The next day.

When Feng Yuluan woke up, she happened to see Jiang Yunting who was still getting dressed.

"You got up?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Yunting was startled.

"Yeah." Then he responded lightly.

"Are you busy today? Are you going to the flower viewing banquet?" Feng Yuluan got up and put on her coat, and tied it up casually.

She took the belt at the end of the bed and walked towards Jiang Yunting.

"No, nothing, I just want to go to the army to take a look, and I won't go to the flower viewing banquet." Jiang Yunting replied, fastened his middle coat and put on his coat.

Feng Yuluan tidied the clothes around his shoulders and neck, and then took the belt to help him tie it from the front.

Jiang Yunting felt her embrace, he stiffened his body, his ears turned red, and he stammered, "Yes, or, I, I will do it myself."

Feng Yuluan ignored him and helped him tie it up by herself.

"Come back early." Feng Yuluan said after she tied up and helped him straighten his clothes.

Jiang Yunting smelled the woman's body fragrance and couldn't help swallowing gently. He subconsciously hugged her in his arms, "Yeah."

Then he ran away shyly.

Seeing that it was still early, Feng Yuluan asked someone to fetch a bucket of water and took a comfortable hot bath.

After washing and dressing up, she came to the front hall.

She was a little surprised to see Jiang Linlin sitting at the dining table.

What's going on?

Didn't she not go?

"Sister-in-law! Come on, come on!" Jiang Linlin waved to Feng Yuluan enthusiastically.

Feng Yuluan suppressed her doubts and walked towards her with a faint smile.

"Sister, you got up so early today, are you going to the banquet together?" Feng Yuluan approached, sat next to her, and asked with a smile.

Jiang Linlin nodded.

"Yes! Sister-in-law, I changed my mind again. I want to go with you."

"Oh, that's good." Feng Yuluan nodded with a smile.

Well, let's meet if we meet.

She has tried her best.

After a while, Mrs. Jiang also came out, and the three of them got on the carriage to the Princess's Mansion after dinner.

They didn't come early, and many people had already entered the Princess's Mansion.

They took the invitation and successfully entered the Princess's Mansion.

Under the guidance of the maid, they came to the back garden. In the garden of the Princess's Mansion, various chrysanthemums competed for beauty and bloomed, which was beautiful.

They sat down in their seats, and so did other guests.

Jiang Linlin secretly came to sit next to Miss Xu.

After about an incense stick of time, everyone was there.

The Princess then announced the start of the banquet.

The customs of the Daxing Dynasty were relatively open. Men and women could sit together and there was no need for curtains to cover them. Therefore, there were both men and women at the banquet, but there were more women.

Everyone sat in their seats, eating their own food, and occasionally chatting quietly with the people next to them.

"Everyone." The princess said to everyone, "Everyone came to attend the flower-viewing banquet today. It would be too boring to just appreciate the flowers. Why not do something interesting?"

"Princess, you say." Someone echoed below.

The princess smiled and said, "Why don't a few people improvise poems? Today I specially invited Master Chen from the academy to judge, okay?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the half-bearded master and nodded repeatedly.

Master Chen is the most powerful master in the Daxing Dynasty. He has produced many champions and treble winners! There is nothing to question about his knowledge, so it is very good for him to be the judge.

"Master Chen, what do you think?" the princess asked.

"It's better to obey than to be respectful." Master Chen nodded with a smile.

"In that case, who will start?" The princess looked at everyone and said.

Everyone didn't dare to speak.

They didn't dare to be the first person. If they did well, it would be fine. If they did poorly, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Everyone was silent.

"This princess forgot something. Since it's a poetry competition, there should be a prize! Come! Bring me my pair of jade ruyi!" The princess smiled and ordered the maid next to her.

The maid took the order and retreated.

"Today's first prize is a pair of jade ruyi. So, who will go first?" The princess asked again.

After a discussion, a clear male voice sounded, "Princess, come down!"

Everyone looked at him and saw a thin man wearing a long coat that had been washed and faded. There was still a little mud on his shoes. It was obviously wiped, but not wiped clean.

Everyone couldn't help but discuss, "Who is this man?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him before."

Even Jiang Linlin was curious about him. The man was very thin and looked malnourished.

Someone took up the conversation, so the conversation would not be dull. The princess was very happy. She looked at him for a while and asked, "Who are you?"

The man saw that they were all dressed in gorgeous clothes and he seemed out of place. He felt a little ashamed.

Master Chen took over the conversation and said, "Reply to the princess, heIt's my student Xiao Zixuan. Although he comes from a poor family, he is very talented. He has passed the examination and became a scholar at a young age! He will definitely achieve something in the future. "

Mr. Chen was very pleased when he mentioned him. This student has good comprehension and is much smarter than ordinary people. He is just a little conceited, but this is not a big problem. He just needs more guidance.

He will change slowly.

"So you are Mr. Chen's student! You must be very knowledgeable. Let's start with you!" The princess said with a smile.

Although she looked down on this poor boy from the bottom of her heart, she still took Mr. Chen's face into consideration.

"Yes!" Xiao Zixuan walked to the middle and saluted.

"May I ask the princess, what is the topic of the poem?" Xiao Zixuan asked respectfully.

"This..." The princess looked around, her eyes locked on a cluster of chrysanthemums, smiled and said, "This chrysanthemum is so gorgeous, let's use it as the topic!"

"Okay! "Xiao Zixuan then observed the gorgeous chrysanthemums, sorted out his thoughts, and then chanted loudly: "The yellow flowers are playing with the autumn sun, and countless bees are playing with the road."

He turned his eyes to the crowd and accidentally looked at Jiang Linlin, and immediately looked away.

Jiang Linlin's heart was thumping instantly.

"Good!" Everyone applauded.

"Not bad! Not bad! What do you think, Master Chen?" The princess nodded with satisfaction.

"I think it's good too. It didn't write about the fragrance of flowers, but it fully reflects the beauty and fragrance of flowers! It's a good poem!" Master Chen stroked his beard and praised it.

Everyone nodded again and again.

It's rare to be able to write a poem in such a short time.

You are worthy of being Master Chen's student!

"Next, who's coming?" The princess asked.

"I'll do it! "A boudoir girl, dressed in purple, stroked her black hair, and said softly: "The purple chrysanthemum cape scatters the sunset, and the light skin and weak bones scatter the flowers."

"Wonderful! You are worthy of being the first talented woman!"

"It's even better than what Master Chen's students wrote!"

Master Chen was also smiling and nodded repeatedly.

It's rare that this female student has reached such a level! If she were a man, she would definitely be able to do something!

The name of the talented woman is really well-deserved!

Xiao Zixuan, who was sitting in the audience, was very unhappy when he heard this, but he still had a faint smile on his face.

If his family background was like hers, and he had been guided by Master since childhood, he would definitely be better than her!

Xiao Zixuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched tightly.

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