The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 675: Bombarding the Cave Residence of the Yihang Kingdom Branch

At this time, another figure appeared in front of the three people and said, "It's you two! You escaped last time, so you won't be so lucky this time!"

The man who came was the red-haired strong man, the demon cultivator who had passed the great perfection of the tribulation, the Firebird.

"Sorry, this time we also found a helper who had passed the great perfection of the tribulation, maybe we don't have to escape!" Yuanxiao said, and deliberately said that Hunyuanzi's cultivation was the great perfection of the tribulation, so that the Firebird would have a chance.

"A helper who has passed the great perfection of the tribulation? Are you talking about this sloppy man in red?" The Firebird smiled contemptuously.

A handsome young man, wearing bright red clothes, how can he be a master? It's more like singing in a teahouse!

"Do it!" With the order of the Firebird, another late-stage fusion cultivator jumped out and pounced on Brother Zhaiyue. The demon cultivator in the middle stage of the spirit transformation pounced on Yuanxiao, and the Firebird himself pounced on Hunyuanzi.

Brother Zhaiyue has now recovered to the great perfection of the fusion, and with the advantage of magic weapons, it is really easy and pleasant to deal with a late-stage fusion demon cultivator.

Hunyuanzi suppressed his strength and deliberately showed that he just overpowered the fire bird. He punched and kicked the fire bird, suppressing its anger, but it couldn't vent it.

Only Yuanxiao had a little harder time. With the great perfection of the Nascent Soul and the best equipment, he was just evenly matched with a late-stage God Transformation cultivator. If he summoned the God Nascent Soul to help, he would probably have the upper hand in a two-on-one fight.

But there was no need. Yuanxiao just needed to hone himself in actual combat to prepare for the impact of the early stage of God Transformation, so he just turned on the shield, put on the golden boxing gloves, and went head-to-head with the demon cultivator on the opposite side. In terms of magic, the opponent was slightly better; but in terms of physical body, Yuanxiao crushed the opponent.

Yuanxiao seized the opportunity and exchanged punches with the demon cultivator in the late stage of the Spiritualization. He immediately broke the demon cultivator's hand bones and never dared to fight again. He looked closely and saw that the boy was wearing golden boxing gloves. He immediately cursed the boy for being despicable!

On the other side, Brother Zhaiyue had tied up the demon cultivator in the late stage of the Combination with the Immortal Binding Rope. He could neither move nor escape. He was stabbed in the Dantian by the elder brother and ended his life.

When the Firebird saw that one of his own people had fallen, he was immediately anxious and tried his best to counterattack Hunyuanzi, but his opponent was more skilled than him. When he attacked, his opponent could always stop him. When his opponent attacked, he could never stop him. He had more and more minor injuries on his body. Gradually, he could not hold on!

At this time, Brother Zhaiyue recalled the Immortal Binding Rope and threw it again, only tying up the waist of the demon cultivator in the Spiritualization, restricting him to a certain range and preventing him from escaping.

Yuanxiao seized the opportunity, used the flash to escape to the opponent who was tied up at the waist, grabbed the opponent's right wrist with his left hand, and started to punch with his right fist, one punch after another.

In close combat, competing in physical strength and power, how many people can beat Yuanxiao? After only three or five punches, the bones of the left hand of the demon cultivator were completely crushed, and he could no longer punch to resist. Then he was hit by Yuanxiao's punches, and his chest collapsed. The demon cultivator's waist was entangled by the immortal rope, and his right wrist was caught by Yuanxiao, so he couldn't escape.

Yuanxiao's last punch hit the demon cultivator's dantian, smashing his dantian into pieces. The demon cultivator could no longer support himself, fell to the ground, and gradually lost consciousness.

Firebird was sweating coldly, and had made up his mind to escape. The man opposite was ridiculously strong, and he was no match for him. If the old man next to him released the immortal rope to help, he would definitely die.

While he was daydreaming, he was hit by Hunyuanzi's punch again, and he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. The firebird immediately teleported away, but he didn't know that Hunyuanzi had left a spiritual mark on his body, as obvious as a firefly in the night sky.

Seeing the firebird escape, Hunyuanzi smiled and said, "Come on, just follow me. I have left a spiritual mark on him, which is difficult to dissipate within a day. I can sense his position at any time, and it is easy to catch up with him."

Then the three of them chased in the direction where the firebird escaped. Unexpectedly, the firebird's nest was not far away. It only flew more than 3,000 miles and landed in a valley.

"There is a cave at the foot of the mountain in front of the right, and the firebird is there." Hunyuanzi pointed to the cave.

"Brother, big Hunzi, first set up a formation to block the cave entrance. This time, don't hold back. Kill one by one, because you have already chased to the nest." Yuanxiao ordered.

The three of them landed at the entrance of the cave, each doing their best. Each of them set up several siege formations to try to keep all the enemies. Brother Zhaiyue flipped through the storage ring and finally found a set of ready-made fairy formations, which he also threw at the entrance of the cave. This time it was foolproof.

Yuanxiao took out two modified and upgraded Yuanqi cannons, aimed at the depths of the cave, quickly loaded the top-grade spiritual stones, and began to bombard. One cannon used a focused spiritual beam to attack in a straight line, and the other cannon then used conventional spiritual energy shells to bombard. The two cannons attacked alternately, with an attack interval of less than two breaths, almost achieving continuous shooting.

Brother Zhaiyue and Hunyuanzi were also people who had seen the world, but they had never seen a mountain-attack cannon used to block the door and attack the cave! Purple beams and purple fragments flew around in the cave, mixed with rubble flying around, it was simply the end of the world, too brutal!

The spiritual beams and spiritual energy shells stimulated by the top-grade spiritual stones are extremely powerful, so it goes without saying that if there are cultivators below the level of Crossing Tribulation in the cave, such as the demon cultivators in the Fusion Stage and the Spiritualization Stage, they will definitely die because the cave is narrow and there is no escape. The demon cultivators in the Crossing Tribulation Stage will probably be injured, and only the cultivators in the Mahayana Stage can be safe and sound.

Well, let Yuanxiao clear out all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals first, and then slowly deal with the remaining Crossing Tribulation and Mahayana cultivators.

"Brother, big bastard, do you want me to lend you my top-grade flying sword?" Yuanxiao asked while shooting.

"No, I have this semi-artifact gold fist glove that is comparable to a top-grade spiritual weapon, which is enough!" Hunyuanzi replied.

"This immortal rope in my hand is an immortal weapon itself. I also have an immortal sword, don't worry about me." Brother Zhaiyue said and casually took out an immortal sword, which turned out to be a fire-attributed immortal sword.

Yuanxiao fired hundreds of shells in a row before stopping and putting away the two Yuanqi cannons. It is estimated that those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are dead.

Yuanxiao instructed: "My mission has been completed, and the remaining big shots will depend on you two. Big bastard enters the gate formation to attack, and the elder brother is responsible for tying people with the immortal rope outside the formation, and harasses them to the extreme, while activating the world-breaking shuttle to be ready. If you encounter an immortal from the lower world, the big bastard will immediately retreat to the elder brother and escape."

The elder brother and Hunyuanzi obeyed his orders. Hunyuanzi immediately jumped into the formation at the door, put on the semi-artifact gold boxing gloves, and was ready to go. The elder brother jumped outside the formation, with the immortal rope in his left hand and the immortal sword in his right hand, ready to tie people up and harass at any time.

Yuanxiao jumped outside the formation, ready to harass. First, he threw three sky fire hidden thunders into the formation, waiting for an opportunity to detonate them. Even if they didn't cause much damage, at least they could make the enemy flustered.

Before the dust in the cave settled, a figure flashed out. Just as he flew three feet outside the cave, he was stopped by the siege formation.

Hunyuanzi's accumulation of strength had reached its peak at this time, and he punched him in the back with all his strength!

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