauty of this lotus pond.

"From now on, you must not leave me around."

Nine-day mysterious woman snorted, this voice is an order.

Nangong Yiren, she does not know why she is doing this, because everything she saw on the lotus bridge was peaceful, and she also saw a smile from the faces of these people. .

Obviously, it is a good event.

Why, his own master will have a nervous intention.

However, the Nangong Yi people have a little bit, it is very good, and that is... obey.

Whether it is in the past by Qin Feng, or in the side of the nine-day mysterious woman, Nangong Yi people know one thing clearly.

Qin Feng, or his own master, is always not good for himself, for their own sake, since they let themselves do it.

Then, do it according to what they mean.

that's it.


The Nangong Yi people nodded, and then they stood on the side of the nine-day mysterious woman. Even if they wanted to see the outside lotus, they just stood at the edge of the lotus pavilion. They never stepped out of the lotus pavilion, but they did not leave the nine days. The land of the mysterious woman around her body.

at the same time.

This lotus pond, the most peripheral seat, here... is a piece of jade and Taiwan, although it is magnificent, but it seems to know that it is just some ordinary position, not enough.

Qin Feng is in this.

"Sacred, from the side of the monarch, there is news, your friend, everything is going well now."

The sound of the secluded voice was introduced into the ears of Qin Feng. The ‘that friend’ said by Feng You’s is naturally the sky and the clouds, and the things that are said are the things of the nine-tailed swallowing wolf.

Among its tribes, nature is a spy with a sinister arrangement, and everything that happened in that tribe can be returned to the ears of Jun Jun in the first place.

And Jun Jun, naturally, is able to tell the news, the fastest time to tell the secret, sealed the secluded ... and then transferred to Qin Feng.


Qin Feng nodded.

It’s natural that the sky is going smoothly.

For the **** dog, Qin Feng still has some concerns. After all, the dead dog has never really been to the family of the nine-tailed swallows.

"Sacred, I just, I feel a breath."

However, it is at this time.

After the confession talked about the things about the sky and the clouds, the words changed and they talked about another thing.


Qin Feng can listen to it, and the tone of the seal is dignified.

Among them, it is even more mixed with this silk, surprised.

To know……

Sealing the secluded calculations of the heavens and the world, between the heavens and the earth, can not find a second person, can have such a ghostly and unpredictable technique.

Therefore, it can be said that no matter what happens, the world will not be surprised, because ... he is very likely, has already figured out before this happened.

For example, the former Sun Wukong, in the land of Nantianmen, when facing the Zixia caught by Xianting, he finally chose to put down the ancient gold iron rod in his hand, the root of the sea **** needle.

The whole big demon family... is also because of the arms of Sun Wukong, and it is almost difficult to suffer from the genocide.

this matter.

In the past, the secluded secluded, in fact, did not miss.

However, when he perceives that this is about to happen, it is already the last bit of time for the incident, he... there is no way to stop it.

I can't think of any way to make this change the trajectory. 2k novel reading network

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