Liu Family Villa.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three thunderous sounds resounded throughout the Liu Family Villa, and the ground shook.

Everyone was shocked and thought it was an earthquake, but after the sound, the ground returned to calm.

Then an excited voice came from inside, "The owner of the villa has come out of retreat!"

The villa was extremely lively for a while.

Great, great, the owner of the villa has finally come out of retreat!

Everyone showed joy.

Old Madam Liu got the news and hurried over. After two months, he finally came out of retreat!

Listening to the movement, there must be something.

Old Madam Liu waited expectantly behind the door. After a while, there was a click, and the door that had been closed for nearly two months was opened.

Liu Lin was a little surprised to see so many people standing outside, and after a moment, he returned to calm.

Looking around, he didn't see the face he wanted to see, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Lin'er, you finally came out of retreat!" Old Lady Liu walked forward tremblingly, holding his hand, and said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, you've worked hard." Liu Lin said hoarsely. He had heard more or less about what happened in the past two months, but he had already explored the inner layer of the technique. If he stopped, everything would be in vain. He could only bite the bullet and continue.

In the past two months, his mother had taken on too much external pressure for him.

"Mom, it's okay, Lin'er, come quickly, mom wants to tell you a great happy event." Old Lady Liu hurriedly pulled him and said.

She waved her hand and dismissed the servants.

"What's the matter, mom?" Liu Lin asked in confusion.

Old Lady Liu smiled mysteriously and whispered a few words in his ear.

Liu Lin couldn't believe it, "Mom! How is this possible?"

The technique he practiced made it difficult for people to get pregnant. How could Bai Yuluan get pregnant! Was it a mistake?

"Let's not talk about Yuluan's medical skills. Mother has found several doctors to confirm that she is indeed pregnant. It has been two months now." Old Lady Liu said with a smile on her face.

She had the same reaction as him when she knew Bai Yuluan was pregnant.

Liu Lin couldn't believe it. Could it be that time? It has been exactly two months since the retreat.

After confirming with Old Lady Liu again and again, he smiled and cheered like a child, "I am going to be a father!"

After being happy, he asked again, "Mother, Yuluan, where is she now? I'll go see her."

He couldn't wait to see her.

Old Lady Liu looked embarrassed and hesitated.

Liu Lin noticed the strange phenomenon at a glance, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with mother? Where is Yuluan?"

Old Lady Liu made up her mind and simply told her about Feng Yuluan's going down the mountain.

Liu Lin just frowned and asked, "Mom, do you know which direction she went?"

Now it's so chaotic outside, and she's pregnant. What if something goes wrong?

Old Madam Liu recalled for a while and said, "She wrote a letter a few days ago saying that she was in Yulinpo. Go there and look for her."

Yulinpo happened to be within the scope of Baili Villa and close to the Evil God Valley. When he found her, he would go to meet Baili Xi.

Liu Lin nodded and hurried down the mountain.

The news of Liu Lin's coming out of retreat spread instantly, and everyone knew that the leader had not been in charge for the past two months because he was in retreat! Now that he has come out of retreat, he will definitely lead them to beat the cult and make them go without return, so as to vent their anger!

For a time, all the decent people were excited and began to prepare for the war early.

Hearing this, the cult members did not dare to make trouble at will, and gradually gathered towards the Evil God Valley from all sides overnight.

Shen Pingchuan, who was on his way to Liu Family Villa, couldn't help laughing when he heard the rumor that Liu Lin was about to lead everyone to flatten the Evil God Valley.

"Who is Liu Lin? Is he worthy of fighting with the leader?" The madman said with a smile.

"That's right! Do you know that our leader has great magical skills? How could Liu Lin be his opponent? Is he rushing to die?" The left protector agreed with a smile.

"I'm afraid Liu Lin is crazy. With his lowly skills, he dares to challenge our leader?" The chief worshiper smiled frivolously, grinding his long nails, and said carelessly.

How could their martial arts be compared with the magic skills of the evil cult? Not only are they improving slowly, but some of their skills are not comprehensive. Unlike their evil cult magic skills, they can improve their skills dozens of times in just a few years.

"Since Liu Lin is coming to die, we will wait in the Evil God Valley." Shen Pingchuan said with a disdainful smile.

Since he had mastered his magical power, no one dared to challenge him so blatantly. Everyone was like a quiet chicken avoiding the limelight. Since Liu Lin was going to die, he did not suggest killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

When Liu Lin died, the world would be ruled by their evil cult.

"Master, you are wise!" Everyone said in unison.replied.

Then, Shen Pingchuan led the cult members back to the Evil God Valley.

Three days later.

The madman had been in Ctrip Valley for a long time, and he had not tasted the taste of blood. He felt itchy all over, so he sneaked out to find someone.

He did not dare to touch the people of the Evil God Valley. The leader was already dissatisfied with him. If he did such a thing again, he might not let him go easily.

So he came to Yulinpo to look for candidates.

He stood on the tree and happened to see a family. A 17-year-old young woman was drying clothes outside. He smelled the sweet smell and couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

Then he drew a smile that made people's scalp numb, "It's you."

As he said that, he kicked his legs and flew away.

Unexpectedly, he was kicked from mid-air to the ground, rolled more than ten times, and finally crashed in front of a tree before stopping, "Puff!" A mouthful of blood gushed out.

The madman stood up angrily, looked around and shouted, "Who! Who! Come out?"

But it was quiet all around, only a few birds chirping and the sound of wind blowing leaves, no one was seen.

Just when he was at a loss, he heard light footsteps behind him.

The madman immediately turned around and saw a girl in red holding an umbrella slowly approaching.

The madman frowned, the woman's face was covered tightly by the umbrella, and he couldn't see who it was.

"Bitch! Did you sneak attack me?!" the madman roared.

There is no one else here except her, it must be her!

Thinking of this, he angrily called on his internal force and rushed towards the woman in red! Before he touched the woman, he was bounced away by a powerful internal force and hit the tree, and the tree broke straight!

The madman felt that his internal organs were displaced, and he looked at the woman holding the umbrella in horror. She was so strong! "You! Who are you?"

Feng Yuluan sneered, "Aren't you looking for me? How come you don't know who I am?"

The madman widened his eyes, "You are, are you Chiyi?"

The woman in red casually put away her umbrella, revealing her true face.

"You are not, this, this is impossible, how can you be so strong! How can Chiyi be a woman."

"I am Chiyi." After saying that, Feng Yuluan's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty, and she rushed forward quickly. The irony seemed to be frozen there. Without the strength to resist, Feng Yuluan cut his neck cleanly with a knife.

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