For a month, Hao Ren was in the hospital, with repeated fevers, but he showed no signs of waking up.

All matters in the army were decided by Feng Yuluan and Wu Heng.

Wu Heng finally caught the arms dealer who leaked the secrets. After asking him about the matter, he could no longer wait and killed him violently.

Feng Yuluan occasionally went to the hospital this month. While practicing at home, she took time to take care of Hao Ren and wipe his body.

She also asked Su Yu if there was any way to wake Hao Ren up quickly, and she did succeed before.

Su Yu pondered for a moment, "Using strong medicine and silver needles, it may leave sequelae."

Hearing that there were sequelae, Feng Yuluan had to give up. At the moment, she didn't know what caused it, so she couldn't act rashly.

Early the next morning, Feng Yuluan unexpectedly received an invitation to attend a dinner party.

Banquet hosted by the Cheng family.

"Madam, the Cheng family is holding a banquet at this time, most of them have bad intentions!" The housekeeper said angrily.

The reason why their Marshal is still in the hospital is because of them! They are so anxious to hold a banquet, just to see how the Marshal is doing.

To find out the truth about the Hao family.

"Yes, but we must go to this banquet. If we don't go, the Marshal's coma will be exposed sooner or later, and the Cheng family will definitely take action. I'm afraid we won't be able to cope with it then." Feng Yuluan said, looking at the invitation in her hand.

"Hey, it would be great if the Marshal woke up." The housekeeper shook his head helplessly. The Marshal has been in a coma for almost a month.

He hasn't woken up since the operation, and I don't know when he will wake up.

Now all the big and small things in the mansion are decided by the wife. Although the wife handles it perfectly every time, she still makes him a little worried.

"Let's do it this way. I'll go to the banquet in the evening. You go to Miss Su now and say that I invite her to go shopping."

Feng Yuluan made the decision.

"Yes, ma'am."


In the car.

The two chatted all the way. After a month of getting along, Su Yu gradually became familiar with Feng Yuluan and let down her guard.

Strictly speaking, today is her first time out of the house.

"Hey, Sister Feng, what is that?" Su Yu pointed to a tall building outside the car window, where several workers were pasting advertising posters.

Which painter is it? The painting is so vivid, as if the person was printed on it.

"Are you talking about that? It's a movie advertisement poster." Feng Yuluan looked at the direction she pointed and said.

"What is a movie?"

"Otherwise, I'll take you to see one later, and you'll know."


The car slowly stopped on a busy street.

"Come on, delicious and inexpensive maltose."

"Fragrant, steaming buns just out of the pot!"

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers!"

The two sides of the street were full of vendors shouting and selling things, and people came and went.

"Madam, we're here." The soldier opened the door and stood aside respectfully.

"This is it."

Feng Yuluan and the others got out of the car and went straight to a shop with very luxurious decoration.

The shop not only has all kinds of novel and beautiful clothes, but also all kinds of jewelry.

Many ladies like to come here to do styling and tailor clothes.

Feng Yuluan knew about it because she bought it from Qiuqiu a few days ago.

"Sister Feng, this place should not be cheap." Su Yu looked around and whispered in Feng Yuluan's ear.

Feng Yuluan smiled and patted her hands, saying, "It's okay, I have money."

Su Yu glanced at the price of a scarf and couldn't rest assured at all.

Ah? A scarf costs twenty two dollars!

This is enough for her annual expenses!

The consumption in this city is too scary!

Feng Yuluan led her to the store, and soon a beautiful woman dressed in a cheongsam came towards them with a smile, "Welcome, ladies, hello, I am Xiaoxiao, if you have any needs, please tell me."

"Hello, we are going to attend a dinner tonight, and we want to do our hair here."

"So that's how it is, please come this way." Xiaoxiao led the way in front, "Miss, is this your first time here? You look unfamiliar."

"Well, we have just been here for a short time. I heard that you are doing very well, so I wanted to give it a try."

"Hahaha, Miss, you have come to the right place! Our store is the best in the city! Many ladies come here to do their hair." Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and smiled, "Here we are."

The row in front of her was full of ladies and ladies who were doing their hair.

Xiaoxiao found two adjacent empty seats, and then called two hairstylists over, communicated with them, and the stylists they wanted started to do their hair.

Xiaoxiao helped themAfter pouring tea and water, she chatted and said, "Miss, which party are you going to attend?"

Feng Yuluan looked at Xiaoxiao in the mirror and said, "I don't know either. I just heard that you were going to a party."

"Oh, so that's the case. At least half of the people we received today are going to the Cheng family. I thought you were one too." Xiaoxiao introduced her to a few ladies who were doing makeup.

Feng Yuluan and the others nodded.

Three hours later, after the two of them finished their hair and makeup, they came to the cloakroom to choose clothes.

After Feng Yuluan picked out the clothes and was about to change, she saw Su Yu still standing there, hesitating, not daring to choose.

"What's wrong? Don't you like anything?" Feng Yuluan handed the clothes to the waiter and asked.

Su Yu said with an embarrassed smile, "Sister Feng, these are all very beautiful, but..."

"But what?"

"It's a bit too expensive." Su Yu said in a low voice.

She couldn't afford this dress even if she sold it, so how could she dare to try such an expensive dress?

Feng Yuluan was about to persuade her that she really had no shortage of money.

But she was interrupted by the girl who was picking clothes next to her.

"If you think it's too expensive, just go out. Why come here if you don't have money?" The woman picked clothes and rolled her eyes at them, chewing food in her mouth.

"You!" Su Yu blushed.

This person was too rude!

"What? What's wrong with me? You told her to be careful not to get it dirty! How can you sell dirty clothes to others?" The woman smiled contemptuously and said to the waitress next to her.

Feng Yuluan quickly matched her face with a person in the information - Cheng Min.

Cheng Bin's biological sister, who was arrogant since childhood and got into a lot of trouble, and Cheng Bin cleaned up her butt behind her.

Feng Yuluan smiled and thought of a way.

"You! You are too much!" Su Yu said angrily.

Feng Yuluan nodded to her gently, then looked at Cheng Min and said, "Miss, just like you said, don't touch it randomly. Who knows if you can afford it? If it gets dirty, how can people buy it?"

"What did you say? Go and ask me which clothes I can't afford? What a joke! How can I, the eldest lady of the Cheng family, not be able to afford a piece of clothing?" Cheng Min folded her hands across her chest.

"Sister, how about this one?" Feng Yuluan ignored her, picked up a piece of clothing at random, and said to Su Yu.

Su Yu didn't understand what she meant, and before she could react, Cheng Min grabbed it, "I want it!"

Feng Yuluan didn't get angry, and picked another one.

Cheng Min still grabbed it.

After doing this over and over again, the waitress couldn't take the clothes off. Feng Yuluan smiled and said, "As expected of the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, you are really rich. Why don't you go and take the lady to pay the bill?"

The waitress smiled and replied, "Yes, yes, Miss Cheng, let's go and pay the bill first."

"It's good that you know. The Cheng family is not comparable to you small families?" Cheng Min said proudly.

"Let's go and pay the bill." The waitress followed happily.

"Sister Su, let's go pick something else." Feng Yuluan said with a smile.

Su Yu also understood her previous intention and nodded with a smile.

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