The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 80 The fusion of Fire Dragon and Ice Luan is revealed

Just after drinking half of the spiritual liquid, Xiao Huang felt uncomfortable in his stomach again. Why did he want to pee after drinking the highly concentrated spiritual liquid? Where can he find a mouse? Is he going to waste such a precious thing this time?

As a result, Xiao Huang, who was looking around to find a mouse, was slapped on the back of his head again.

"What are you looking at! Quickly circulate the spiritual power in your body!" Yuan Xiao roared, then raised his hand and made a mark to hit Xiao Huang and drill into his body. Then the five elements beads in Xiao Huang's body slowly rotated.

Gradually, the green color of Xiao Huang's wings became darker, and finally turned into the blue color of deep sea ice. The tips of the wings moved without wind, and there were wisps of small cyclones rising from the tips of the wings.

An hour later, the five elements beads in Xiao Huang's body had been absorbed and began to feed back. Xiao Huang only felt the transformed ice and wind spiritual energy filling his body. He flapped his wings lightly and disappeared in the sky in an instant. A moment later, he fell from the sky again, and his flying speed increased by another knot.

Yuanxiao was very satisfied with Xiao Huang's flying performance, so he let it compete with Xiao Jin in flying, and waved his hand to drive the two beasts away.

Yuanxiao sat cross-legged, took out the last five-element bead, and took out the Red Dragon Sword and placed it on his knees.

Ever since he learned about Bingluan from Hai Laodao last time, Yuanxiao had a bold idea to merge Bingluan's spirit into the Red Dragon Sword.

Now he has an additional top-grade spiritual weapon, the Yin-Yang Mirror. Grandpa Yuan also said that this mysterious Yin-Yang Mirror has the potential to grow into a top-grade spiritual weapon.

But Yuanxiao does not want to merge Bingluan into the Yin-Yang Mirror, because the Yin-Yang Mirror is a spiritual weapon that focuses on defense, while Bingluan is an undoubted ice-attributed attacking beast. Only by merging it into a spiritual weapon that focuses on attack can its value be better exerted.

At present, the best attacking spiritual weapon in Yuanxiao's hand is undoubtedly the top-grade spiritual weapon, the Red Dragon Sword. Even Hai Laodao suspects that the Red Dragon Sword is close to a top-grade spiritual weapon!

However, the Little Fire Dragon Spirit has already settled in the Red Dragon Sword, and it is a bit difficult to integrate the Ice Luan Spirit again. Last time at Hai Lao Dao's place, the two guys fought each other the first time they met, not only shattering Hai Lao Dao's bell-shaped magic weapon, but also blowing up a big hole in the valley.

It seems that I can only go through this parent, who is the common parent of both parties!

Yuan Xiao threw the Five Elements Bead in his hand into his stomach, and after making a mark, he let the Five Elements Bead slowly rotate. Then he reached out and took out the Ice Luan Bead. The Ice Luan had recognized its master since drinking Yuan Xiao's blood last time. When she suddenly saw Yuan Xiao, she immediately became excited.

Yuan Xiao spit out the spiritual power in his right hand, melting the shell of the Ice Luan Bead from the outside. After the azure Ice Luan regained its freedom, it began to hover in the palm of his hand, and finally fell into the palm of Yuan Xiao's hand.

As soon as Yuanxiao grabbed Bingluan, he began to nag: "Xiaobing, don't attack Xiaolong again when you see him later! You two haven't paid for blowing up the big clock on Hailaodao last time, but it's all on me!"

Bingluan turned her face away. Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yuanxiao then summoned the little fire dragon from the Red Dragon Sword and grabbed it in his left palm, just one in each hand. Bingluan was in the right palm, and the little fire dragon was in the left palm.

"Xiaolong, this is your brother Xiaobing, come and smile and say hello!" Yuanxiao's voice was not finished, and he felt a riot in his two palms. Neither of the two guys gave face, and they seemed to struggle to get out, but they didn't want to tear the master's palm apart.

The two spirits were connected to Yuanxiao's thoughts, and at this moment they both said: We must decide who is better today and see who is the first!

Yuanxiao quickly clenched his palms tighter, fearing that someone would run out.

Just as he was about to use his eloquence to brainwash both parties, he suddenly felt a stream of extremely fire-attributed spiritual energy spreading from his left hand to his whole body, and at the same time, a stream of extremely ice-attributed spiritual energy spreading from his right hand to his whole body. Xiaolong and Xiaobing actually treated Yuanxiao's body as a battlefield, each outputting spiritual energy to suppress the other.

Yuanxiao only felt that half of his body was like falling into a furnace, burning and painful. The other side of his body was like falling into an ice cave, freezing cold.

The two streams of extremely fire and extremely ice-attributed spiritual energy met in his abdomen and eventually flowed into the Five Elements Bead. The Five Elements Bead was originally just rotating slowly, but now it suddenly rotated at high speed.

The first time the Five Elements Bead entered the owner's body, it would normally absorb spiritual energy until it was full and then start to feed back. This time, before it began to absorb much of Yuanxiao's spiritual energy, it suddenly absorbed two powerful extremely attribute spiritual energy, one ice and one fire, which pushed the Five Elements Bead to rotate rapidly. Ice and fire began to fight in the Five Elements Bead and also began to merge.

Yuanxiao released his spiritual sense to look inside the Five Elements Beads, and saw that the Five Elements Beads, which were originally white, were red for a while, and blue for a while, constantly changing colors.

Yuanxiao's body was like a high-speed channel at this time, and the two extreme attributes of ice and fire were madly pouring into his body from the palms of his hands, and finally rushed to the Five Elements Beads to fight!

Yuanxiao experienced the two worlds of ice and fire, and was in great pain, but he still gritted his teeth and circulated a stream of spiritual energy, and also rushed to the Five Elements Beads to merge together. This was not only related to the rooting and fusion of the Five Elements Beads in his body, but also related to the central coordination of the two attributes of ice and fire. Otherwise, if they continued to fight in the Five Elements Beads, the Five Elements Beads would explode in the end!

Gradually, Yuanxiao's spiritual energy was mixed into the extreme fire attribute spiritual energy and the extreme ice attribute spiritual energy respectively, and the confrontation between the ice and fire spiritual energy in the Five Elements Beads finally calmed down and gradually weakened. It worked! After all, the person who recognized the master of the little fire dragon and the ice phoenix was the same, both Yuanxiao.

Now Yuanxiao's spiritual energy is mixed with the ice and fire spiritual energy, and gradually merges into one in the Five Elements Bead. It not only eliminates the attribute confrontation, but also creates a super powerful Five Elements Bead!

The five-element bead finally settled in purple, which was the final color formed after the fusion of extreme ice and extreme fire attributes. Yuanxiao felt that the five-element bead had absorbed the great perfection and had fed back waves of powerful ice and fire dual-attribute aura.

In the future, if Yuanxiao uses ice or fire magical skills, or uses ice or fire spiritual tools, its power will be greatly enhanced, and the effect of passive protection will also be enhanced.

Although the rotation speed of the five-element bead in the body is now slower than before, it is still higher than the rotation speed of the five-element bead in Xiaojin and Xiaohuang. It can be seen that the purple five-element bead in Yuanxiao's body has mutated. At this moment, both the speed of absorbing aura from nature and the speed of converting aura in the body into aura of other attributes have been significantly improved.

Yuan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and let go of his hands with relief, and said to Xiaohulong and Bingluan: "Okay, you can talk about the rest slowly. You can fight, just remember not to knock each other's brains out!"

As he said that, he slapped Bingluan and Xiaohulong into the Red Dragon Sword. The Red Dragon Sword seemed to boil, and the fiery red and azure blue alternated and circulated, wandering in the sword body. The sword body then emitted a layer of red and blue flames, and a powerful breath was immediately transmitted to Yuan Xiao through the divine mind.

After a moment, the Red Dragon Sword flashed a strange light and rushed straight into the sky. Through the divine thoughts of Xiaolong and Xiaobing, Yuan Xiao instantly understood something.

Yuan Xiao was shocked and immediately put away the Red Dragon Sword, called back Xiao Huang and Xiao Jin and immediately flew west to escape.

Xiao Huang exerted the maximum power of the Five Elements Bead to transform the wind attribute and disappeared instantly.

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