The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1010: get out!

Black ice.

It was already contained, but at the moment... it was once again the madness spread, and the black ice spread again around the entire hall.

Then is the entire Xuan Nuong Palace...

Mysterious Mountain...!

Within the entire mountain gate, those Xuan Nushan disciples, when they saw this black ice filled, there was no horror on the face.

The disciples who are still accommodating can use their own cultivation to resist the chills on these black ice, but some disciples with low strength, under the chill of this black ice, many people directly face Black, the whole person is almost dying.

Up and down the Xuan Nu Shan, suddenly fell into a panic.

These ordinary female disciples do not know what happened in the end, and even many people are still immersed in the remnant of the Jiu Xuan event.

There is really no way to deal with this sudden black ice.

However, in this possession, there is an extremely arrogant arrogance, and it descends on the entire Xuan Nu Mountain, and the black ice scattered around the Xuan Nu Mountain is directly collapsed.

This overbearing temper comes from a knife.

at the same time.

This Xuan Nuo Temple is in the middle of the temple.

A few people on the side of the bed, the title page, Donghua Emperor, Zhu Gongzi, Qingyi fairy, and Nangong Yiren, are extremely dignified.

At the moment, in the body of the nine-day mysterious woman, there are layers of black chills appearing. These black chills, turbulent tumbling outwards, the measures under the previous plaques, and the holy medicines that the bamboo sons and the Qing dynasty fairy have found are Under this black ice, all the effects are lost.

Especially in the Nangong Yi people, when she saw this scene, the subconscious is that they want to gather the heaven and earth aura again.

However, it was blocked by the title page, and he sighed a long sigh: "It’s useless, we should do what we do."

"Poisonous old man, Xiao Axuan is in this situation, can't use a means to extend it for a while?"

The bamboo man's eyebrows on the side were crumpled and snorted.

The title page just looked at the eye of the bamboo son and shook his head slightly.

At this time, the uninhabited Donghua Emperor, walked up, stood at the bedside, looked at the nine-day mysterious woman, and had a heartache in his eyes.

In the current situation, less than one-third of the previous estimate of the incense time is left.

The poison of this scorpion is even more violent, and the imprisonment set by the title page is broken. At this moment, the celestial body of the nine-day virgin woman is almost ineffective, and the poison of Wanxi is not in any way.

Once... The remaining one-third of the time has passed, and the nine-day mysterious woman is still not awake, and will be completely ruined.

At the moment... even if it is a five-step venomous witchcraft, there is no way to suppress it.

So for Donghua Emperor, there is only one way to lengthen the time.

"East King, you?"

The title page was gray and white, and he guessed what Donghua Emperor was going to do.

However... he has no better way to replace it.

At present, in this case, I want to extend the time of the outbreak of the poison of the nine-day mysterious woman, and only use it... Hong Meng Ziqi!

This embarrassment, from the beginning of the heavens and the earth, is the scent of Hongmeng, which exists in the body of the Emperor of Donghua.

Chengtiandi origin of the gas!

Zhu Gongzi and Qingyi Fairy are also looking at the Emperor of Donghua. The brows of these two people can’t help but wrinkle up, others don’t know...

The two of them are very clear...

The current Donghua Emperor is far less than that of the past. As for the original reason... they don’t know, they once asked the Emperor of Donghua, and the Emperor Donghua never said anything.

Strong action with Hong Mengzi to suppress, for the East China Emperor, is a very heavy load.

Donghua Emperor did not care about these things, and the raised palms had a very strong purple gold gas, when the purple gas appeared.

The body of the nine-day mysterious woman, the poison of the violent scorpion, is like a frightened sheep, and dare not have the slightest creation.

This stock is full of glory, the majesty that scatters, and the moment... spreads the entire Xuan Nu Mountain!

Those that were frozen by the black ice were all broken.

The entire Xuan Nu Shan, this moment... began to have amazing changes, dead wood reborn, heaven and earth aura is full of a very terrifying degree.

All the mysterious female disciples in this mountain have perceived this strange power, and nothing is shocking...!

They have never felt this power in this life!

Outside the temple!

The volley of the volley over the temple, at this moment is a look of condensate, he is the monk of the Holy Trinity, but also a friend of the East China Emperor, naturally know... this stock is breathless, in the end is where it comes from!

There is also the uncle of the teacher, even Yunshang... This time, the look is also horrified.

Although she has not seen Hong Meng Ziqi personally, she has also seen the narratives in the classics. When she noticed the appearance of this breath, the moment is clear, this is... the legendary Hongmeng purple!

But I don't know why, maybe it's my own illusion, and he actually feels that this is a purple, purple, with a weak meaning.

At the same time, in this hall, Donghua Emperor Yin eyebrows wrinkled.

"Is there any way to contact you, tell him, fast!"

Whispering, the forehead of the East China Emperor is actually a faint and delicate sweat, which should not be the case for the legendary Donghua Emperor, the ancient Heavenly Emperor.

In the body of Donghua Emperor...

It must be something that has never been told.

"The Emperor can only delay the time of his semi-column."

"it is good!"

There was no delay in the title page, and the Emperor Donghua suppressed the poison of Wan Wan, a voice... Into the soul of the nine-day mysterious woman.

Nine-day mysterious woman, the land of soul.

This land of dreams, the original emptiness of the sky, has a very strong black ice at this moment, as if this day, was completely frozen.

Qin Feng naturally knows what this black ice represents.

He also knows...

Time is running out. If the nine-day mysterious woman is no longer willing to wake up, he has only two choices.

First, leave.

Second, it is a permanent stay here, accompanied by nine days of mysterious women sinking together, or ... a complete soul flying!

Looking at the nine-day mysterious woman in front of me, Qin Feng... I really don't know what method to use to convince her.

"I know that time is coming, let's go."

Nine-day mysterious girl looked at Qin Feng coldly, and the voice of ice and desert was exported. However, if she carefully examined it, she could find out that her indifferent eyes were looking forward with an invisible ear, and her voice was slightly Trembling.

She is not afraid of death.

Not afraid of the soul flying, for her, these things are insignificant.

She cares, only one person, one person's attitude...


It’s always an animal that is a bit of a heart.

Nine-day mysterious woman is no exception. 2k novel reading network

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