The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1079: Rising edge

"Revenge for the son!"

"Get the sin!"

"Dangping the moon and the female family, killing innocent!"


This group of crazy winged warriors, with a loud anger, came out and rushed forward with madness.

So crazy, there is no way to be forced.

The wing generals know what it is, their master is dead...!

If the news is passed back to the Wings, the people they follow will have to be buried one by one. Now there is only one way to save lives. That is to bring the females to this level, who will kill their own sons and the moon girl. The queen caught the family together.

I hope to avoid a death penalty.

Especially the general of Feng Changtong's father who ordered to guard Chang Tong, this time his face was blue, and what he thought in his heart was to take Yu Feng who killed Chang Tong!

In order to survive, these generals are naturally rushing forward like crazy.

The strength of the women’s ban in the month is not comparable to that of the winged warriors, or the difference between the other generations. The winged people are big people, and they fight with other races all the year round. It’s just a small family, and it’s hard to experience the war.

In contrast, the ban of the female races under the impact of these winged warriors could not hold, but at the time of the three-fourth, the ban of the female races collapsed instantly, and these winged warriors were unimpeded. Completely rushed into the month of the female city.

The entire month of the female city, this moment... caught in the chaos!

And just at this time...!

Before they rushed into the wing warriors in the city, they had a golden sword, landing from the sky, hehe! The sword creaked and fell in front of these winged warriors. From this golden sword, there was a very overbearing temper.

When this gas skipped a lot of ‘嗷嗷’ screaming into the winged warriors, these winged warriors stopped their bodies, one by one... they all looked at the sword with horror.

No one, dare to go half a step.

Even if it was the guardian of Changtong, this time it stayed in place.

The stronger the strength, the more you can feel the pressure on the sword. It has a heart-rending feeling. They have an intuition.

As long as you go half a step further, you will be smashed by this sword!

These winged people are all looking at the golden long sword after the hundred feet of Yu Feng, one by one, the eyes are twitching, they are also able to see Yu Feng's side, the body of their main son Chang Tong.

"Take your master."

Yu Feng waved his sleeves and smashed his time. The body of Chang Tong around him was picked up like garbage and fell directly into the wing group. These wing people rushed to catch it.


Slightly lifted, Yu Feng’s eyes are filled with golden light!

These winged warriors, under the gaze of Yu Feng, and the powerful pressure of the sword, are all timid!




I don't know which one was the first to turn to run outside the city.

This is the case of collapse. As long as there is the first one, there will be a second, third, and fourth... even those wing generals, this time also knows that there are only two roads...

One is running, the other is death.

Although running back can also be killed, although the saying goes that late death is worse than early death.

However, the vast majority of people will choose to die late between early death and late death. Even if they return to the clan, they are not willing to leave their lives here.

They turned around and went outside the city, taking Changtong’s body and quickly leaving.

"The month of the female family, waiting for the day when my winged army is on the road, it is the time when the gens are annihilated!"

Before leaving, there was a voice coming from this wing group. The voice was filled with the power of cultivation. It echoed in the female city of the whole month and fell into the ears of the female race every month.


These month women are not afraid of color.

The females of the month are all women, and they are all smart and intelligent. They all understand that if there is no Yu Feng today, their female family is already destroyed.

What kind of fate will be ushered in by the females of these months, and they will know as soon as they think about it.

Even today’s difficulties have been spent, and they are afraid of the wing army that has not yet arrived!

After the wing family has completely left.

The man of great attention, Yu Feng turned around and looked at the moon before the palace gate. His face, under the setting sun, revealed the iconic smirk.

Dissipate and spread the robe, flying in the wind of the night.

Before the palace gate, Yueyue looked at Yu Feng and saw the smile on Yu Feng’s face. Her face was aging for a thousand years. At this moment... there is a smile.

A smile, a city.

Also at this time...

Yu Feng's feet, slightly raised.

When he took the first step, his figure, shaking slightly, was actually going to fall.

"Yu Feng!"

The moonlight before the palace gate, seeing Yu Feng's unstable figure, his face changed greatly, he did not hesitate to carry the skirt toward Yu Feng, the nine-foot dress behind her, under this afterglow, In this blast.

In the second step, Yu Feng’s foot was slightly bent, almost to fall to the ground.


A blood squirted directly.

Everyone's month girl, this moment is a mess, they obviously did not see Yu Feng injured, why ... why Yu Feng at the moment looks like, the injury is so heavy!

Breathing with a big mouth, Yu Feng slightly lifted her head and looked at the moonlight that was running toward her. She saw the worry on her face and saw her eyes... for her own dissatisfaction.

The corner of the mouth...swell up a little bit.

The third step is to step forward.

He, think of her side.

But after the third step, he couldn’t hold it anymore. He rushed forward and planted the whole person to the ground. It was also in this moment that the shape of the moon was like a phantom that spanned several thousand feet. It appeared in front of Yu Feng.


Yu Feng, fell in the arms of the New Moon.

At this moment, Yu Feng’s land behind him, the golden sword that originally fell on the ground, turned into a golden stream, slowly dissipated.

"From today, you..."

"It's my woman."

Yu Feng’s mouth, leaning against the ears of the moon, is a word, gentle and overbearing.


The eyelids are red, with tears... unable to stop falling down.

This is the king of the month's female race, crying for the first time in my life!



She, a heavy point of the head.

With the approval of the New Moon, Yu Feng's white face was more smiling, his hands, slowly lifted up, and fell on the three thousand green silk of the New Moon.

"Let me... rest."

The dying sun, like blood, is scattered on the two.

The wind that whistling and galloping, the two people's hairs are intertwined and entangled.

This is the edge of the hair, the eternal husband and wife. 2k novel reading network

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