Yuanxiao suddenly felt as if the luck beads were playing hide-and-seek with him, and it all depended on who had better luck. If you can find them and catch them, it means you have good luck!

Xiaojin suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance ahead. Yuanxiao looked up and saw three luck beads floating in the air, as if they were looking over here. After Yuanxiao looked at them, the three luck beads scattered and flew to different places, and the place was empty in an instant.

"Xiaojin, this is the luck beads provoking us. We can't let them down and show them some strength. Playing hide-and-seek, who are we afraid of, right?" Yuanxiao began to stimulate Xiaojin.

Xiaojin nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and was immediately furious: Playing hide-and-seek, I can be the ancestor of you luck beads, and you dare to provoke me. When I find you later, I will let the little master beat you up!

One of them was hidden in a tree hole. After being discovered by Xiao Jin, Yuan Xiao reached out to block the hole, and caught it easily like catching a turtle in a jar. Another one was hidden in a pigeon nest, pretending to be a pigeon egg, but was also caught by Yuan Xiao.

Yuan Xiao laughed secretly, although you look a bit like a pigeon egg, you exude mysterious energy all over your body, and you still want to deceive Xiao Jin? You are really crazy!

The last one was super dirty, hiding next to a pile of wild animal feces. Although it didn't touch the feces, it was indeed very close. It seems that it is purely to disgust people, to see if you will come to me?

Xiao Jin and Yuan Xiao shook their heads and were about to give up this luck bead. As a result, the equally dirty Xiao Huang jumped over, pressed the luck bead with two claws together, turned around and shouted to take credit!

That scene was really unbearable to watch! It was as if Xiao Huang was guarding the pile of feces.

Xiao Huang performed acrobatics, stood up, grabbed the Mingyue Pearl with two claws together, walked on his two hind legs, and ran towards Yuan Xiao.

Yuanxiao grabbed the luck bead, stretched out his other hand and hit it, cursing: "How shameless, you can hide near the manure!" The luck bead then shook wildly, as if laughing!

Chirp, chirp, Xiao Jin suddenly called three times in a row, very quickly. Yuanxiao and Xiao Jin have been together day and night, and have already formed a tacit understanding. He immediately knew that this was an enemy attack warning!

Yuanxiao instantly put away the luck bead, took out the Jinyuan stick and smashed it towards the empty space beside him. Sure enough, with a clang, the Jinyuan stick and a golden mace collided with each other, splashing a ball of sparks, and each was bounced away at the same time.

Yuanxiao was shocked and numb in the tiger's mouth. When he looked closely, he found that the person who came was one of the two strongest among the five demons, Qilinzi.

At this moment, Qilinzi was not feeling well either. The golden mace in his hand almost slipped out of his hand. He has always swept the whole field among the younger generation of the demons. When has he ever seen a freak like Yuanxiao!

Xiao Huang had just been appointed as an official, and it was time for him to show off. He flapped his wings, and several ice wind blades flew over, followed by two ice hurricanes. If the enemy was hit by the ice wind blades and slowed down, he would not be able to avoid the ice hurricanes behind.

Unexpectedly, Qilinzi was quick-witted and used the golden mace to deflect the ice wind blades, and then teleported to Xiao Huang's side, trying to hit Xiao Huang's head. Yuan Xiao performed the flash escape, and was the first to arrive, deflecting the golden mace, and punched Qilinzi in the face.

Qilinzi immediately extended his left fist to fight back. With a bang, Yuan Xiao was knocked back a foot, but Qilinzi was knocked back two feet.

Qilinzi showed an incredible expression. He had always been called a strongman in the demon clan, but he didn't expect to capsize today and lose to a human boy in a physical strength competition. If it weren't for the severe pain in his fist, he would even think he was dreaming.

Just as he was stunned, Xiao Jin passed by his face. Qilinzi immediately tilted his head and was almost blinded. Xiao Huang was ferocious and rushed over. Yuanxiao also jumped up, swung the Jinyuan stick, and hit him on the head.

Qilinzi immediately teleported and escaped the encirclement, but as soon as he appeared, Yuanxiao appeared beside him and hit him again. Qilinzi was shocked. How did Yuanxiao do it? Just relying on his body skills, he exceeded the speed of teleportation, and he was attacked as soon as he appeared. It was really unreasonable!

Yuanxiao saw Qilinzi flashing, and a rock and soil shield was immediately generated to block the Jinyuan stick. With a bang, the rock and soil shield shattered, but the Jinyuan stick was also bounced away and lost kinetic energy.

Qilinzi seized the opportunity, and the golden mace in his hand emitted a beam of spiritual power, hitting Yuanxiao, and at the same time, the beast in the golden mace appeared and flew towards Yuanxiao.

The spiritual beam was also blocked by the Ice Spirit Shield, and the Ice Spirit Shield only shook violently a few times, but was not broken. This is the powerful effect after Yuanxiao upgraded the Ice Spirit Shield to the best quality.

As a result, the beast in the golden mace was stunned after flying halfway out, floating in the air motionless. Yuanxiao knew what was going on at a glance, because it was a Qilin beast, one of the six ancient beasts.

As soon as the Qilin beast flew out, it felt the strong ancient god aura on Yuanxiao's body. The mark engraved in its bones made it unable to do anything again, because that was half of its master. Slip away, it has nothing to do with me, I can only pretend not to see it, otherwise what do you want me to do?

The Qilin beast slid back to the golden mace and never came out again. Qilinzi was shocked. Why did this guy fail at the critical moment? He quickly summoned the Qilin beast again, but there was no response at all.

But Xiao Huang was already biting the shield on his body frantically, and Yuanxiao and Xiao Jin also pounced on him. Qilinzi felt that today was not going well and had already thought of giving up.

Yuanxiao shouted: "Xiao Jin!"

Xiaojin's long-accumulated super-strong sound wave attack instantly hit Qilinzi. Qilinzi was about to launch teleportation, but was instantly distracted. Although it was only less than a breath, Yuanxiao had taken away the golden mace and grabbed his right wrist.

When Qilinzi woke up, he found that the golden mace in his hand had disappeared, and his right wrist was held by Yuanxiao. He was horrified! Doesn't this mean that his life has been held in Yuanxiao's hands? If Yuanxiao had not taken the golden mace just now, but had attacked him with all his strength, he might have been dead or disabled!

Qilinzi instantly burst out with spiritual energy, trying to shake Yuanxiao away, but his wrist was locked by a black iron chain and did not move at all. He punched with his left hand again, but was also caught by Yuanxiao's right hand.

"Xiao Huang!" Yuanxiao shouted again.

Xiao Huang immediately used the tiger roar and dragon roar to make Qilinzi lose consciousness for less than a breath.

When Qilinzi woke up again, he found that his right wrist was still held by Yuanxiao, but Yuanxiao had a flying sword in his hand, which was pressed against his dantian. At the same time, Xiao Huang held his left leg, ready to bite it at any time. Xiao Jin squatted on his shoulder, and his claws were already on his throat.

After being unconscious twice in a row, Qilinzi was in a desperate situation and on the verge of death.

"You can kill me or chop me up, whatever you want!" Qilinzi was still tough.

But Yuanxiao asked: "Have you found the luck bead? I'll use the luck bead on my body to exchange for your life!"

"No!" Qilinzi answered very straightforwardly.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Jin, do it!" Yuanxiao gave an order, and Xiao Huang began to slowly close his tiger's mouth, and Xiao Jin began to slowly pierce Qilinzi's throat with his claws.

Yuanxiao knew that some people would not cry until they saw the coffin!

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