The little mermaid was taken into the underground passage by two soldiers. After putting her into the mermaid pond, the door was immediately locked.

The emperor and his concubines climbed up to the fish viewing platform. When they saw the mermaid being put in, they immediately ordered "Fill the water!"

The eunuchs immediately passed the buckets of water one by one and poured them down.

The little mermaid was frightened and hid on the other side.

As the water level rose, the little mermaid's tail gradually appeared.

"Your Majesty! Look! She really has a tail!" The concubine said in shock.

The little mermaid's legs gradually degenerated into a light blue fish tail.

Everyone was shocked!

"It's really a miracle!" The emperor couldn't stop praising.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! You got such a magical treasure! God bless my Great Sun Dynasty!" Everyone knelt down to congratulate.

"Good! Reward! Everyone will get a reward!" The emperor said ecstatically.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone kowtowed in gratitude with joy.

The little mermaid swam in the water in a panic, listening to the noisy voices of the people on the shore, and swam in the water anxiously.

The people on the shore looked at her and laughed.

She didn't know how long it took for these voices to gradually stop.

In the dead of night, occasionally a few people came to secretly look at her, and she spit a mouthful of water fiercely.

Occasionally someone would pour a bucket of fish, but she didn't eat any of them.

The next day.

King Rui came to the palace as usual to pay respects to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother had been ill for a long time, and the emperor specially ordered him to accompany the Queen Mother every day, so he could show his filial piety at the bedside.

After saying goodbye to the Queen Mother, he accidentally heard the eunuchs and palace maids talking about the mermaid pond, saying that a mermaid was transported in yesterday, so he went to the newly built mermaid pond by some strange coincidence, intending to see the so-called mermaid.

When he saw the frightened mermaid girl under the water, he was stunned instantly.

He had never seen such a lovely and beautiful girl, even if she was a mermaid.

The mermaid girl found him, showed a fierce expression, and spit a few mouthfuls of water at him fiercely.

"What do you want to eat?" King Rui wiped the water stains on his face and said stutteringly.

The little mermaid turned her head back to the bottom of the water and ignored him.

King Rui looked at her for a long time, and asked someone to bring a bucket of fresh and precious fish. After pouring it in, he saw that the little mermaid didn't eat anything, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

When the eunuch told him that the palace gate was about to close, he was reluctant to leave.

The next day, after paying respects to the queen mother, he came to the mermaid pond with joy, only to see that the little mermaid inside was not as energetic as yesterday, but had several wounds on her body.

Then he frowned and asked, "Why is she injured?"

The eunuch hesitated to say something, and finally said that she disobeyed the emperor, so she was beaten.

Prince Rui went to his brother angrily, but his brother didn't think so. He said that he should be punished for disobeying him! He told him not to worry about it.

Another day.

The eunuch hurried to the emperor's bedroom and shouted anxiously, "Report to the emperor! The mermaid has not eaten or drunk for three days. If it continues like this, she will not survive tonight."

The emperor got up unhappily and went to the mermaid pond. Looking at the dying mermaid, he was furious.

"Drain the water for me and feed me the food." The emperor ordered.

Such a rare treasure can't be let die so easily.

So they drained the water, caught the mermaid, and forced the food into her mouth.

They let her go after she ate it.

After the mermaid was freed, she kept vomiting and vomited out everything she had just eaten.

The emperor was so angry at the scene that he stamped his feet on the spot, "Take her away for me."

He ordered two people to carry the mermaid and follow him to a dim dungeon.

Walking in, to the deepest part, he saw a man with half of his body soaked in water, his upper body and hands tied tightly, and his hair disheveled and unconscious in the dungeon.

"Lock her next to him first." The emperor said, and walked out with his nose covered.

The two threw the little mermaid into the water dungeon next to the man, locked the door and left without looking back.

The little mermaid struggled to get up, looked around the dungeon, and found that she couldn't escape, so she looked at the person in the cage next to her.

When she saw the man's lower body, her eyes instantly turned red. There was no intact fish scale on his tail, and his upper body was mixed with various scars.

"Family! Family!" She called softly.

The unconscious man gradually woke up and forced himself to turn his head.

In a very hoarse voice, he said, "Kid, how did you get caught?"

"I..." The little mermaid was choked by words and couldn't stop sobbing.

"Okay, don't cry, don't resist him, wait until they relax their vigilance and no longer hold you captive, then jump into the river."Escape." The old mermaid persuaded her.

Counting the days, he has been in this water prison for nearly ten years. He has long seen the greed of humans.

They will do anything to achieve their goals and don't care about the lives of others.

"Are you the former king?" The little mermaid asked curiously.

The mermaid remembered things early. When she was two years old, she heard that the king was captured by humans. Could this person in front of her be the king?

The old mermaid hung her head and said nothing. She only said one sentence to her, "Live well." Don't say anything else.

After half an hour, the emperor sent someone to capture her again.

The guard brought her to the emperor, "How is it? Have you seen your kind? His end is very miserable! If you don't eat, I will cut him into pieces and let you eat his meat. "The emperor threatened with a sinister look.

The little mermaid shrank back in fear.

She didn't want her people to die, nor did she want to eat their flesh.

The emperor saw that his threat had worked, so he asked someone to bring out a bucket of fish and let the little mermaid eat it in front of him.

The little mermaid ate it painfully.

The emperor was in a good mood after seeing this.

After eating the fish, the little mermaid begged, "Don't kill him!"

When the emperor heard that she could actually speak, he said excitedly, "You can actually speak! "

He was really surprised! The old mermaid in the prison didn't say a word no matter how they beat her. He thought mermaids couldn't talk!

The little mermaid really surprised him.

The little mermaid didn't talk, but ate the fish silently.

The emperor also knew that this matter couldn't be rushed, so he asked her to be sent back to the mermaid pond as soon as she finished eating the bucket.


Feng Yuluan and his party finally arrived in the capital after half a month.

When the sun was about to set and the city gate was about to close, they drove the carriage into the city.

Thinking of entering the palace, Feng Yuluan really didn't want to take these two people to the palace. First, it was difficult to explain her martial arts. Second, it would be a burden to take them with her.

Even if humans are very weak, they are numerous and can be worn out to death.

To be on the safe side, Feng Yuluan found an inn at random and let them rest for a night. She told them that they would attack again tomorrow.

She sneaked into the palace while they were asleep.

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