The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 86: The Lihen Ancestor is chasing after me

Li Hai roared, struggling to hold up the protective shield on his body, and pushed the protective shield outward another three feet.

Then, Xiao Huang's Ice Wind Blade hit the protective shield. The protective shield shook but was not damaged. Although Lihuo Sword's fire snake did not break through the protective shield, it attached to the protective shield and began to burn continuously.

Upon seeing this, Yuanxiao immediately landed next to the burned and dying centipede, cut off the centipede's head with a sword, and put the centipede's body into a storage bag.

However, Xiao Huang continued to use his claws to cut the protective shield crazily, Li Hai was shocked! I saw several small holes gradually being burned into the protective shield by the fire snake, and then several holes were connected together to form a large hole.

Moreover, Li Hai sadly discovered that the spiritual energy in his body was no longer enough.

The previous battle consumption, coupled with the continuous consumption of spiritual energy by the protective shield, has consumed most of the body's spiritual energy reserves. At this time, the casting effect is no longer as good as before. What should I do? Are we going to fall into the hands of this man and this beast today?

While you are sick, I will kill you! Just when Li Hai started to think wildly, Xiao Huang saw the big hole opened by the Li Fire Sword and Fire Snake. He walked around and punched two ice wind blades in. Li Hai had no way to avoid it and was hit in the middle of the abdomen. His whole body immediately stiffened. fell down.

Xiao Huang hit Li Hai with two more sharp blades, which hit him on the buttocks of Li Hai who had fallen down. The buttocks were immediately bloody and bloody.

Then I saw Li Hai covering his abdomen with one hand and his butt with the other, twitching on the ground!

Xiao Huang seemed to have suddenly discovered a new world. The effect of this ice blade spanking was quite good!

It seems that I have to summarize a set of spanking skills in the future. I will specialize in spanking to deal with evil people like Li Hai, hehe!

Xiao Huang and Yuan Xiao were about to take action again when suddenly two beams of spiritual power shot from a distance, and at the same time Li Hai was swept up by a spiritual power and flew away into the distance.

One of the beams hit Xiao Huang, and he immediately knocked Xiao Huang somersaulting in the air. Fortunately, Xiao Huang had recently taken supplements of snake meat, which had rough skin and thick flesh, and the Five Elements Beads were integrated into his body. At this moment, his protection was actively activated, so there was no serious problem. But the blood was still surging from the shock, and the skin on the body where he was hit was broken and bleeding.

After Yuanxiao was hit, he retreated five feet. His whole body was in severe pain, and his mouth felt sweet. He must have been bleeding from the mouth!

Just an ordinary spiritual beam penetrated Yuanxiao's Ice Spirit Shield. Although most of the power was offset by the Ice Spirit Shield, the remaining small part still hit the innermost Five Elements Pearl Shield. , I saw the purple five-element beads suddenly speeding up and spinning, but instead of blocking all the spiritual energy beams, they actually began to absorb them.

Fortunately, with the protection of these two powerful shields, it was only a slight injury!

Ancestor Lihen has arrived!

Yuan Xiao immediately winked at Xiao Huang and ran away!

Yuanxiao immediately stepped on the Lihuo Sword and flew forward. Xiao Huang also immediately flew in the direction of Yuanxiao's progress, just flying to Yuanxiao's feet, seamlessly connecting.

Yuanxiao sat down on Xiao Huang's back, holding the Lihuo Sword with one hand. Then Xiao Huang suddenly accelerated and was gone in the blink of an eye!

I saw Patriarch Li Hen holding Li Hai with one hand and arriving at the scene of the battle in an instant. I saw the head of the centipede lying on the ground, as if telling the story of the previous tragic situation.

Ancestor Lihen was furious! A spiritual beast that established the Great Perfection of Foundations, the sect had fed it for hundreds of years, and yet its body and head were missing.

Then look at his grandson Li Hai. He is frozen and can hardly move. His abdomen is bloody and badly injured. Especially his buttocks were hit twice. Two holes were torn in his pants, and his bloody buttocks are exposed. out.

For Li Hai, who wants to save face, this is not only a physical attack, but also a magic attack, and even a mental attack! What a shame!

Li Hen ignored the remains of the centipede on the ground, grabbed Li Hai's shoulders and chased him forward like a sharp arrow.

Soon, Ancestor Lihen’s face turned ugly. He was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but he couldn't catch up with the person and beast in front of him!

In the golden elixir stage, one can fly with swords and with air.

The flying speed of a flying sword is closely related to the quality attributes of the flying sword. Even if the same person uses flying swords of different qualities, the flying speed will vary greatly.

The speed of air-controlling flight is closely related to the immortal cultivator himself. The speed of the immortal cultivator's own spiritual energy, the total amount and compression degree of spiritual energy, and whether he has practiced special skills related to body speed will all affect the speed of air-controlling flight. .

Ancestor Lihen obviously has not practiced any special skills related to body movements, nor is he good at flying swords at speed. He just relies on his mid-stage cultivation of Jindan to control air and fly to catch up, which is much slower than ordinary Jindan. What's more, he was still holding Li Hai in his hand, which was dragging him down even more slowly.

Now I am chasing a stick of incense, but I haven't closed the distance with the person or beast in front of me at all. Li Hen was shocked in his heart. The speed of this spiritual beast Flying Tiger was so amazing. It was probably because of some special mutation!

Lihen had seen Feihu with perfect foundation-building strength before, but he didn't have this speed at all.

How did Lihen know that Feihu Xiaohuang had awakened twice, and had swallowed the demon elixir of the Foundation-Building Snake King to double his strength? After incorporating the Five Elements Pearl, his strength had reached a new level, and his ice and wind attributes had greatly improved. The improvement, so the damage is higher and the speed is faster than before. Xiao Huang is following Yuanxiao, he is just a freak full of opportunities, and it cannot be inferred by common sense!

In fact, Xiao Huang and Yuan Xiao were also shocked in the front! Xiao Huang's current speed can be described as lightning fast, but even with full strength, he still couldn't get rid of Li Hen Patriarch. Don't forget that Li Hen Patriarch is still holding Li Hai in his hand. Li Hai will definitely have a certain drag and influence on Li Hen Patriarch's flying speed.

But even so, the flying speeds of the two groups are still comparable. It can be seen that if Li Hen Patriarch leaves Li Hai behind, he is likely to catch up with Yuan Xiao and Xiao Huang slowly!

But Li Hai can't be left behind easily. Now Li Hai is seriously injured. If he is left behind now, he may be in danger!

Two hours later, Li Hen Patriarch still didn't catch up with Xiao Huang and Yuan Xiao! If it is a normal journey, the spiritual energy consumption is not so great. But I have been flying with full strength, and I have been holding Li Hai in my hand, which has consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Li Hen realized that if he continued to fly with all his strength for another hour or two, his spiritual energy would gradually run out, and he didn't know how much combat power he could exert by then. Even if he could catch up, he might not be able to take down the man and beast in front of him! The two guys in front were obviously very cunning.

Li Hen finally made a bold decision, tilted down and fell to the ground, leaving Li Hai behind, and came to chase Yuan Xiao and Xiao Huang alone.

Without the drag of Li Hai, Li Hen's speed instantly increased by one section, and he slowly got closer and closer to Xiao Huang and Yuan Xiao!

When Yuan Xiao saw Li Hen leaving Li Hai behind, he knew that something was wrong!

He immediately lowered his head and said to Xiao Huang: "I will resist Li Hen's moves later, and you go back to attack Li Hai! When Li Hen returns to save Li Hai, we will run straight east together!" Xiao Huang nodded immediately.

After an incense stick, Li Hen, who was alone, finally approached Xiao Huang and Yuan Xiao, and had entered the range suitable for attack.

Ancestor Lihen waved his hand and shot out a green dagger to attack Yuanxiao, and with his other hand shot out a fire scorpion to fly towards Xiaohuang.

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