The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 669 Living Ancient Gods, the Children of Heaven

Yuanxiao's heart moved when she heard this. Of course there is such a behemoth, and that is the Ancient God!

Yuanxiao never expected that he would encounter an existence suspected of being an ancient god in the ninth heaven of the immortal world, and he was alive.

"Xiao Qi, sometimes you can't see the truth because we are too close!" Yuan Xiao said to Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi Bingxue was smart and understood immediately. Then the two of them took off into the air together, rising straight into the sky.

The two of them flew higher and higher, the scenery under their feet became smaller and smaller, and the range they could see became wider and wider. After a stick of incense, the two of them had flown high enough. When they looked down at their feet, they both took a deep breath.

Yuanxiao and Xiaoqi suddenly discovered that the face facing their feet was the face of a giant, and they just happened to be standing on the tip of the giant's nose!

Looking further away, you can vaguely see the giant's shoulders and arms, but you can't see it clearly because it is too far away.

"Yuanxiao, this giant has exceeded my knowledge and has subverted my world view. Can I tell my parents about this shocking discovery?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Xiao Qi, don't tell anyone. First of all, this secret has a deep connection with me and is related to my life. Secondly, this little giant may be related to one of the three immortals, because only the three immortals have the ability Hide the little giant in the ninth level of this fragment and completely seal the entrance to the ninth level," Yuan Xiao replied.

"Again, this secret has nothing to do with your parents. If you know it, not only will it not be of any benefit, but it may cause trouble. Because this may involve the dispute between the three clans of humans, demons and demons, and it may be the property of a certain immortal. One of the hidden methods.”

"Do you understand, Xiaoqi?" Yuanxiao asked.

"Don't worry, once you say that, I understand everything! There are some secrets, and the more you know, the better. Besides, even if you only talk about the first one, since it is related to your safety, I will not tell anyone. Don't you want me to swear?" Xiao Qi asked again.

"No need. You can secretly give me the boundary-breaking shuttle at home, so why should I be worried?" Yuan Xiao chuckled.

"You still have some brains! You're not all stupid!" Xiao Qi took the opportunity to make a sarcastic comment.

Yuan Xiao smiled bitterly. She didn't expect that she, the leader of a sect and a person who was always considered to have many methods, turned out to be a semi-stupid person in Xiao Qi's eyes!

"Let's go down first." After Yuan Xiao finished speaking, he and Xiao Qi landed down together.

After the two of them landed back on the top of the mountain, that is, on the tip of the giant's nose, Yuan Xiao stretched out his palm, circulated the divine energy in his body, and began to place his palm on the boulder on the top of the mountain.

After a while, the whole mountain began to shake and began to undulate violently, as if the little giant was trying to wake up, as if the little giant was calling out from his sleep.

Yuanxiao confirmed that the little giant was indeed still alive, and immediately took back his palm and began to think deeply.

The moment her palm connected with the little giant, Yuan Xiao felt a call of family affection. Of course, it was the aura of the ancient god Qitian and the aura of the little giant that pulled each other together. It was a connection engraved in the blood that would last forever.

Shenlong once said that according to legend, during the ancient war between immortals, the wife of the ancient god leader Qi Tian escaped with a pair of children, and her whereabouts are unknown. Could it be that this living little giant is one of Qitian's children?

Now that he has become the heir to Qitian, if these two children are still alive, wouldn't they all have a natural and continuous relationship with him? Is this little giant at his feet the son or daughter of Qitian? Where is the other child?

"Xiao Qi, this is just a fragment of the fairy world. It is estimated that the area will not be too big. I want to spend two or three days flying around in the sky to check if there are other giants." Yuan Xiao suggested.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Xiaoqi said. Since it was related to Yuanxiao's safety, Xiaoqi was of course very concerned about it.

So the two of them stepped on Xiao Huang, Xiao Qi picked up Xiao Jin, and then Xiao Huang flew into the sky, fluttering his wings and flying high into the sky. Start flying in a circle with this point as the center, and gradually expand the flight radius.

As a result, it was not until the sixth day that the entire fragment of the fairy world was viewed from high in the sky at the ninth level, but no second little giant was found.

The two beasts began to gradually descend in height. Yuan Xiao said: "Xiao Huang, Xiao Jin, I haven't found any treasures in the past two days. Now find a good place with mountains, forests and streams, and let's have a good time for two days!"

Xiao Qi laughed when he heard this: "Even if you still have some conscience, I thought you had forgotten it. I only have two days left to go home!"

"You can patiently accompany me to find the little giant for six days without any complaints. I will take you to play for two days. Of course it is only natural!" Yuanxiao said.

"Well, I still have to knock rocks to shake fish, play in the water, eat grilled fish, go camping, and...well, I still need to..." Xiaoqi started to click. Get up the menu.

"Okay, make arrangements! Don't be anxious, think about it slowly!" Yuan Xiao said with a smile.

"That's all for now. I'll tell you when I think about it." Xiao Qi was content at the moment.

Yuan Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Xiao Huang, just go wherever you want!"

Xiaoqi looked along her finger and saw a red leaf forest at the foot of the mountain ahead, with a stream flowing next to it and many smooth stones on the side of the stream. The red leaf forest is full of birds chirping and the stream is roaring. It is indeed a good place to relax.

Yuanxiao picked a large bluestone that was the most spacious and flat to set up camp. He first set up two tents, then took out a full set of barbecue utensils and seasonings and prepared them in advance. During this time, Xiaoqi squatted beside him and watched Yuanxiao busy, holding his chin with both hands, waiting patiently.

Yuanxiao finally finished his work and said, "Let's go, Xiaoqi, let's go and shake the fish! This big task today is up to you!" Then he handed Xiaoqi a big hammer.

Xiaoqi said, "Wait for me!" Then he hurriedly took off his boots and put them on the edge of the bluestone, then rolled up his trouser legs to his knees, then took the big hammer and walked into the stream with Yuanxiao.

"Wow, there are so many fish!" Xiaoqi was very surprised.

"Try to knock on this one!" Yuanxiao said, pointing to a stone in the water.

Bang, bang, bang, Xiaoqi raised the big hammer and knocked it three times in a row, then Yuanxiao lifted the stone and saw that two fish were stunned and began to float to the surface.

Yuanxiao asked Xiaoqi to catch the two stunned fish, and then surrounded them with broken stones in a small independent puddle by the stream, threw the two fish in and circled them, and cleaned them before the formal barbecue, so that they would be freshest.

Xiaoqi was greatly encouraged and became playful. She chose two stones to knock on, and each time she caught fish, and she could get one or two fish each time. Xiaoqi was so happy that she began to forget everything else, and accidentally slipped and sat in the water. Although she was helped up by Yuanxiao afterwards, her clothes were half wet.

Fortunately, this little witch was used to being crazy and was not squeamish at all. After standing firm, she knocked on the big stone again and stunned two more fish. Xiaoqi was not satisfied with playing, and she had caught more than a dozen fish in a short while.

"Is it enough to eat?" Xiaoqi asked.

"My aunt, stop quickly, it's enough for the next meal!" Yuanxiao said with a smile. "Hurry up and change into dry clothes in the tent, then come play in the water. After you have enough fun, we can have a barbecue together. I will teach you!"

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