The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1065: Take it!

The bottom of the lake.

The blood and the golden light, under the water, completely illuminate the entire lake.

At the bottom of the lake, Qin Feng looked up at the lake with its light, and reflected the **** golden light in his eyes. Accurately said... It was the seal of the lake center, the word 'dry'.

Among his eyes, the eight stars that have been lit, surrounded by the ninth star, madly, even the ninth star, at this moment, flashing a faint light, with an extremely powerful gas In the Qin Feng's body swelled, when the moment of the scatter, suddenly smashed the waves of the entire bottom.

Call ~! Call ~! Hovering ~!

The waves at the bottom of the lake, this moment was completely mad, and the power of Qin Feng has accumulated to the limit in this moment!


In the twinkling of an eye, this power is all out of the body!

An earth-shattering explosion under the bottom of the lake!

With the Qin wind as the center, the force of the violent tyrants instantly spreads out, and the waters of the vast waters of the world are all leveled in an instant, forming an underwater waterless space.

The center of this space is Qin Feng.

At the moment, Qin Feng, the purple-haired long hair that covers half of the face, has no wind, and the one that is not covered, eight stars flashing, and the eyes are looking at the 'dry' seal of the top land. Qin Feng’s eyes contain anger, and he has never been beaten like this for so long, let alone being deceived to the bottom of the lake, and even being sealed!

During this period, he did not see the shadow of the Bone!

How can you not be angry!

However, angry and angry, Qin Feng knows very well that the seal on the bottom of the lake, especially the word 'dry', is definitely not a simple seal. His evil power has detected a taboo from the seal. Breath.

This breath...

Qin Feng can't help but think of the first body in the Xuan Nu Mountain, the Hongmeng purple gas felt from the Donghua Emperor, it is obvious... The breath on this seal is at a level with that.

Qin Feng’s feeling is nothing wrong.

Hongmeng Ziqi is the power of the heavens and the earth to open up and breed all things. It is the sufficiency of this world, and Fengtianshi is the treasure of the ancestors of Hongjun from outside the heavens and the earth.

Under the pressure of anger in the heart, Qin Feng calmed down, and the eight stars in his eyes ran wildly.

At this time, under the seal of the word 'dry', there is a huge purple whirlpool slowly appearing!

God Luo vortex!

When it appears, the speed of the vortex is not fast, but then...

The speed of the vortex began to accelerate, and finally it was not visible to the naked eye. The water under the lake was also crazy with the circulation of the Shenluo vortex. When the speed of this snail whirlpool reached an indescribable speed. After the extreme, Qin Feng’s face showed a touch of twilight and whispered.


I saw the huge purple whirlpool, from which there was a chilling silence, and the center of the vortex was full of deep purple light.

Then... bang!

A loud bang, the whirlpool of the sacred vortex blew, and the entire lake was filled with the power of the raging god, and the purple light covered all the under the lake.

However, Qin Feng was still in motion, standing under the lake, looking at the center of the lake, the stars in the eyes stopped, but the wrinkled brows were wrinkled. tight…


Above the lake.

boom! Bang! Boom!

From the bottom of the lake, there was another violent shock.

The chain that blocked the entire lake was violently shaken under the impact of the bottom of the lake. The entire **** lake surface was full of dazzling blood and gold, and the light shone through the Huaguoshan. A residual air wave scattered from the lake. In all directions.

The peaks of the barren hills, under the sweep of the waves, are all bursting!

The cracked gravel rolled down and the echoes spread throughout the Huaguoshan.

However, nevertheless, when everything is calming down.

Look at the **** lake, the seal above the lake, the seal of the 'dry' word, has regained the original calm, and it seems that the **** lake surface is extremely infiltrated... but there is no such thing as a slight rise.

The explosion of the singular whirlpool only caused a sensation. After the sensation, it was scattered and calm, and there was no substantial destruction of the seal.

Above the Huaguo Mountain.

There is a **** fog that permeates the horizon.

The bone king and the bone priest, both of them looked at the direction of Huaguoshan. The bone king retracted his eyes and snorted: "The king's things will not bother the high priests, but they will suppress this respect. The sinister seal also hopes that the high priest will go to the heart and not destroy the great things of our family. If there is any scorpion, he will come to the sun, and the king can't do anything to cover it. He can only tell the truth."

As the saying goes, the relationship between the bone king and the high priest of the bones is obvious, and it is not directly opened.

Then, this piece of blood fog is dissipated in this sky.

The figure of the bone king and the high priest of the bones disappeared together with this blood fog.


at the same time.

Xianjie, Xianting.

Feng Xian Dazheng will cover the entire Xianting, even if it is a mosquito, it will never escape from this big array.

And the four heavenly gates, there is a constant flow of heavenly soldiers, for a long time.

Within the fairy court, there are at least ten thousand soldiers at the moment. These thousands of soldiers are all surrounded by a cold-blooded blade. They all point to the two, Yang Lan and He.

Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, standing in the air, holding hands before the tens of thousands of soldiers, Do not dare to look up.

The soul of the ninety-nine dragons in the whole body, the dragon and the whistle, and from this big array of battles, there are also countless illusory dragon souls appearing. No matter how you look, Yang Lan and He Wei are not. The opportunity to escape from the fairy court.

"You should not come to save me today."

Yang Wei stood upright and looked calm as usual.

"Nothing should be wrong."

Where is the same calm, with a small gun in his hand: "You and I are brothers, and fight together, it is also fast."

Hearing this, Yang Lan’s mouth rose slightly and laughed.


The three-pointed and two-edged knife in the hand slowly lifted up and pointed to the jade emperor Zhang Bairen: "Quick!"

Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Lan and He Wei, the cold color on his face was more sudden, and he snorted: "The stubbornness is not good."


The majestic voice opens, and all the Heavenly Soldiers will be all together: "Yes!"

In the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the killings are now available.

"Get it."

As soon as it was said, the tens of thousands of soldiers were all in harmony, no hesitation, like the tide, the madness of Yang Lan and the rushing to the center.

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