"I only respect my father and mother, you are not qualified for me to respect you!" Yuanxiao was not afraid.

Yuanxiao often went up the mountain to hunt, chasing and fighting with various wild animals. He had a good skill and was often injured. He was not so delicate. His physical fitness was not comparable to that of ordinary children of twelve or thirteen years old. His height and muscle strength were comparable to those of children of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Although his skin became a little whiter now, his refined physique remained unchanged. After the Yijing marrow washing, he felt that his body was full of vitality, his movements were much more sensitive, and even his hearing and vision were improved. He really lived up to the saying of "sharp ears and sharp eyes".

Besides, now that he had the Tianqi Pearl, if he had a fight today, he would be afraid of getting hurt. If this boy in fancy clothes really wanted to make trouble, he would fight him today.

"You thorn, are you not convinced!" The young man in fancy clothes wanted to take action, but Yuanxiao stood still.

"I am not convinced either. I, Ma Tao, support this little brother!" A sturdy young man walked out of the crowd leaning against the door and stood beside Yuanxiao. He was also very angry just now. Now that he saw someone dared to resist, when would he come out to help!

Some people may never be willing to be the first person, but they dare to be the second person. As long as someone dares to take the lead, he dares to follow. Maybe in this way he will not feel lonely and will be more courageous!

"Hit me!" The young man in Chinese clothes is also a sinister character, not a person who is fierce on the outside but weak on the inside. He took the lead with a right fist and hit Yuanxiao's nose.

Yuanxiao dodged to the left side. The unexpected right fist of the young man in Chinese clothes just now brushed his right cheek, but it just rubbed his skin and was not hit.

Yuanxiao took advantage of the situation and held the right arm of the young man in Chinese clothes with his right hand, pulled it backwards, and at the same time stretched out his right foot to trip the sole of his foot.

The young man in Chinese clothes punched too hard, and Yuanxiao pulled him along, tripping him and sending him flying. His face landed on the floor, causing a nosebleed and scratches on his nose and face.

Several minions under the young man in Chinese clothes were about to help, but were stopped by Ma Tao and Hu Lai. They pushed each other but couldn't get through.

The minions were probably just fence-sitters who didn't really want to fight to the death, so they pushed and yelled at Ma Tao and Hu Lai, but didn't fight.

The young man in Chinese clothes was not one to suffer a loss, so he got up, grabbed a bench next to him and threw it over.

Yuanxiao could have dodged it, but there were other people behind him, and if he dodged it, he might hit other people, so Yuanxiao crossed his arms and took the bench, and his arms suddenly felt a burning pain.

The young man in Chinese clothes rushed over with the bench and kicked Yuanxiao in the abdomen. Yuanxiao was the first to arrive, and kicked the inner side of the calf of the young man in Chinese clothes with his right foot, causing the opponent's kick to miss, and the whole person's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to Yuanxiao.

Yuanxiao didn't want to get entangled with him, so he quickly dodged, and the young man in Chinese clothes fell to the ground again.

The young man in Chinese clothes shouted when he fell to the ground: "Go and call your cousin!"

One of the minions just now ran out immediately, probably to call the so-called cousin. The fat man Hu Lai also felt that it was not good, and suddenly remembered his senior brothers and sisters in the square, slapped his head and ran out.

Yuanxiao was angry. This guy still wanted to call for help. His cousin was probably at least a young man in his twenties. If he really came over, he would definitely suffer a great loss when he was fighting two people. It would be better to deal with one now!

In a hurry, Yuanxiao ran over quickly and punched the guy twice on the back.

The young man in Chinese clothes felt pain, turned over suddenly, and climbed up. Grabbed the bench that had just been thrown on the ground, picked it up in his hand and smashed it again. The opponent had a weapon in hand, so Yuanxiao had to take a step back to dodge.

When the opponent's bench slid across his chest and fell to the ground, Yuanxiao took advantage of the fact that his old strength was exhausted and his new strength had not yet been generated, and he could not change his movements. He quickly stepped forward and punched the Chinese-dressed youth in the chest, hitting the Chinese-dressed youth backwards, but the bench in his hand was still not released, indicating that this guy wanted to fight again. A sixteen or seventeen-year-old vicious man was indeed not so easy to subdue.

The Chinese-dressed youth stood up again, regardless of the safety of the people in the room, and threw the bench hard at Yuanxiao again.

Yuanxiao saw the right time and angle, stretched out his hands to catch the bench, and his joints in both hands hurt, so he threw the bench out of the door. At the same time, he quickly squatted down and rushed forward, just using his shoulder to support the Chinese-dressed youth's abdomen, and hugged the Chinese-dressed youth and fell forward, just pressing the Chinese-dressed youth to the ground.

Yuanxiao raised his fist and punched him in the face. The young man in fancy clothes was lying on the ground with both hands unable to exert strength. He could only raise his left hand to protect his cheek and stretched out his right hand to Yuanxiao to push him away from him. But it was too late. He had been punched in the face. Maybe the injury was not serious, but the nosebleed was very embarrassing.

"Stop!" A young man in white came up with the sound of the voice, grabbed Yuanxiao's right hand, and lifted Yuanxiao from the young man in fancy clothes. Yuanxiao could not move immediately.

"Cousin!" The young man in fancy clothes was about to complain, but was stopped by the eyes of the young man in white. He had roughly known what was going on through the little minions who had just reported the news. This cousin was not right, so it was better not to let him speak.

"What's your name?" The young man in white looked at Yuanxiao.

Yuanxiao thought to himself, it's bad! This young man in white was wearing the same Yunhaimen uniform as Zhang Dahai, and he was clearly also an inner disciple of Yunhaimen. The reason why Yuanxiao and the other two did not see this inner disciple at the reception station was because he went back to his hometown alone to pick up his cousin, so he was not present for registration this afternoon.

The young man in white now felt that Zhang Dahai and Zhou Qingqing were walking towards the room, so he let go of Yuan Xiao's hand and did not make any new move.

"Junior brother Wang Jin is back. I was looking for you. This is the list of all the children who came to register today. You can take a look at it first. I will make a copy for you later!" Zhang Dahai said and walked in.

"Thank you for your hard work. These kids are fighting. Junior brother, I'm here to stop them. There's nothing going on now. Let them rest early. It's normal for young people to be competitive. The development of the sect is also inseparable from this energy!" Wang Jin said lightly! He said, seemingly trying to calm things down.

"That's right. Didn't we have a few fights in the duel field after we entered the sect? The scene was much more powerful than the fight between these two kids now!"

Zhang Dahai turned around and said to the children: "Everyone, please go to bed early! Let's set off tomorrow morning!"

Wang Jin immediately said to the young man in colorful clothes: "Wang Yin, come with me to take care of the wound. You can sleep with me tonight." After saying that, Wang Jin walked out first, and Wang Yin immediately followed after hearing the words.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be very skilled! Before I came here, I thought you had been badly beaten. Now, this is a bottle of rudimentary moisturizing ointment. It is very effective in treating minor injuries. Please rub it on at night!" Zhang Dahai Without any explanation, a small medicine bottle was thrown over.

Yuan Xiao had no choice but to catch it, accepted the favor, and said, "Thank you, senior brother!"

The little fat man came over and asked, "Is the injury serious?"

"You should ask Wang Yin about this, brother, I'm fine!" Yuan Xiao didn't want to worry the little fat man, so he said easily. The injury was not serious at first. It was mainly due to the two hands and two arms being forced on the bench twice. Now they are red and swollen. But with the Apocalypse Pearl in hand, it only takes less than half a stick of incense, so it is really easy.

"You're just a stinker, but you were really powerful just now!"

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