Fu Jun returned to the car, handed the drink to Feng Yuluan, and then said while fastening his seat belt, "Yuluan, I'll take you home first. I have some things to do at the bureau."

"Okay." Feng Yuluan nodded.

After arriving downstairs in the community, Feng Yuluan got out of the car and waved to him. He drove away with a heavy heart, and Feng Yuluan went straight home.

Fu Jun drove and called Xiaoxin.

"Xiaoxin, go to the First Hospital now and investigate a person named Lin Yaoyao to see what disease she has. I will pass her identity information to you in a while."

"Okay, Captain Fu, I'll drive over now!"

Xiaoxin hung up the phone, picked up his coat and walked out.

"What happened?" The fat man asked when he saw him in a hurry.

"Captain Fu asked me to go to the hospital to check on a person named Lin Yaoyao." Xiaoxin replied.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other.

"I'm going to get busy now, we'll talk later." After saying that, he turned and ran out.

"Did Lin Yaoyao get exposed?" Fatty guessed.

"How is that possible? If she got exposed, could she still show up in the hospital openly?"

"That's right."

"Don't think too much, you'll know everything when Xiaoxin comes back."



Fu Jun parked the car and walked into the bureau.

Fatty saw Fu Jun coming and asked with concern, "Captain Fu, you're back so soon? Is your sister-in-law okay?"

"No problem." Fu Jun returned to his position and searched for information.

Forwarded the information to Xiaoxin.

"Oh, you really don't know how to spend more time with your sister-in-law at home. Anyway, there's not much to do in the bureau right now." Fatty said while holding potato chips.

"Old Ge, how are you doing recently?" Fu Jun asked.

A month ago, Old Ge found an opportunity to sneak into the drug factory in the western suburbs. The last time I heard from him was half a month ago.

"Old Ge said that he has successfully infiltrated and will contact us after getting evidence." The fat man answered while eating potato chips.

"Well, report any situation in time!" Fu Jun nodded.

"Don't worry, Captain Fu." The fat man nodded.

Half an hour later, Xiao Xin called.

Upon learning the content of the call, Fu Jun frowned.

"Okay, I know." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"Captain Fu, what's wrong?" The fat man asked.

"Meeting!" Fu Jun said to them.

Everyone put down their work and went to the meeting room.

Except for Xiao Xin and Old Ge, everyone was there.

Fu Jun then said solemnly, "Lin Yaoyao, who was undercover beside Leng Yejue two months ago, is pregnant."

"What!" Everyone looked incredulous.

Is she crazy?

She actually got pregnant with that kind of person's child!

"Yes, this is true. She has not reported her situation to me since the examination." Fu Jun said seriously.

During the undercover period, you should report this situation to your superiors in time, and your superiors will decide whether to continue the undercover.

Lin Yaoyao's behavior is not in line with the norms.

"So, Captain Fu, do you suspect that she has betrayed?" Fatty said hesitantly.

"Well, just in case, you should make two plans!" Fu Jun hesitated again and again, but still said it.

Combined with Lin Yaoyao's performance in the past month, she is pregnant and there is a great probability that she will betray.

"Notify Lao Ge and let him find a chance to come back."

Lin Yaoyao had met Lao Ge when she first joined the company. If she met Lao Ge, she might expose him.

He can't gamble with Lao Ge's life.





Lin Yaoyao was sitting on the sofa with a report on her face, waiting nervously.

"Miss Lin, the master is back." The housekeeper ran in with a smile on her face, shouting happily.

Lin Yaoyao stood up and looked out the door expectantly.

Leng Yejue's tall figure walked in, showing a smile that Lin Yaoyao had never seen before.

He hugged Lin Yaoyao tightly, "Yaoyao! We finally have a child!" Leng Yejue said expectantly.

As soon as he received the good news from Lin Yaoyao, he put down his work and rushed back without stopping.

The moment he knew he was going to be a father, an irrepressible smile appeared on his face.

Even his partners were surprised.

Leng Ye had never been so happy before.

Leng Yejue held Lin Yaoyao and began to imagine the future, imagining playing in the park with his child, camping in the suburbs, and building sand castles at the beach.

He would teach the child to ride a bicycle, play football with the child, and tell the child bedtime stories. Children will grow up day by day, learn to walk, talk, read, and then go to school, make new friends, and start their own life journey.

Lin Yaoyao listened and listenedWith a happy smile, she gently stroked her belly, hoping that he would be born soon.

In Leng Yejue's fantasy, he saw the child staggering when he first learned to walk, the child's joy when he first called dad, and the child's excitement and nervousness when he first went to school.

The two hugged each other and talked a lot.

Lin Yaoyao's cell phone rang, interrupting their fantasy.

Leng Yejue picked up the phone on the table and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yaoyao frowned, and couldn't help but be startled, and asked tentatively.

Did Captain Fu send her a message again?

"Nothing, harassing text messages." Leng Yejue turned off the phone and put it back on the table.

This text message woke up Lin Yaoyao who was immersed in fantasy.

"Really." Lin Yaoyao replied with an ugly face.

"Well, Yaoyao, let's go buy things for the child tomorrow..." Leng Yejue said expectantly.

Lin Yaoyao's head was empty and she couldn't hear anything.

She nodded repeatedly.

"Yejue." Lin Yaoyao bit her lip and shouted.

"Huh?" Leng Yejue looked at her in confusion.

Lin Yaoyao mustered up her courage and looked at him and said, "Yejue, I want to live abroad and don't want to stay in China anymore."

"Why? Did someone bully you?" Leng Yejue's face turned cold and he said in a cold voice.

"No, no, no, no one. I don't want to stay in China anymore. I have never been abroad since I was a child. I especially yearn for the life of foreigners, so I want you to accompany me to settle abroad." Lin Yaoyao explained seriously.

When he arrived abroad, the police would not be able to do anything to Yejue for all the things he did! Lin Yaoyao thought to herself.

"Silly girl, so that's the case. When I have time, I will take you abroad to see it. However, we still have to live here. After all, this is our territory." Leng Yejue rubbed Lin Yaoyao's hair.

His forces are all concentrated here, how can he give up easily.

Lin Yaoyao saw that she couldn't convince him, and nodded with a look of disappointment, "Yejue, promise me, don't do such dangerous things again, okay?"

Leng Yejue couldn't help but frowned, "Yaoyao, what's wrong with you today?"

How could you say such a stupid thing?

Lin Yaoyao smiled unnaturally, "Nothing, let's go eat, I'm hungry."

Leng Yejue heard that she was hungry, and didn't bother to ask any more questions, and hurriedly took her to eat.

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