The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1044: Holy Buddha

From the perspective of Hongjun, the existence of the past batches is either annihilation, soul scatter, or else the chaotic sacred body has risen.

There is also the ability to defend this piece of heaven and earth, only... Donghua Emperor.

So he told this speculation to the East China Emperor.

According to the speculations of Hongjun's ancestors, the ancestors of the old sorrows, after being seriously injured and falling into this world, have been completely seated and scattered everything.


His chief servant, the ancestor of the bones.

Hongjun is faintly aware of a sigh of breath between the heavens and the earth, that is to say... the ancestor of the bones is not, or is completely dead!

It must be in some form still existing between this world.

This is a very serious hidden danger.

You must know that this ancestor of the bones does not belong to the existence of this world, and his power must also transcend this heaven and earth.

If it is one day, this bone ancestor has the power to recover, then this piece of heaven and earth... must suffer.

These thoughts of the past were swiftly passing through the minds of the emperor of Donghua. His eyes looked at the Qin wind and shouted: "What you are talking about is the bones."


Qin Fengmei Yu is a condensate. He really doesn't understand this bone family. Donghua Emperor said that he didn't know what the ‘Bone’ word meant.

But all this is not important. What Qin Feng wants to know is where the bones are...what.

"Do you suspect that the bones caught the cloud valley master?"

Donghua Emperor said openly.

"Yes, I have seen such a red robe in the Seven Emperor."

Qin Feng nodded, although he wanted to find the bones, but now Qin Feng is not a bit of a clue, even the most basic clues, let alone to save people.

Just at this time...

Suddenly someone broke into the temple, it was the clear fairy.

"A Xuan woke up!"

The Qing Dynasty fairy is obviously very happy, and there is a lot of excitement in the voice. Donghua Emperor and Qin Feng are all looking at the Qing Dynasty fairy.

Both of them walked toward the temple in unison.

As for the things of Yunshang...

Previously, Qin Feng was too impulsive, and went directly to the Xuan Nunnery to find the Emperor of Donghua. Now she calms down a bit, and Qin Feng’s thoughts are straightened out a lot.

In any case, first determine where the cloud is.

And the person who can help him do this, the world, one person is absolutely OK, if he can't, then Qin Feng really does not know who to look for.

This person is a secret.

At this moment, when the nine-day mysterious woman wakes up, she must first go to see the nine-day mysterious woman.

The hall of the Xuan Nuo Temple.

When Donghua Emperor and Qin Feng came to this temple, the nine-day mysterious girl was already sitting up. There were still a few other people in the temple, Zhu Gongzi, the sword and the uncle of the nine-day mysterious woman.

"Go out."

The foot of Qin Feng, just entering the temple, had a cold voice coming into the ear of Qin Feng. He looked up subconsciously. Qin Feng saw the nine-day mysterious woman’s ice desert. Eyes.

This is not like joking.

"I don't want to see you, give me a roll, roll!"

The voice of the nine-day mysterious girl, with the indifference of the meaning, Qin Feng's body shape, suddenly stopped in the same place, the entire partial hall ... are caught in the silence.

The other few people are looking at Qin Feng, or looking at the nine-day mysterious woman.

The embarrassment between the two people is already unclear. There is no way for others to talk more. They can only watch and let them solve themselves.

Diligence, two interest, three interest...

Qin Feng finally turned and left the hall.

Fang Cai, he has already investigated the injury of the nine-day mysterious woman through the gods. Although there are still some injuries, there is no serious injury.

And there are five steps of poisonous witches, and nine days of mysterious women will naturally not have any major events.

In this case, he naturally can leave with confidence.

When Qin Feng turned and stepped out of the temple, the originally indifferent nine-day mysterious woman suddenly became red and tearful... from the corner of her eye.

The rest of the temple, including the Emperor Donghua, also sighed in their hearts, all of which dissipated and left the temple.

When everyone left, the hall of the Xuan Nuo Temple was a cry of crying.

The nine-day mysterious woman who is above the heights of all beings is actually crying.

If the matter is passed out, it will definitely shock the world.


at the same time.

Buddha world.

Lingshan, the Great Leiyin Temple.

"The disciple was ordered to have a big nine-wheel reel for the holy Buddha."

There is a Buddha, in the center of the hall, hands clasped together, bowed to the top of the Buddha.

On the two sides, it is a statue of Buddha and Lohan.

The position of honor is the Buddha of Buddha and the Buddha of Buddhism.

The so-called Big Nine Runner is one of the most mysterious methods in the Buddha world. It can completely imprison the blessed person, and this big nine-wheel reel is blessed in the body of the Holy Buddha. Control this holy Buddha.

And this ‘the holy Buddha’ is ‘the fight against the Buddha’.

That is...

The golden body of Sun Wukong!


The voice of Sakyamuni echoed in this Daxiong Hall. All the Buddhas have changed their looks. It is not a trivial matter of the big nine revolving wheel...the blessing of the ‘the holy Buddha’.

At first, this matter has always been considered impossible.

At this moment, even the wind to do is not transmitted, it is to tell everyone directly, this thing has been done!

These might not be surprised!

At this time, the center of the temple, there is a golden light that appears. When this golden light appears, it has a breath of incomparable breath. From this golden light, it spreads!

All the Buddha arhats, when they perceive this breath, are not all stunned, they are watching the golden light with horror!

The light is gradually dissipating.

When this golden light disappeared completely, a figure appeared in everyone's eyes, and it made everyone look... all look horrified.

It is a person who is wearing a golden red enamel, and the golden hair that is covered is even more eye-catching.

The person who appeared this...

It is, fighting against the Buddha Sun Wukong!

It is the golden body of Sun Wukong!

The entire Daxiong Hall, this moment has completely boiled up, the originally quiet Daxiong Hall, this time has a very intense discussion sounds.

"It is really possible to manipulate!"

"Good, strong... strong!"

“It’s exactly the same as the old monkey!”

"I have this statue of war Buddha in the world of Buddhism, and why the world is sweeping!"


One after another, in this Daxiong Hall, even the Buddha statue above the statue, when you see the center of the temple, hands clasped together, the expression is sluggish, standing still, the Monkey King, the face is also There is a smile. 2k novel reading network

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