The city of Monkey King

Chapter 113: Xiao Zhanyun's madness! [Three more]

"The Four Seasons Crown will eventually belong to me Xiao Zhanyun!"

The wind, the flames, all of them are thrown toward the Qin wind, and even the figure of Qin Feng is submerged by the wind and fire, can not see the figure!

Qiao Xuan, who watched the sky, is also ready to save people. According to this situation, Xiao Zhanyun is sure to win.

"He, what is he doing!"

Qi Linger also began to panic at this time. From the beginning, Qin Feng did not move. In the eyes of outsiders, it was like scaring.

After all, no one can see the indifferent expression on Qin Feng’s face.

"Sister Ling, don't be nervous, he is abnormal, how can there be something."

Liu Man, aside, comforted.

"Yes right...he is a pervert!"

"Perverted you are moving!"

Qi Linger was actually shouting, and the voice of the "perverted" made a stranger.

"End, Qin Feng!"

Xiao Zhanyun’s eyes were arrogant and proud, and he did not bother to use the blood-burning Dan.


Just at the moment when everyone is sure that everything is coming to an end!


All the people in the Fairy Terrace are shaking.

Almost in an instant, the enchantment of the four-sided stand of Xianlingtai appeared, and a white aura of light protected everyone!

And in the field!

Compared with Xiao Zhanyun, ten times the gust of wind appeared, and the tornado generally roared in this, countless wind knives, formed in this wind!

Instantly wipe out the fire of Xiao Zhanyun before!

Xiao Zhanyun’s expression was awkward.

Everyone is jealous!


This is not over yet!

Qin Feng’s hand slowly lifted up, and in his hand, an ice flame appeared!

When the ice flame appears, call!

The wind rose, the ice flame did not enter the wind!

Wind and fire, just like a fusion!

The wind knife that condenses the handle is covered with a burning ice flame.

" is it possible!"

Xiao Zhanyun bit his teeth, he does not believe what happened in front of him, but he can't believe it!

Wind-fighting is the magic of Xiao's family. It is not that he learned from Xianling College. After all, Xianling College does not teach qiqi students to build base-level spells!

And Xiaojia magic, will never be rumored!

How did the former people learn? ! And it is so much stronger than Xiao Zhanyun's display! It is only a matter of practicing qi, how to have such a powerful spiritual power!

On the east side of the stands, the seven Xiao’s parents were old. At this time, they were shocked in the eyes, and they all looked at the Qin Feng in the field.

For this windy technique, they all thought of an idea in an instant.

Xiao family spells, actually rumored!

However, in a matter of seconds, some of the seven people began to discover the clues.

It’s not an rumor...

In addition to them, the vice president Gong Suntong had already seen it, and the eyes reflected the Qin Feng in the wind.

There is an appreciation that can't be concealed!

"High savvy, Jane has reached a terrible point!"

Although Qin Feng's performance of wind and wind is extremely powerful, but there is no skilled feeling, with the old-fashioned eyes of Gongsun and Dan Dan, you can judge it at a glance.

This is Qin Feng now learning!

The basic level of the technique, with such a short period of time, with the help of the other party's performance, can thoroughly understand!

Gongsun Tong shocked!

Surprised to be surprised, they are so surprised that Qin Feng can not control.

Looking at Xiao Zhanyun in front of him, Qin Feng’s eyes were cold with ice, covered with ice flames, and fell toward Xiao Zhanyun.

Xiao Zhanyun can only pick up the long handle of the handle, but how can it block the wind knife.

The body and the mouth were torn apart one after another.

Blood soaked in white...

In the audience, everyone looked at this scene, and they all fell into a dead silence. At Xianling College, Xiao Zhanyun, who is like a mythical idol, was so bloodied by a student who was practicing Qizhong! No effort to fight back!

And under the ceremonies of so many people, I am afraid that this news will spread throughout the real world!

"Hey, this scum man, finally got the retribution, and Wei Wei is not stupid, but he will be deceived by this scum."

Qi Linger saw the Qin Feng **** Xiao Zhanyun, and finally settled in his heart, and could not help but laugh.

"Little Man, Wei Wei, how is she doing now? Your family is close to her family. Last time you went home to visit her? Is she better?"

Looking at Liu Man, Liu Man, after hearing it, was helpless. He could only sigh and shook his head.

"When I was last time, she was still the same, her spirit was not normal. She was always in the corner, holding a doll and saying that she was a dead child."

"Slag man!"

Get this sentence, a sigh of anger.

"Qin Feng, kill the scum man!"

Just shouting in the field! Although Qin Feng does not necessarily hear it.

White jade stone field, in the wind and fire, covered with knife marks!

"How is it possible... How is it possible! I am Xiao Zhanyun! I am Xiaojia genius! I am the younger brother of Xiao's future! I am the future disciple of the Faerie Dean! I am...Fairy Four Seasons!"

"How could it be defeated in the hands of this guy, lost in the hands of such a nameless person! He is not worthy, he is not worthy!"

Xiao Zhanyun’s heart is roaring!

However, there is no way to resist it!

The wind knife that covered the ice flame is ruthlessly falling, and each knife brings him a severe tingling!

With the suppression of absolute power, he has no way to change it all!

The knife tears open the wound, the ice flame burns, and the continuous pains that make Xiao Zhanyun crazy!

He Xiao Zhanyun has never been really hurt since he was born, because no one can hurt himself in the same rank!

But now...

Not willing! anger! humiliation!

Xiao Zhanyun looked up to the east side of the high platform, the seven Xiao parents, old and already have three sturdy sleeves to go!

Obviously, in their view, Xiao Zhanyun’s qualification assessment has ended.

Xiao Zhanyun seems to see that the position of Xiaojia Shaozhu is getting farther and farther away from himself!

That is my position, no one can take it!

No one can grab it! !

Roar inside!

At this moment, Xiao Zhanyun wrapped the blood of the blood-staining Dan and scattered it.

The blood-burning Dan began to open in his body, extremely intense medicine, instantly integrated into the blood of Xiao Zhanyun, his blood, this moment began to boil!

At the same time, Xiao Zhanyun smashed his hand and launched the earlier secret law.

Use this secret method to cover up the abnormal changes brought by the blood-burning Dan!

His eyes instantly became blood red, and his body was full of blood red...

The strength of the original Qifeng peak, soaring at an extremely horrifying speed, even faintly built the foundation! Even growing!


Xiao Zhanyun fiercely ignited a blue dragonfly, and with a **** aura, the original powerful wind and ice flames actually dissipated.

at this moment…

Everyone looked at Xiao Zhanyun and saw Xiao Zhanyun, who was crazy. He didn't understand what happened. 2k novel reading network

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