After that repair, Fu Jun finally lay in bed and recuperated, not daring to run out casually.

The team members occasionally came to see him in groups to relieve his boredom.

Brought him an important news.

Leng Yejue has been formally prosecuted. The police found evidence of nearly a hundred crimes he committed. Any one of them could sentence him to more than ten years.

The death penalty is a sure thing.

These evidences shocked everyone in their police station.

Leng Yejue not only killed people and sold organs, but also trafficked drugs and organized various dangerous activities. He also engaged in human trafficking!

He tricked these children out by funding remote mountainous areas and sold them to other countries!

The families of the children living in the mountains have not been able to contact their children due to the inconvenience of Internet traffic. They thought that their children had gone with him to live a good life, and they never thought that their children were sold.

The police are also working hard to find the children who were sold, but the possibility is not great.

Since Lin Yaoyao was about to give birth, she planned to punish her after she gave birth and ordered her not to leave the city.

Leng Yejue's imprisonment was reported by the media everywhere, and the police announced the reason for his arrest, which shocked everyone.

What a hypocritical good man!

For a time, Leng Yejue became the target of everyone's criticism.

Even the women who had been with Leng Yejue before were not spared and were scolded by everyone.

Lin Yaoyao was not spared either, after all, she was the only woman Leng Yejue had publicly said that he wanted to marry.

What's more, she was pregnant with his child!

Since Leng Yejue's assets had long been frozen by the police, Lin Yaoyao had no money at all, her quality of life plummeted, and her life was very difficult.

But she still firmly believed that her choice was not wrong. When Leng Yejue came out, she would make all those who looked down on her pay the price for their actions!

So she could only ask for help from her parents, Lin's father and mother. They never thought that the daughter they had raised with so much difficulty would give birth to a criminal!

She was once a glorious police officer!

The old couple was very disappointed with Lin Yaoyao!

But she was still their daughter. Seeing her so miserable, they couldn't bear it, so they persuaded her to give birth to the child and send it to the welfare home.

How could Lin Yaoyao be willing?

She said to them angrily, "I will raise the child I gave birth to myself!"

Lin's father and mother were furious. After giving her a sum of money, they drove her out and said that they would never have a daughter like her again.

Lin Yaoyao rented a small house with the money and fantasized about Leng Yejue's life after he came out.

One day, she saw Leng Yejue sentenced to death on the news, and she felt like the sky had fallen!

"Impossible! He is Leng Yejue, how could he be sentenced to death!"

She stared at the face of the short-haired man on TV and finally couldn't hold back her tears.

He stumbled out.

Feng Yuluan took Fu Jun, whose injury had almost healed, home. As soon as he got off the car, Lin Yaoyao wanted to hitchhike with her pregnant belly, so she hurried over.

She knelt on the ground and begged Fu Jun, "Captain Fu! Please, please let Ye Jue go!"

"Lin Yaoyao! Leng Ye Jue's current fate is all because of his own actions! He didn't think about the victims, who can they ask for help?"

Lin Yaoyao couldn't listen to his words at all. She only knew that if she didn't have Leng Ye Jue to rely on, her life would be over!

She cried, "Ye Jue did these things so that he could have more money to help those poor people! If he hadn't paid to help those people, those people would have died of poverty long ago!"

Fu Jun was so angry!

Lin Yaoyao was such a righteous and upright girl when she just graduated! How did she become like this now?

"Lin Yaoyao, you are so stubborn! How dare you say such a thing?"

"Captain Fu! Help me, help me!" Lin Yaoyao knelt on the ground and kowtowed pitifully.

"Lin Yaoyao, do you still remember the oath you took to become a police officer?"

"Do you still remember how you felt when you first put on your police uniform?"

Fu Jun said calmly.

Lin Yaoyao's shouting stopped abruptly. She recalled every little bit of the past and shed tears again.

Fu Jun took Feng Yuluan and went straight home.

Lin Yaoyao smiled bitterly and finally stumbled away.

A few days later, Lin Yaoyao successfully gave birth to a baby boy. At night, she quietly placed the boy at the door of the welfare home and disappeared in City C.

No one knew where she went.

A month later.

Feng Yuluan gave birth to a pair of twin boys.

Fu Jun waited outside the delivery room excitedly, and finally waited for the doctor to announce the good news.He rushed into the delivery room and looked at his two sons, tears of happiness flashing in his eyes.

The two boys were white and plump, very lovable!

During Feng Yuluan's confinement, her family took great care of her.

Fu Jun also took a month off to take care of her and the children wholeheartedly.

He made nutritious meals for her every day, took care of the children, and washed her feet, and he was very happy.

Under the care of her family, Feng Yuluan gradually recovered and participated in the education of her children.

Leng Yejue was executed six months later and died.

Everyone felt very happy!

Some of the abducted children were also found and returned home to reunite with their families, and occasionally received psychological health counseling from psychologists.

When the child was five years old, Feng Yuluan was pregnant again, and the whole family was looking forward to the baby in her belly.

Especially the two little fat guys, they wished they could stay by Feng Yuluan's side every day.

Nine months later, Feng Yuluan gave birth to twin daughters, who were so soft and tender that their father Fu Jun almost melted his heart!

But he treasured his daughters, so he was on guard against everyone, even his own son.

The two little fat boys were not to be outdone, and they fought wits and courage with their father, but in the end they were no match for his cunningness.

The days passed by like this.

The children grew up, and Fu Jun and Feng Yuluan retired gloriously.

During the years when Fu Jun was in office, he won countless honors and was the object of admiration of all the younger generations.

Feng Yuluan also won many awards for her superb autopsy skills and assisted the police in different regions in solving many major cases.

She selflessly taught these skills to the students who came to visit and study, and trained one powerful forensic doctor after another.

After retirement, the two occasionally took a walk and lived a leisurely old age life. They played games with young people in a trendy way and were often educated by their four children.

It was not until their eyes became blurry that they put down the game.

When they were in their 80s, their bodies were no longer good. They lay on the hospital bed, holding hands and talking about the little things in their youth.

Under the gaze of their children and grandchildren, they died together.

The children cried and couldn't stop.

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