The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 19: Miscellaneous Spirit Stone Purification Test

Yuanxiao took out the sample of miscellaneous spirit stones from the bag and compared it to confirm that it had the same appearance and smell as the gray miscellaneous spirit stones on the ground, but the size was different.

Yuanxiao began to collect miscellaneous spirit stones, and after picking them up, he threw them into the storage space, close to the Apocalypse Pearl. When testing the purification pills last time, we already knew that the closer the distance, the better the purification effect, and the closer the distance, the faster the purification speed!

After picking up the miscellaneous spirit stones on this platform, Yuanxiao continued to move forward. When he encountered the next platform, he picked up all the miscellaneous spirit stones he saw again.

After picking up more than a dozen platforms in a row, there were already a lot of miscellaneous spirit stones in his hands, which had completely surrounded the Apocalypse Pearl in the storage ring.

Based on the distance of the journey, Yuanxiao estimated that he was almost close to the top of the mountain, at least he had reached the upper half of the mountain.

Continuing to move forward, he suddenly found a new platform, which was different from all the previous platforms.

This platform is not wide, and there are no miscellaneous spiritual stones, but the ground here is very flat and cleaner than other platforms. It is obvious that someone came to repair and clean it after the mine was abandoned.

Yuanxiao walked to the edge of the platform, carefully observed the walls around, and patted them with his hands while walking, but did not find anything unusual. Until he saw a few stones piled in front of one of the walls, with traces of cutting and grinding on them.

Yuanxiao moved the stones away from the wall and gently patted the wall here. When he patted a certain position, he suddenly heard an empty echo, which was completely different from the echo of the walls in other places, which meant that there was space behind this wall.

Yuanxiao pushed hard with both hands, and the stone door slowly rotated, revealing a passage that could accommodate one person. There is no night pearl on this platform, and the light is dim. After the mine was abandoned, it is estimated that no one has come here again. If Yuanxiao had not deliberately looked for a hidden place, it would be difficult to find that someone had built another space here.

Yuanxiao walked deep behind the door, and after walking a few dozen steps, he suddenly found a hole on each side.

Walking into the first hole on the left, it was about five feet deep and two feet wide, like a big house, with a set of rough stone tables and stone benches inside, which were obviously made by someone using local materials. There were several bottles and jars in the corner, all of which were still sealed. The stone table and the bottles and jars were covered with dust, and it was obvious that no one had been here for a long time.

There was a row of night pearls on the stone wall of the room, which were also covered with dust, and some of them were still emitting a dim light. Yuanxiao took out a piece of cotton cloth from the ring and wiped it gently, brushing away the dust that blocked the light, and the whole room immediately became bright.

Turning around and walking into another hole on the right, this room was larger, with a rough stone bed inside, covered with a layer of hay. There was a shorter stone platform on the ground next to it, about ten feet square, with a cushion on it, which looked like it was used for practicing and meditating, and someone might have practiced here.

Some small spaces were chiseled out on the wall next to it, and several wooden boxes were placed inside. There is no night pearl in this room, but there is a bright light coming in, because there is a palm-sized window on one of the walls. It turns out that this is close to the outer surface of the mountain.

From the small window, you can see that the thickness of the mountain wall is about half a foot. There are a few weeds growing outside the window, which have a certain covering effect on this small hole. Through the gaps in the weeds in the window, you can see several other mountains in the distant Yunhai Gate site.

Looking down, you can just see a spiritual medicine garden not far in front of the mountain. The three big characters of spiritual medicine garden are very eye-catching. A yard encloses an area full of lush spiritual medicine.

Turning your head slightly, you can see the circular platform in front of the gate of the mine where the flying boat landed when you came. Now the flying boat is still on the platform, but I don’t know where Manager Mo has gone.

Yuanxiao cleaned the stone platform and put the night pearl on the stone platform for meditation. Then he found a stone and temporarily blocked the window, because it was almost dusk outside. If it was completely dark, the light of the night pearl might shine through this window.

Although there are only a few people at the old site of the mountain gate now, it is still possible that it will be discovered by people down the mountain. And the next purification test of the miscellaneous spirit stones cannot be disturbed, so Yuanxiao is very cautious.

It turns out that the owner of this room did not install the night pearl in this room, probably to hide it, so that people outside and down the mountain would not find this room.

Yuanxiao returned to the secret door and closed the stone door, returned to the big room, and sat on the futon in the middle of the stone platform. If the former owner of this place is still here, I borrowed this place, and I will definitely thank him when I meet him in the future.

Yuanxiao opened the storage ring and planned to take out all the miscellaneous spirit stones and apocalypse beads that he had collected before. But when the mind just probed into the space inside the ring, he was stunned by the spirit stones piled on the ground inside!

There is a change!

The miscellaneous spirit stones are almost covered with a layer of dirt, and the color has turned black and gray. There were only a few miscellaneous spirit stones on the edge that Yuanxiao had picked up on the last platform, less than half an incense stick of time so far, and the location where they were placed was far away from the Apocalypse Pearl. Except for these few stones that had changed very little, the other miscellaneous spirit stones had changed color.

Waving his hand to take out all the miscellaneous spirit stones and the Apocalypse Pearl, the whole room was immediately filled with a comfortable aura. Yuanxiao picked up one of the black and gray miscellaneous spirit stones, wiped off the dirt on the outside, revealing the white spirit stone inside, which had changed from a gray miscellaneous spirit stone to the current white.

Yuan Xiao stood up, took out the low-grade spiritual stone sample given by Yunhaimen in his left hand, and took the white spiritual stone purified by Tianqizhu in his right hand, and put them together for careful comparison.

The shapes are different, because the sample is a small cube that has been cut, and the white spiritual stone purified by Tianqizhu is actually an irregular mixed spiritual stone before, so the shape and size are not the same.

The color is white, but the white spiritual stone purified by Tianqizhu is whiter. The sample emits a faint luster, and the white spiritual stone purified by Tianqizhu has a more obvious luster.

In terms of breath, the spiritual stone breath emitted by the low-grade spiritual stone sample is relatively light. The white spiritual stone purified by Tianqizhu has a stronger breath and gives people a more comfortable feeling.

These purified white spiritual stones are definitely low-grade spiritual stones! And the quality is much higher than the sample. This means that the low-grade spiritual stones held by Yuan Xiao are of higher quality than the low-grade spiritual stones commonly used in the current cultivation world!

The feeling of getting rich overnight is here!

Cultivation emphasizes wealth, companions, methods and land, and wealth ranks first.

The wealth of the immortal cultivation world includes both the universal currency of spiritual stones, various spiritual tools, magic weapons, immortal tools, etc., as well as some rare immortal cultivation materials, top-grade medicinal herbs, elixirs, etc. These can all be classified as property. Because they can be converted into each other, spiritual stones can buy various treasures, and various treasures can also be sold in exchange for spiritual stones.

Of course, immortal cultivation also pays attention to personal qualifications and opportunities, whether there are famous teachers to guide, and personal diligence and understanding, all of which are related to the achievements of immortal cultivation.

But if there is no shortage of spiritual stones, a person's cultivation height may not increase, but the speed of cultivation will inevitably increase a lot.

Yuanxiao suddenly missed Brother Sikong Zhaiyue very much. I don't know where this old man is now? This precious Tianqi Pearl was actually given by the old man!

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