The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1034: Penalty

"I, betrayed the contract."

The face that is still separated is still with a gentle smile, and when this sentence is said to be exported, Qin Feng’s mind is even more like...

Betrayed the contract? !

Soul deed...

Once betrayed, it will be endlessly disciplined, ordinary people, etc. Once the betrayal of the soul, perhaps immediately is the soul flies, but why ... this is a distant departure, it is obviously still alive.

"No need to be surprised."

Re-existing gentle smile, walked to the position alongside Qin Feng, looked up slightly at the sky...

The land of the sky has become dim.

This world is like...

It has a **** appearance.

"I am the devil of the devil, even if I am in violation of the soul, as long as I am in this land of devil, Tiandi Avenue, can not control my life."

After the discourse was finished, he turned away from the slight bias to look at Qin Feng, and the gentle smile on his face made Qin Feng not know how to face it.

"In any case, I finally waited for your return, so that... it is enough."

The discourse is settled, and the re-detached figure is directly dissipated in place.


Qin Feng subconsciously shouted, he did not know why this is leaving to leave, but also at this time, the blood between the heavens and the earth became more and more intense.

Looking up, this day... it’s completely turned into a **** sky!

There is also a pungent **** suffocating air in this air, which makes people frown. This **** air can not help but think of a person in Qin Feng’s mind.

That is...

That **** woman!

At this time, from afar, Tian Jiuyun took Qin Shixue and flew toward the position where Qin Feng was located: "Brother!"

When approaching, Qin Chuxue’s expression was very tense: “Brother, you are coming up.”

Qin Chuxue said very anxiously.

"what happened?"

Qin Feng could not help but wonder, this sudden change, he did not know what happened.

"The kitchen knife wind, you have to take care of the scorpion, come up soon."

Tianjiuyun is obviously very nervous, and he even said.

Qin Feng's brow, the more wrinkled and tighter, he saw the appearance, his sister and this dead dog know what is going on, but now look at these two guys so nervous, not to ask them.

As soon as he jumped, Qin Feng stepped on the top of the wolf.

Then Tianjiu Yuntou did not return to the mad rush, it is obviously familiar with the road, this route, they did not run less, but the ten-way effort, Tianjiuyunyun directly rushed into a huge stone mountain to the stone cave .

What Qin Feng didn't think was that the stone caves were quite warm, all kinds of flowers and plants were growing, and there were a lot of gadgets. When I saw Qin Chuxue and Tianjiuyun, I often ran here.

"Call~ It’s too late to be a little bit."

Qin Chuxue jumped from the wolf's head and patted his own heart.

It was also at this time that Qin Feng looked back at the hole, and the heavens and the earth... completely turned into a bloody, **** wind whistling and screaming, and the people watching were trembled.

Other than this...

There is also the sound of a booming sound. With the ear force of Qin Feng, you can understand it in a natural moment. This is not the world, but the man.

Someone is deliberately venting and bombarding this piece of heaven and earth.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Qin Feng looked at the **** dog, with a sense of persecution in his eyes, especially the cold glamour that inadvertently revealed, but also made the heart of the **** dog tremble.

"Brother, that's it."

When Qin Shixue saw Qin Feng looking at the **** dog, she knew that the **** dog was most afraid of her brother. I couldn’t say that this was incomplete.

"Every night, my sister will become another look, fierce and scary, so I dare not go out with Xiaobai, and I will hide here every evening."

Qin Feng looked at his sister, and then he squinted at the **** dog. Tian Jiuyun was busy with the dog's head and shook with the broken wave: "Yes, it's absolutely right!"

When I spoke, Qin Feng’s nephew was micro-condensed, and my mind was thinking...

Betrayal of the soul...

Although according to the previous re-discrimination, she is the devil of the devil, in this demon world, with the rule of the devil in the past, the rule of the devil is to maintain the heavens and the earth, as long as the devil is not out, it can be free from the punishment of the heaven and earth.


The mixed ancestor has already broken away from the world during the ancient flood years. After so many years of lapse, the power of the law left in the devil has long dissipated too much.

Devil, even how independent.

Nowadays, it is impossible to be free from the restrictions of Tiandi Avenue. As long as Tiandi Avenue can affect the devil world, the soul of the soul will be bound!

And think of this moment...

What happened outside this hole...


The body of the bloodstain that is separated...!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng did not hesitate to go outside the hole.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Qin Shixue suddenly panicked and looked at Qin Feng, who was walking outside the hole. He wanted to follow the past, but he had not yet started to be caught by the tail of Tianjiuyunyun.

"Little snow, what crazy you are with the kitchen knife, you also see it, the kitchen knife is now more powerful, he must be out of his own."

"Yes, but..."

Qin Chuxue looked at the sky and the clouds were still worried.

"Don't worry, you think about it, even if you go out with it, it's a drag."

Tian Jiuyun smashed the tail and released Qin Chuxue. He knew that Qin Chuxue was a clever girl.

Qin Shixue stood in the same place, nervously looking at the direction of the hole. In her eyes, Qin Feng’s figure was completely out of the hole.

Outside the hole.

Heaven and earth, a roar.

Among the eyes of Qin Feng, is a blood-stained woman, blood-browed... blood!

Everything is broken, and powerful power is scattered from the body, sweeping the land of all directions!

It's hard to believe that this blood-stained woman is the former gentleness that makes people feel warm, and that...the devil of the devil!

"The punishment of the soul contract."

Mumbled and whispered, Qin Feng didn't have to guess and knew that this was the punishment of betrayal!

Even if Qin Feng does not have the memory of that world, he can guess what happened in that world, and he will re-enter the world in order to make that life.

At the expense of taking the initiative to violate the soul, in exchange for that one's own self can reincarnate.

So many years...

Alone, bear the punishment of the soul.

Because it is in the devil world, this punishment of the soul can not let her soul fly, but it can make her become like a person, ghosts are not like ghosts!

An indescribable meaning of ambiguity breeds in the heart of Qin Feng.

That is at this time...

When Qin Feng’s body was simmering, it seemed to be solidified. The blood coat was separated... At this moment, it was looking at Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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