"Now you remember?" Feng Yuluan took the stick and walked towards him step by step.

Long Yanlie crawled back and said tremblingly, "You...what do you want to do?"

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Feng Yuluan did not stop.

"Yuluan, how did you become so strong?" Long Yanlie said with a forced smile.

Feng Yuluan immediately punched him in the face, and several of Long Yanlie's teeth were knocked out in an instant, flying out of his mouth, full of blood.

"You can call my name?"

"!!" Long Yanlie looked at the few teeth that fell on the ground, his eyes full of disbelief.

His front teeth were actually knocked out!

Then, he summoned lightning in anger.

Since he couldn't get it, he would destroy it!

He threw lightning at Feng Yuluan.

With one hand, she transformed a strong internal force, and a barrier wrapped the lightning.

They couldn't see this layer of internal force, but only saw that Feng Yunuan's hand was actually holding the lightning that Long Yanlie threw at her!

Fu Huaiguo "!!!"

Father Qin "!"

"How, how is this possible?" Long Yanlie looked at the lightning in her hand, his jaw dropped.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

She must not have lightning ability!

How could she hold lightning in her hand?

Feng Yuluan walked towards Long Yanlie with lightning.

Long Yanlie instantly had a bad premonition, endured the pain, and immediately stood up and ran out.

But Feng Yuluan suddenly hit the lightning in her hand into his body from behind, and then forced him to attack mentally.

Long Yanlie was twitching all over, and his brain was blank after the mental attack.

The mental ability collapsed instantly.

He fell to the ground.

"Two people throw him out." Feng Yuluan said to the servants who were hiding and watching the show over there.

The servants saw that Feng Yuluan was talking to them, and hurried over and threw Long Yanlie out.

"Help the elders back home." Feng Yuluan said to Fu Yi.

Fu Yi immediately helped them back home.

Feng Yuluan also went to help them, and they waved their hands and said, "No, no, we can get up."

Then they got up and limped in.

Fu Huaiguo and Qin's father walked at the back and whispered, "Old Qin! You hid it well enough, I didn't tell you that my daughter is so strong!"

Qin's father was full of surprise, he didn't know either!

At first, he just felt relieved when he saw his daughter beating Long Yanlie, but now he realized, when did her daughter become so strong? Even they were not Long Yanlie's opponents, and she easily suppressed him.

"I..." I don't know, I was interrupted before I finished speaking.

"Dad! Go faster!" Feng Yuluan urged in front.

She treated several people together, and she was too lazy to divide them several times.

These uncles did not choose to be alone at the critical moment of life and death, which was enough to show their loyalty.

Feng Yuluan also chose to believe them and exposed her healing ability in front of them.

Anyway, they couldn't beat her.

"Here it comes!" The two answered in unison.

"Old Qin! Old Qin." Fu Huaiguo held his old waist that was hurt by the beating and looked at him deeply.

Qin's father sighed helplessly.

Fu's mother witnessed the whole process of the fight and admired Feng Yuluan in her heart.

Look how strong her daughter-in-law is!

After Fang Yuluan treated their injuries.

Everyone instantly felt that they were dozens of times younger and there was no pain at all.

"Old Fu is so lucky to have such a good daughter-in-law!" The uncles patted Fu Huaiguo's shoulders enviously.

The force value is bursting, and there is also a precious healing ability! Who wouldn't envy this?

"That's it." Fu Huaiguo looked proud.

"Come and continue drinking!" The uncle was full of joy, and it didn't look like he had just experienced a life-and-death battle.

"Drink if you want, I won't let you drink until you fall down!"

"Let's see who can drink more!"

Everyone sat together happily again.

The servant came in and whispered in her ear, "Madam, the police are here."

Feng Yuluan nodded and walked out the door.

"Hello, we received a report. I heard that someone was killed here?" the police asked.

Feng Yuluan nodded and said, "Long Yanlie just broke in openly and wanted to kill several elders. I hope you can investigate this matter strictly."

When the police heard the name, they took it seriously instantly.

This is where the commander lives! Long Yanlie broke in to kill the commander, which is a different nature.

"Miss, don't worry! We will deal with it immediately! Are there any casualties?"

"No, he has been subdued by the elders and thrown to the street outside."

"Okay." As he said that, he turned to another policeman and said, "Go out and look for him."

"I'll take you there." The servant said.

"It's troublesome."

The police threw awayLong Yanlie's servant went out to look for him.

Another policeman took a photo of the hole in the door.

He also took a photo of the tree that was split into pieces.

After looking around and finding no surveillance, he said, "Miss, let's go to the police station to handle the case first. Don't worry, we will give you an explanation as soon as possible."

"Do you need my cooperation to go to the police station to take a statement?" Feng Yuluan asked.

"No, you are busy." With that, the police left.

The servant took the policeman around and didn't find Long Yanlie.

The servant touched his head awkwardly and said, "It's impossible. I clearly threw him here."

Long Yanlie was injured like that, so he shouldn't have left by himself.

Could he have been taken away by someone?

The policeman thought about it and walked back, got in the police car and went down the mountain.

At the same time, several media outlets broke the news that Long Yanlie came to the commander's house alone and thought of killing a group of high-ranking officials. Videos were leaked.

Everyone was worried about the commander's safety.

Xia Jie's home.

Xia Jie was eating at the table and watching the news when he heard the female news source on TV say, "The national god of war Long Yanlie went to the commander alone and wanted to kill..."

With a chirp, the channel was changed.

"Big pineapple, little apple..." A group of people on the TV sang happily.

Xia Jie immediately stood up and snatched the remote control from Xiao Pang's hand.

"Let your father watch it first." As he said, he turned the channel back.

"So what is Long Yanlie's intention for openly murdering the commander this time? Is the commander safe? Please pay attention to our report." The reporter said.

"What? God of War, what's wrong?" The aunt hurriedly brought a plate of food out of the kitchen and asked.

"He assassinated the commander! I don't know how the commander is now?"

The aunt said in surprise, "Ah?"

Xia Jie immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call excitedly, but the phone was always on the line and couldn't get through.

She threw the remote control away, picked up the car keys, put on her coat and said, "I'll go to the commander's house!"

With a snap, she closed the door.

My aunt continued to watch the news on TV. The more she watched, the more frightened she felt. Long Yanlie's whereabouts were still unknown. She quickly called Reina, but she must not go to her place.

Sheltering is also a crime!

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