"Rongrong is a child I have watched grow up. I can't just leave her alone." Ye Sui said with his fists clenched.

His father was captured by humans because of him. He was very weak at that time and could not do anything, but now he wants to do something.

If he finds Rongrong, he may get clues about his father.

"Wang! I am very grateful to you and am willing to find Rongrong, but please don't go. The tribe still needs you." The female mermaid said with tears.

It was her child's fault. She had no reason to let Wang take risks. If something happened to Wang, she would not forgive herself.

Ye Sui ignored their dissuasion and said, "That's it. Pack up and land."

"Wang goes, I will go too!"

"I will go too."

The mermaids responded.

"No, if you leave, who will guard this place?" Ye Sui refused.

He didn't know what was on the shore, so how could he dare to take the tribe to take risks.

Everyone lowered their heads, at a loss.

"Wang, I'll go. Rongrong is also my sister!" Ah You said.

Rongrong lives next door to his house and is also a close sister.

"Yes! It's good for the two of them to take care of each other. Wang, let Ah You go with you!" Other fishmen persuaded.

"Okay! Ah You, let's pack up and leave!" Ye Sui ordered.

"Okay." Ah You nodded solemnly.

After the matter was settled, Ye Sui asked them to go back to their homes and wait for their news.

"Yuluan, please keep it a secret from my mother." Ye Sui said while packing.

Before Feng Yuluan could answer, she heard a voice behind her.

"What are you going to hide from me?" Ye's mother swam in angrily.

Ye Sui paused while packing, turned to Ye's mother and said, "Mom, I must go."

Ye's mother said with red eyes excitedly, "Are you going to abandon me and Yuluan?"

Ye Sui's face froze, and he looked at the two of them with guilt.

"Mother, Yuluan, I'm sorry."

Once Ye's mother made a decision for her son, no one could change it. She stood there helplessly.

"On the day you were elected as the mermaid king, I told you to lead the entire tribe to move away from this place close to humans, but you just didn't listen!" Ye's mother said with tears.

Ye Sui was speechless.

In fact, he had always been full of expectations and hoped to wait for his father to come back. Although this hope was slim, he still prayed.

He was afraid that if he moved to another place, his father would come back and he would never find his home again.

"Mother, this is my fault." Ye Sui bowed his head and confessed.

How could Ye's mother not know his thoughts? Persuading him to move to another place was actually to end his obsession.

She knew that her husband would not come back.

"Come back soon." Ye's mother said and turned and swam away.

After Ye Sui packed his luggage and said goodbye to Feng Yuluan, he followed Ayou and swam up together.

After Feng Yuluan saw him leave, she decided to wait until the day after tomorrow, because she had not yet fully adapted to the tail and was not sure if she could swim up.

First, she would adapt to it in the next two days.

Second, she could practice the skills first.

Two days later, Feng Yuluan saw that there was no one around and followed them to swim upstream.

"Yuluan, where are you going?" Ye's mother suddenly shouted from behind.

Feng Yuluan was startled and said with a smile, "Mother, I am worried about him, I will go with you to see."

"Don't go, kid, it's very dangerous on the shore!" Ye's mother said worriedly.

"Mother, don't worry, I will take good care of myself and wait for us to come back." As she said that, she swam upstream quickly.

In the past two days, she has been practicing and adapting to the tail. Now she has completely mastered the skills of exerting force.

"Yuluan! Yuluan!" Ye's mother chased after her, but her speed was no match for Feng Yuluan, and she could only watch Feng Yuluan disappear in the dark sea.

"Ah." Ye's mother sighed uneasily.

I hope the children can come back safely!

Japanese Imperial Palace.

The emperor's bedroom was filled with smoke and laughter.

Several concubines in the bedroom were shaking dice with the emperor and playing.

The emperor swung the dice in his hand, put a hand on the dragon bed, and carefully opened it with his hand. The dice were exactly two fives and one six. The emperor laughed immediately, "Hahahaha, I won!"

"Your Majesty! You are so awesome," the concubines praised.

The emperor said happily, "Take it off!"

The three concubines took off their outer robes, revealing their thin and slender arms.

The emperor laughed and couldn't help touching it. The concubines dodged and said, "Your Majesty, it's our turn to shake."

"Okay, okay, who's going to come?" The emperor looked at the three of them with a smile.

""Let me do it." said the concubine whose arm was touched.

"Okay! Just you, a little wild cat, do it."

"Hmph!" Shaking the fan in her hand, she put it on the bed and opened it.

Three sixes.

"Your Majesty, it's your turn."

The emperor showed an embarrassed expression, "My beloved concubine shook so much, how can I beat you? I'll take it off!" The emperor immediately took off his underwear, revealing his fat belly.

The emperor won another round.

Looking at the three beauties with lust, he swallowed his saliva and said, "Take it off! Take it off quickly."

They raised their hands shyly and touched the ropes on their chests. Just as they were about to untie them, they heard the anxious shouts of the eunuchs outside the door, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! There is something important to report!"

The three were so scared that they hid in the quilt. The emperor was interrupted and shouted to the outside with dissatisfaction, "What is it! !"

"Your Majesty, it's a great thing! ! "The eunuch continued to shout.

The emperor angrily put on his clothes and got out of bed, "If it's not a good thing, I'll chop off your head!"

He came to the door and opened it.

She whispered a few words in his ear, and the emperor's eyes lit up instantly, and asked eagerly, "Are you sure it's true?"

The eunuch nodded repeatedly, "Your Majesty, this is absolutely true!"

"It will arrive in the capital in half a month!"

"Okay! Okay!" The emperor laughed happily.

"Make sure it is delivered without any mistakes!" The emperor instructed.

"Your servant obeys your order!" The eunuch said with his head down.

The emperor slammed the door shut.

Run back to bed.

The three beauties got out of the quilt, looked at the emperor with a happy face and asked, "Your Majesty, why are you so happy?"

The emperor smiled and said mysteriously, "This is a secret. ”

“Just tell me when you get married.” The three beauties acted coquettishly and shook him gently.

“Okay, okay, I’m almost dizzy from you guys.” The emperor pinched a beauty’s face and said.

“You’ll know in half a month.” The emperor said as he took off his clothes.

“Okay, is it your turn to take off your clothes?” The emperor looked at them with a smile.

They hid in the quilt with shy faces.

The emperor rubbed his hands and said with a lewd smile, “Beauties, let me help you take off your clothes!” As he said that, he reached into the quilt with both hands.




“Your Majesty! Hate it!”

The bedroom was full of life and debauchery.

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