"Bang, bang, bang!" Several gunshots were heard from the side alley, and bullets whizzed into the car.

"Not good! Madam is ambushed!" the soldier shouted.

Feng Yuluan pressed Su Yu down and asked her to squat. The next second, the bullets shattered the glass.

Su Yujin covered his ears in panic and lowered his head.

"Back! Go back!"

Feng Yuluan practiced martial arts, and her vision was several times that of ordinary people. She looked at the dark alley. There were at least four or five people in it, and everyone had a gun in their hands. There was also a row of anti-intrusion needles on the ground in front. There was only one way to go forward.

There was a possibility of survival only if you go back.

The soldier obeyed the order and quickly reversed the car.

Seeing this, the people in the alley chased out, shooting bang bang bang, and one side of the front wheel of the car was punctured. The car tilted and almost couldn't sit steadily.

Feng Yuluan found the right opportunity to shoot at the figures, and with a bang, a figure fell down.

Seeing this, the rest of the people looked for cover to hide.

The car kept falling backwards.

"Madam, what should we do? One of our tires is blown!" The soldier said anxiously with sweat dripping down his face.

The tire was blown and the fuel tank was leaking a little, which slowed down the car a lot.

"It's okay, retreat to the back, there is an alley there, we will get off there." Feng Yuluan said calmly.

"Yes!" The soldier stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car quickly retreated to the entrance of the alley and stopped.

Feng Yuluan opened the right door, looked ahead, ran in quickly, and hid behind the wall, "Come here!"

Su Yu ran over with her head in her arms, leaned against the wall tightly, gasped heavily, and was almost scared to death.

"Sister Feng! Who is that person?"

"I don't know, but it is very likely sent by the Cheng family." Feng Yuluan said while observing the enemy situation.

"Bah! They are so shameless!" Su Yu said angrily.

The soldier climbed carefully from the main driver's seat to the co-pilot's seat, opened the side door, and ran to the alley immediately.

With a bang, he was shot in the calf!

The soldier covered his shot leg and sweated coldly on the ground.

Su Yu hurried forward to check, Feng Yuluan shot quickly and accurately outside, and soon knocked down another person.

"Sister Su, help him stop the bleeding, I will find a way to break through." Feng Yuluan said to her while looking at the enemy.

"Okay! Don't worry!" Su Yu responded.

Feng Yuluan squatted on the ground against the wall, counting the heads that poked out a little bit, one, two...

She had knocked down two people just now, so where did the other person go?

“Damn! This woman’s shooting is so accurate!” The man was shocked when he saw the man lying on the ground with a headshot. He thought it was easy to kill a woman, but he lost two brothers!

“Brother! The fourth one went around, wait for him to shoot and then we will rush! Kill that woman!”

“Stinky woman, I’ll break her legs!”

Feng Yuluan moved her ears to avoid hearing the small footsteps coming from behind. She turned around and saw the man holding a gun to Su Yu.

“Be careful!” Feng Yuluan shouted, pulling Su Yu over and shooting at the man with one hand.

The bullet hit Feng Yuluan’s left arm with a bang, almost hitting Su Yu’s forehead.

“Um.” Feng Yuluan frowned.

Damn, it hurts!

Su Yu was still in shock when she felt the blood on her cheek. She quickly came to her senses, "Feng! Sister Feng!"

Sister Feng was shot to save her. Su Yu was so anxious that she almost cried.

Feng Yuluan turned around and lay on the wall, and saw the two people rushing over.

After firing several shots, another person was knocked down with a bang.

The last person left ran over with all his strength.

The soldier lying on the ground gritted his teeth, picked up the pistol at his waist, stood up, and fired randomly at the outside.

He accidentally hit the man's leg, but he was also shot in the chest and fell to the ground.

Feng Yuluan choked up. He was still chatting and laughing ten minutes ago, but now he fell to the ground.

He regretted it so much. Why didn't he seize the time to practice? He couldn't protect the people around him.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuluan endured the pain in his left arm, changed the bullet, and shot the man lying on the ground in the head.

Finally, they were all killed.

"Sister Feng, how do you feel?" Su Yu asked anxiously.

"We can't stay here for long, let's go quickly." Feng Yuluan said while covering her wound.

The gunshots here must have attracted other people's attention. Cheng Bin couldn't have sent just a few people to kill them. There must be other people nearby. They will also rush here when they hear the gunshots. We must leave as soon as possible.

"Qiuqiu, lead me a safe way." Feng Yuluan said silently to it in her heart.

"Navigation needs to deduct 100Points."

"Knock knock knock!" Feng Yuluan was too lazy to complain about it.

"Ding! 100 points have been deducted, and the smart navigation is online."

"Turn right in the alley ahead."

Feng Yuluan said to Su Yu, "Let's go!" and ran in the direction given by Qiuqiu, with Su Yu following closely behind.

Five minutes after they left, people from all over the team swarmed in from all over and asked each other, "Where are the people?"

Only their people and the body of a soldier were on the ground, and the two women were missing.

"They should be nearby! You..."

Several cars came speeding, and the headlights shone on them so that they couldn't open their eyes. Then they heard gunshots, and the people next to them fell to the ground.

"Not good! Their reinforcements have arrived, retreat quickly! "The man was horrified and hurried into the alley.

Five minutes later, the gunfire finally stopped.

The ground was full of corpses.

Hao Ren got out of the car with a rage and came to the car with a punctured tire. There was no one in the car.

Wu Heng angrily pointed a pistol at the man's head, "Where are the people?"

"General! I don't know anything! I just got here!" The man was so scared that he trembled all over and hurried to explain.

Hao Ren stepped on the man's hand and crushed it hard.

"Ah!" The man howled in pain.

"Did Cheng Bin send you here?" Hao Ren said coldly.

"Yes, yes! He said that as long as we kill those two women, I will give us ten small yellow croakers. "The man shed tears in pain and gave Cheng Bin away without any backbone.

How could they know that the two women were from the Hao family!

If they knew, they would never take this job!

Hao Ren loosened his foot and shot the man in the head, saying expressionlessly, "Leave a team here to deal with the body, and the rest go to find the wife."


Wu Heng immediately took people to do it.

Feng Yuluan and Su Yu had been running for more than ten minutes and finally arrived at a relatively safe place.

Feng Yuluan could not support herself and leaned against the wall. She bled a lot, and the entire sleeve of her left arm was soaked with blood. Even a cow could not stand such bleeding!

Feng Yuluan only felt dizzy now.

Su Yu immediately tore off a piece of her skirt and bandaged her.

"Sister Feng, bear with it, it will be fine soon!" Su Yu said while doing it swiftly.

"Okay, sister? "Su Yu shouted after bandaging.

But she didn't respond at all, she had lost too much blood and fainted.

Su Yu held back her tears, carried her on his back, and said as he walked, "Sister, hold on, I'll take you to the hospital."

In the alley, a thin figure was walking on the road, carrying a woman with blood all over her arms.

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