The next day.

The sun shone brightly on the earth. With the sound of roosters crowing, pedestrians gradually appeared on the street.

After Feng Yuluan got up and washed, "Qiuqiu, find Ye Sui's whereabouts."

"Okay, I'm looking for it for the host!"

"I think the host has found Ye Sui's whereabouts, in a cave ten kilometers away from the town." Qiuqiu reported.

"Cave?" Feng Yuluan said suspiciously.

How did they find the cave?

After getting their news, Feng Yuluan bought a few more buns, and carried them in the direction Qiuqiu said.

In a cave ten miles away from the city.

There were people transporting coal, moving coal, and sleeping sitting down.

"Dig quickly! Don't be lazy!" The supervisor walked back and forth with a whip, and said viciously to the workers who were digging coal.

The two people in the corner whispered to each other while the supervisor was not paying attention, "Wang, are we going to work here forever? They have never heard of Lao Li!"

Ayou's face was full of doubts. He suspected that the boy didn't know and deliberately tricked them here.

"Wait a little longer. Our performance yesterday was the first. We should be able to talk to them. I will ask the man with the whip if he knows Lao Li." Ye Sui said while digging coal.

The man in the temple said that he found out that Lao Li was working here, and the rest needed to find it themselves.

So the man handed them over to the man with the whip and arranged for them to come here.

They were also wondering why he didn't come. He said that he was afraid of being exposed by too many people and it was inconvenient to find Lao Li. They were moved all night. In order to find him earlier, they worked diligently all day.

After getting the highest record, even the supervisors have relaxed a lot on them and are not watching them so closely.

When the two thought of Old Li, they waved their hoes frantically and worked seriously.

This scene fell into the eyes of the boss who was resting in the distance.

"Come here!" Pointing to the old man who was registering on the side, he said.

When the old man heard the big boss calling him, he hurried over and asked with his head down, "Boss, you called me?"

"Where did you find those two people?" The boss pointed to Ye Sui and the other two who were working hard, and a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes.

The old man looked in the direction of his finger, looked at the two people working hard, smiled and said, "Boss, you are talking about them! They were brought here by Wang Ermaizi the night before yesterday. I didn't expect them to work so well! Yesterday, the two of them ranked first and second in mining volume."

The day before yesterday afternoon, Wang Ermaizi said that he wanted to introduce two people to him to work. He wanted to refuse. Could he, Wang Ermaizi, introduce such good people here?

Wang Ermaizi couldn't help but persuade them. The two brought some relatives, so he reluctantly agreed to let him bring them over to see.

The first time he saw the two people, he wanted to take them back.

The two people walked crookedly, and he thought they had problems with their legs.

Wang Ermaizi begged them to try the job. He had no hope, so he gave it a try. He wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.

Unexpectedly, after learning it once, the two people quickly got the hang of it, and their speed was much faster than that of ordinary people!

This surprised him so much that he arranged for them to register for employment overnight.

He gave Wang Ermaizi a little introduction fee.

"Not bad! Not bad! This is the kind of people. Find a few more!" The boss stroked his beard and said with a smile.

The old man nodded and smiled.

He returned to his job.

Outside the cave.

Feng Yuluan landed smoothly and walked slowly towards the cave entrance.

Two thugs were guarding outside the cave entrance. They stopped her and asked, "Girl, who are you looking for?"

"Brothers, I'm here to find my husband. His name is Ye Sui. Can you help me call him out?" Feng Yuluan said with a smile.

If she hadn't bought the news from Qiuqiu, she would never have believed that these two people were tricked into the cave to do hard labor.

The thugs looked at each other and said, "You wait here!" As he said that, a thug walked into the cave.

After an incense stick of time, a bearded man walked out of the cave, looked at Feng Yuluan carefully, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile as he walked, "Girl, you are looking for Ye Sui! He is working now and it is inconvenient. Why don't you come in the evening?"

Ye Sui is so lucky to have such a beautiful young lady!

"Judging from your clothes, you should be the boss! It's not that I don't want to wait until the evening, but there is an emergency at home and my husband needs to make a decision." Feng Yuluan smiled calmly.

Didn't he just want to let them work for a while longer because he saw that the two of them were working so hard?

"Hey, go call Ye Sui out." Seeing Feng Yuluan's firm attitude, the boss didn't say anything more, and said to the thugs beside him.Said.

The thug nodded and went back in.

When he came out again, Ye Sui, whose face was covered with dirt, followed him. Feng Yuluan looked at Ye Sui's very strange walking posture, and the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously.

Ye Sui raised her eyebrows slightly and saw it, with shock in her eyes.

Yuluan! Why is she here?

"The person has been brought here." The boss said to Feng Yuluan, and then turned to Ye Sui and whispered, "Come back quickly after the chat." Then he turned and stood aside.

Feng Yuluan stepped forward and took his hand, pulling him aside. He was walking left and right again. Feng Yuluan couldn't stand his stupid look, frowned and said sternly, "Walk well!"

Ye Sui's face froze, and he looked around quietly. He whispered mysteriously, and leaned close to Feng Yuluan's ear and said, "Shh! Yuluan, keep your voice down, I tell you this is the most real way for humans to walk."

Feng Yuluan felt his blood pressure soaring!

Who told him that normal people walk like this?

After a while, Ye Sui covered his head and followed Feng Yuluan with a wronged look on his face, finally stopping his swaying when walking.

"What are you doing here?" Feng Yuluan asked.

Ye Sui told Feng Yuluan everything that happened, not realizing that he had been deceived, and was very grateful to the person who had deceived them.

"Ah." Feng Yuluan sighed and shook her head. She didn't expect that the two of them were so easily deceived. They were too naive!

"Call Ah You out, let's go to the town to find Lao Li."

"But, that person said Lao Li was digging coal in here."

Feng Yuluan looked at him quietly, and Ye Sui looked around awkwardly, "How about I ask the foreman?"

Seeing that Feng Yuluan didn't say anything, he thought she acquiesced, and ran to the boss and asked, "Boss! I want to ask you something, is there any worker called Lao Li among us?"

The boss was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."

Except for the two of them, the rest of these workers came last month, and he basically knew them all, and there was no one called Lao Li.

"Are you sure there is no one?" Ye Sui asked again in disbelief.

"No means no!" The boss said very confidently.

Ye Sui instantly looked like a deflated ball, looking at Feng Yuluan with no hope in life.

The two of them worked so hard for a day and a night, but it was all in vain!

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