At the same time.

Factory in the western suburbs.

No one expected that in a prosperous city, there was a criminal factory in an inconspicuous suburb.

The funny thing is that they produced right under the noses of the police.

A mysterious woman appeared.

She was wearing a black tights and a mask, and her face could not be seen clearly.

Wearing black gloves and holding a sharp sword, she rushed into the criminal factory.

The patrolling security guards in the factory saw this mysterious woman and immediately opened fire on her.

The woman was very agile. She easily dodged the bullets and defeated all the security guards with a sword and confiscated their guns.

The people in the factory hurriedly packed up their things, took out the hidden guns, and looked around with vigilance. ,

"Pop." With a sound, the factory fell into darkness in an instant.

Although it was daytime, the factory was built tightly to prevent being discovered, and there were no windows.

There were only ventilation shutters at the top.

The factory circuit was cut off, and the people in the factory were panicked.

Were they discovered by the police?

With a few muffled groans, the people inside gradually fell to the ground.

Then the woman lowered her voice and called the police.


Fu Jun, who was waiting outside the operating room, received a call and immediately stood up and said to the fat man, "You keep an eye on Lao Ge. I just received a report and I have to go and see!"

"Don't worry, Captain Fu!" The fat man nodded solemnly.

Fu Jun ran out immediately.

The reason why he had been waiting for Lao Ge was because only Lao Ge knew the exact location of the factory, and they only had a rough direction.

Just now he received news from the bureau that someone had found a large drug manufacturing factory in the western suburbs. He had a hunch that this was the factory where Lao Ge had been lurking before.

That's why he couldn't wait to rush over and take a look.

When he arrived, the inside and outside were surrounded by police, escorting the prisoners into the police car.

Fu Jun looked at the prisoners one after another with an incredible look on his face.

It was done so quickly?

"Xiao Fu, you're here." The captain greeted happily.

"Captain, this..." Fu Jun said as he looked at the prisoners being escorted away.

The captain smiled and patted his shoulder gently, "How is it? You feel surprised, right?"

"Hahaha, I also thought there would be a fierce battle to fight, so I sent five or six special police officers here. I didn't expect that when they arrived here, they all fainted on the ground." The captain didn't expect that both operations today would go so smoothly.

Especially this factory, I always feel that I have picked up a big loophole. I caught all the people without spending a single soldier. If all the evidence hadn't been on the table, he would have thought it was a trap they set.

"All fainted on the ground, isn't this too outrageous?" Fu Jun was shocked. He has been working for so many years and has never encountered such a situation.

"I think it's outrageous too. I'll take them back for interrogation and see what's going on." The captain took a puff of cigarette.

Fu Jun nodded, and seeing that the work here was almost done, he drove back to the police station.

Complete the follow-up work.

It was not until after seven o'clock in the evening that Fu Jun received a call from Fatty.

Lao Ge had woken up, but his arm was broken and his head was stitched with more than a dozen stitches.

Knowing that Lao Ge was not in danger of life, Fu Jun's heart was relieved. He chatted with Lao Ge for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

According to the prisoners, they didn't know what happened and fainted.

Only a few guards said that it was a woman in black with a sword who knocked them out. The others didn't know anything.

The police found some evidence at the scene, but these evidences could not prove the identity of the woman.

Even the surveillance at the scene was inexplicably broken.

Who is this mysterious woman? Why did she destroy this criminal factory?

Fu Jun was puzzled.

In any case, she helped the police a lot. Since she herself was unwilling to reveal her identity, they would not investigate further.

A month later, things gradually calmed down.

The police arrested a large group of criminals based on clues, and with these people in prison, the factory incident was completely over.

Unfortunately, the leader behind the scenes was not caught.

Every time there was a clue, it would be cut off, and Fu Jun felt deeply helpless.

But there is a long way to go, and he will catch Leng Yejue's tail one day!

After this busy month, the bureau gave him a few days off, and Fu Jun finally had time to rush back to accompany his wife.


Leng Yejue angrily cursed the person on the other end of the phone, "You are all a bunch of fucking trash!"

With a snap, the phone was smashed to pieces.

Lin Yaoyao was fidgeting on the sofa, hesitating to speak, looking at the furious with a bit of fear in her eyes.Leng Yejue.

This month, Leng Yejue has become very cruel.

She saw with her own eyes that several batches of people were sent in, and no one walked out alive.

Leng Yejue told her that those were undercovers sent by the police to lurk around him. Either they died or he died, so he had to do this.

Lin Yaoyao was reluctant at first, but she gradually let it go after hearing what he said.

She didn't know whether to tell Leng Yejue that she was an undercover.

The longer she delayed, the more scared she felt!

"Yejue." Lin Yaoyao mustered up the courage and decided to tell him everything.

Hearing the voice, Leng Yejue came over, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said gently, "What's wrong? Yaoyao."

"There is something, I think I can't hide it from you anymore." Lin Yaoyao bit her lip and frowned at him.

"What happened?" Leng Yejue saw that she was nervous and touched her hair.

Lin Yaoyao told all her stories all at once.

Leng Yejue's face gradually turned cold.

He said, how could the factory that had been hidden so well be exposed? It turned out that there was a traitor around him!

The funny thing is that the person was his woman!

Leng Yejue felt as if he was slapped with a shoe, very humiliated.

Lin Yaoyao looked at Leng Yejue's constantly changing face, and her heart skipped a beat, "Yejue, you..."

Leng Yejue suppressed his temper and asked calmly, "Did you expose the factory?"

"No, no, no, it's not me! I haven't contacted them for a long time, Yejue, believe me! I really love you!" Lin Yaoyao immediately denied it.

This matter really had nothing to do with her, otherwise she would definitely remind Yejue!

She couldn't watch Yejue's hard work being destroyed.

Leng Yejue didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly, and saw that she didn't look like a liar.

Then he got up, took his coat and went out.

"Yejue! Where are you going?"

Leng Yejue paused, "I'm going out for something and won't be back tonight."

He then closed the door with a snap.

Lin Yaoyao fell on the sofa, covering her face and crying.

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