A month later.

The news of the emperor's death spread throughout the country. The emperor's eldest son inherited the throne, and King Rui assisted him.

Rongrong, who was responsible for collecting garbage on the seabed, accidentally learned the news of the emperor's death and wagged her tail happily.

On the third day after she returned to the sea, the king's punishment order came.

Punished her to clean the sanitation for two years.

She accepted the punishment willingly.

She was satisfied to be able to return here again, and she was willing to accept any punishment!

Feng Yuluan's belly also bulged. Every day, in addition to cultivating her spiritual roots, she would go out for a few laps.

Ye Sui sometimes took her to see the beautiful underwater scenery.

Ye's mother took good care of the old fish king, but he had experienced so many years of torture and his body had lost too much.

Everyone knew it well.

Ye's mother often cried secretly in places where he couldn't see.

Feng Yuluan was eating with Ye Sui when she heard the mermaid come to report, "King! Found it!" The mermaid looked happy.

"Found it!" Ye Sui asked with starry eyes.

"Yes! There is a place in the sea to the east that is more suitable for us to live in! There is not only abundant food there, but also a small island and an excellent cave on the seabed!" The mermaid reported excitedly.

After Ye Sui and his team came back, they sent people to explore whether there was a place suitable for living the next day. The exploration team came back today.

"Are there humans living on the island?" Ye Sui asked.

"Don't worry, King! There is no one on the island! There are also many delicious fruits!" the mermaid replied.

Feng Yuluan's eyes lit up when she heard it.


That's great. She couldn't stand eating fish and seaweed every day.

"Okay! Notify everyone and the whole tribe will move tomorrow!" Ye Sui said with a big laugh.

During this period, no mermaids gave birth. It was a perfect time to move. Yuluan gave birth in a few months and she couldn't leave.

"Yes!" The mermaid swam out immediately.

The next day.

The fish tribe all headed towards the East China Sea and reached their destination after half a month.

Arriving at the place surprised all the mermaids, there is such a beautiful place!

The island was quiet, full of flowers and fruit trees.

The mermaids curiously went ashore for the first time and felt the warmth of the land.

They adapted quickly.

Five months later, Feng Yuluan gave birth to twin daughters.

Ye Sui carefully held his daughter, looking at her soft little face, and was incoherent with joy.

The old fish king looked at the little granddaughter in Ye's mother's arms and shed tears of emotion.

Ye's mother handed the child over, the old fish king looked at her, and then, with the encouragement of Ye's mother, he picked up the child.

"Yuluan, you have worked hard." After Ye's mother handed the child to the old fish king, she held Feng Yuluan's hand and said with red eyes.

Feng Yuluan smiled and shook her head.

Each mermaid can only give birth to one child in her life. After giving birth, their uterus will gradually disappear, so mermaids are so rare.

The old fish king named them Huanhuan and Xixi, hoping that they would be carefree in the future.

When they were two years old, the old fish king finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

Before he died, he said goodbye to them with tears in his eyes and closed his eyes forever.

Ye Sui cried so hard that he was in a mess.

Finally, he was buried on the island.

Gradually, Ye Sui came out and started a new life.

Ten years later.

A gray-haired man stood on the shore, looking at the endless sea.

"Your Majesty, this is it. I heard from the son of Old Li that he and his father caught the mermaid here. Since then, the villagers have never seen mermaids in the past ten years..." The guard said to the gray-haired man.

The man raised his hand.

The guard lowered his head and retreated.

Since then, the man would sit on the shore every night, rain or shine.


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