Feng Yuluan smiled and nodded, "So it's Miss Liang."

"Well, I did cheat on my wife, and my wife knows it, so I want a divorce, but I don't know why she doesn't want to." Zhou Hao said frankly.

"Okay, I'm probably clear about your situation. After you sign the power of attorney, I'll go talk to your wife. If she can accept a peaceful divorce, that would be the best. You should give her more compensation, which is also reasonable. If she doesn't want a divorce, then she can only sue for divorce." Feng Yuluan looked at him and said.


"Okay, let's talk about this first." Feng Yuluan stood up and said.

"Okay, do you need me to send someone to take you back?" Zhou Hao asked with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, no, my husband is here to pick me up." Feng Yuluan declined.

"Okay." After saying that, Zhou Hao turned around and left.

After a while, Yin Huan came.

He put clothes on Feng Yuluan who was waiting for him at the door, and said while holding her hand, "It's windy outside. You don't know what to do if you catch a cold sitting inside waiting for me?"

"I know." Feng Yuluan held her warm hand and said with a smile.

He went to the car and opened the door of the co-pilot for her, and then said with a smile, "My dear wife, please get in the car."


Yin Huan's service was very thoughtful and fastened her seat belt for her.

The two chatted and laughed all the way back home.

Yin Huan personally washed Feng Yuluan's feet.

He carried Feng Yuluan in his arms and took her back to the room and slammed the door shut.


Zhou Hao went to the firm early the next morning to sign the power of attorney and paid part of the deposit.

Feng Yuluan also got his wife's phone number.

He called her immediately and asked her to meet.

His wife didn't want to meet at first, but she agreed after hearing that she was his attorney.

The two met at a cafe in the mall.

Feng Yuluan drove to the agreed coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee first.

After a while, a slightly plump lady came in.

Feng Yuluan looked at the face that looked a bit like Zhou Jiaojiao and confirmed that she was Zhou Hao's wife.

She stood up and waved to her. Seeing this, Mrs. Zhou came over.

"Hello, Mrs. Zhou, I'm Lawyer Feng." Feng Yuluan said to her.

"Hello." Mrs. Zhou sat down and ordered a cup of coffee.

"I haven't found a lawyer yet, but he found a lawyer so quickly." Mrs. Zhou's words were full of irony.

More than ten years ago, she accompanied him from nothing to something, which was really ridiculous!

Her eyes revealed fatigue and worry.

Feng Yuluan was silent for a moment.

"He asked you to come to me to talk about divorce?" Mrs. Zhou took a sip of coffee and then asked.

Feng Yuluan said gently, "Yes, Madam Zhou, I am here to discuss the divorce with you on behalf of Mr. Zhou Hao."

After getting a definite answer, Madam Zhou raised her head, tears welling up in her eyes, and she said with a slightly trembling voice, "How could he do this to me?"

Confessing to Feng Yuluan, "When I married him, he was just a gangster. Later, he got some opportunities and made a fortune only to come home once in a long time. He didn't even care about his daughter. I was wondering if he had someone else outside, but I couldn't believe he would do this!"

After a pause, she continued, "It wasn't until a few months ago that I found out that he did have a woman outside. I asked him to explain to me, but he didn't say anything."

Mrs. Zhou was already sobbing when she said this.

She thought she could face it calmly, but she couldn't help crying.

Feng Yuluan handed her a tissue, and Madam Zhou thanked her after taking it.

"Mrs. Zhou, as a woman, I understand you, but you should also know Mr. Zhou's determination."

Feng Yuluan then took out a divorce agreement, put it on the table, and gently pushed it to Mrs. Zhou, "This is the divorce agreement that Mr. Zhou has signed. He has made a decision. I understand that you may be shocked and disappointed, but now we need to face reality and discuss how to deal with this issue."

Mrs. Zhou trembled as she picked up the divorce agreement. Her fingers tightly grasped the paper, as if she could find a trace of comfort from it.

She raised her head, her eyes full of pain and confusion, "This all came too suddenly, I don't know what to do. My daughter is just in high school and will take the college entrance examination this year. I don't know how to explain it to her."

Feng Yuluan said softly: "Madam, I know this is a difficult time for you. But please believe me, I will do my best to handle this matter in a fair and reasonable way. We can first discuss issues such as property division and child custody to ensure that your rights are protected."Mrs. Zhou lowered her head, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, "I don't want to lose my family, I don't want to lose my husband."

Feng Yuluan sighed, "Madam, I'm sorry, but sometimes people's feelings change, and we can't predict or control it. The key now is how to find a relatively balanced solution in this difficult moment to ensure that you and your family can continue to live in the future."

Mrs. Zhou was silent for a while, then raised her head, her eyes flashing with determination, "I don't want to divorce, why should I let that mistress enter the house?"

Feng Yuluan nodded slightly, "Madam, I appreciate it. I appreciate your determination. But remember, our goal is to find a fair and reasonable solution, not to hurt each other. We can minimize the harm to you and your family through dialogue and negotiation. "

"Lawyer Feng, do you really want to divorce me? If your husband cheated on you and wanted to divorce you because of the mistress, would you be willing?"

Feng Yuluan looked at her and said, "I would choose divorce without hesitation, because he has betrayed our original marriage vows and promises! Even if I tie him to my side, I will not be happy in the second half of my life."

Mrs. Zhou was stunned when she heard this, and she thought about what she said carefully.

Half an hour later, she gave in.

She picked up the divorce agreement and took a look.

"Mrs. Zhou, you can take a look at the terms on property division and child support. You can raise any demands. Mr. Zhou said that he will try his best to satisfy you." Feng Yuluan said softly.

After reading the divorce agreement, Mrs. Zhou said heavily, "I can accept all these conditions. Regarding the child custody, I want the child to choose for himself."

Zhou Hao gave her 60% of the property, which was enough for her to live a worry-free life in the second half of her life.

In the agreement, the child's custody is given to Zhou Hao, because Zhou Hao considered that she might remarry in the future, it would be inconvenient to take care of a child, and Zhou Jiaojiao was not a worry-free child, so he wrote this clause.

In fact, she didn't have to fight for custody, she just wanted the child to make her own choice.

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